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Everything posted by mafpe

  1. if you're 24 of age in that photo, you have a rather aggresive hair loss / baldness. i'd suggest to think about stabilizing the hairloss like the members above advised, because there is the risk of you still losing the transplanted hair due to how prevalent your hair loss is.
  2. thank you. i'm already on finasteride for... maybe 6-7 years though, i don't recall th exact year. as dr rahal's rep said though, there is a real risk of shocking weak hair to their death. for now, all i can hope is that it's not growing yet only because of the trauma, and will bounce back later. i also, pre op, it looked really thick because my scalp hair was around 12cm on average, which is why the crown looks filled. my barber told me i was thinning though, so without length, it'd be pretty see through. so to say, my condition on crown is kind of similar to you depend on how i comb it / how wet it is. if you don't mind using concealer though, do use concealer instead. unfortunately i have no idea about shock loss / success rate for HT when it's not bald nor thick like ours.
  3. 5 days imo kinf od too near to xmas. i think it's best to have at least a week full of time that you can consult your doctor. just in case you have worries or if anything might go wrong. after 7 / 10 days, usually there are little to no worries left.
  4. it's likely that it might not grow on that area since the area would be predominantly be made of scar tissue.
  5. https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/64288-dr-demirsoy-armamed-3270-grafts-june-2022/
  6. Like gil said, it's just inflamed and a little swell. It's normal since it just got trough a wound. It's like if you pricked your hand, the spot will be red and a little bumped for a while.
  7. I think the shock loss risk is real. True the shock loss might be temporary, but take me for example, usually the ops won't include my crown area. Currently due to the HT, the recipient area is lagging behind severely due to the trauma. It's possible it's just temporary, and after the phase pass, it will all grow well again, but if by chance it killed some hair due to the trauma... you'll end up worse than when you started. It might just be fear talking, but thats my current state 1.5 mo post op. It'd take at least half a year to see if everything is alright or if it's not. If i'm to rewind time, i'm not sure whether i'd still have my crown transplanted.
  8. i started losing hair from 16. one day i just started shedding a lot. i didn't visibly recede until 19 though. started taking meds around 21. i can't really advise you because of your age, DHT blocker in a way alters hormone, and i am worried of what it might do to you since you're at the age where your hormone is bursting. there are people who says that it affects them to the point they have gynecomastia (man boobs). i have no idea if it's true or not, and if it would. if you want to try finas, you should micro dose it in very small amount and see how it affects you. as far as i know, DHT shampoo aren't really effective, but it might reduce a little bit of scalp DHT. i think you should approach it very mildly until you're no longer a teen. stress affects your hair very harshly, when i'm stressed for long period, my hair can be somewhat see through, but when i'm not, they look.... fine... so on the bright side, it might just be stress. i think it's best you take on things that won't have any heavy side effect, especially if it's going to affect the hormone.
  9. well if you're hellbent on going there... good luck man, hopefully your HT will turns out fine. there are definitely cases where his work turns out ok. while i'm not a fan or hater of asmed, the amount of botch job from there is just too big to ignore for me, which is why i never recommended the place. coupled with big marketing, i'm rather skeptical of them.
  10. It depends on your tolerance honestly. People microdose to get the least amount of side effect, meanwhile if you're practically unaffected, taking even more and or move to dutasteride is fine. Not that we would recommend it unless needed though. If you think you have no side effect at all, taking 1.25 daily is fine.
  11. Like maize said, he's either very lucky or is in agreement with the clinic to be made as a case. Like that ofc the clinic will be using their top team. It does loom good for him. It's way too forward and wouldn't age well, but it's still good looking. The only problem that he would have in the future is when the rest of his native hair bald, in which he would not have the grafts needed if he want to cover it later. That level of baldness at 26, most likely than not, he is on the worse end of NW scale in the future.
  12. I'd say not to. It's only 2.5 weeks and smp is a form of tattooing, which induce trauma to the skin tissue. Let it heal better before doing it. Ask your clinic when yiu can have SMP. Yes the area isn't transplanted. But whats the chance of the area being unaffected at all, especially if he's working near the transplanted area? What if your tattoo artist mistakenky SMPed part of the area that had HT?
  13. He changed his modus operandi, and his clinic is considered one of the hairmill. There are several members that are happy with him, but from how many are bashing him due to being botched, it's considered not a good option looking at the ratio.
  14. Wait what he had four? I thought he didn't do anything for his head. That changes things though, it means that the donor might be safe non DUPA, but it would definitely look overharvested depend on what he does since even now it looks a little patchy on short trim. That and the scalp are looking thin, most likely means he lost most native and even few transplanted ones. If he did have HT before, that is.
  15. The side effect seems to be more than 5% yes, but i think the number might be around 10% if its used for a while (not to mention that usually people bothered to be active in something only if they have the problem, otherwise they wouldn't even think of it or research very much), since many report that the sides go away after getting used to the meds (usually around 1 to 3 months), but for the risk of it being long lasting like it dod for our OP here, i think it's best that he doesn't since even topical one affects him. On OP's topic... i'm not sure but it seems like your donor is also slightly thin? I'm worried that your DUPA isn't only on the scalp and front, since if that's the case, your transplanted hair might be prone to balding as well... coupled with that you can't use meds, it's probable that it'd be lost after several years... I suggest that yoy look for alternative solution for a while, from concealer, to milder meds... like our forum mod melvin, he doesn't use finas but have an alternative instead, and so far it seems to be doing well for him.
  16. i'd recommend at least three. that way your graft will be secure enough and you won't be worried as much about something happening to it. it can still be dislodged but it would take some force for it to happen. unless if you have nothing lined up until the next 2 weeks, then 10 days is usually agreed as when nothing would happen to the grafts unless damage severely.
  17. ^^^^^ as the above post says. mostly the meds work to PREVENT FURTHER HAIR LOSS, instead of "regrowing". there are a few case of some regrowth, but it's not much, if anything, very abysmal that you can barely notice it. still, without it, you'd be more likely to be bald fully. my own estimate is that i saved myself from balding another 2 NW level compared to if i don't use the meds. laser might work for some people, but for the vast majority, it doesn't. i've never seen any laser therapy that has been proven to be effective without other elements, such as meds, dietary change, lifestyle change, etc. none of the cases are result from the laser therapy itself, meanwhile the other elements has been effective, which leads me to believe that it's doing almost nothing. i myself had the laser therapy for a year, with no result to show. if you end up having a HT, there's a chance that you can still lose the transplanted hair, especially so if your balding gene is strong. taking meds minimize the risk of losing them.
  18. dr. yaman works on 2021 have many good result when you think of their pricing, this is also the case even in the early 2022. and yes he does have a lot of patient and many reviews. and at his pricing? a real steal deal. he was one of the surgeons i was considering of going to among 4, and definitely the easiest to go if you count the cost. there are definitely more than 3 cases, but i can't say which because i only remember seeing more than that, but the one i remembered the most was only digi's. yes, digi's work isn't a complete botch nor a disaster, but it is less than satisfactory, and below average due to the peoblem of multigrafts and angling. when you trim, the affected area would appear very unnaturally thick, and even if grown, the thickness plus multigraft will give a pluggy result. again, not a botch nor disaster, but definitely not a good work. it's not very obvious, but if people talk to you for more than 30 secs while looking straight at you, unless you take care of that area every few days, even normal non balding people would notice. they might or not know it's HT or not, but it'd feel off, or think that he went to a subpar barber. for anyone self concious, nobody would want their 'weakness' to be noticed. anyway, dr yaman have a good track record, it's just that lately as it seems that he went with a tech model, with 3 ops a day, his results took a hit, even more so when bad cases pops out one after another in short period of time. i think that's what make the members here fearful toward him. sure he isn't as horrifying as some make it to be, but these latest bad cases does make many view the clinic differently, especially since he's doing 3, with heavy tech involvement, while he's just supervising. change that number to 6, and people would yell "HAIR MILL ALERT!!!". i think he's still a better option at cheap price than any hair mill, but yes, his work quality as of late has dropped. i do think if he's all that you can afford... the option is there. i have no idea if yaman outsource bad tech like @HAIRLOSS IS MY LIFE said, it's probably a hyperbole, but on those bad cases... it is bad. the guy wrote valid points however, and i do agree that extraction is the most important, because a bad extraction means many many dead grafts, and if the grafts are dead, it would mean a failed transplant either way. incision, is probably the 2nd most important, because angling and position can make the HT look great or horrific. there are many other important factor, like solution for graft survival etc, but anyway, extraction is one if not the most important aspect, which many hair mill fail at.
  19. The thing with dr.yaman is that he has 3 patient a day, and he's the "head surgeon", which directs the HT. But it's team that perform most of the work, not the dr himself. From the several bad results lately, it seems that at least one of the team have inexperienced tech, which leads to the bad result. Not to mention about the templework which is a problem on some cases of his also. His pricing however, is pretty economic so its a slight gamble with "you get what you pay for". If you search the forum, you can also find an ex member with name digi23, that's one of the "bad" case (this one is a temple problem). If you can afford a better surgeon, you should for the peace of mind, otherwise at least you have a better chance with him than with hair mill.
  20. depend on your baldness level? but if you say you're balding in the crown, it should be pretty high norwood unless you're at 3A max. HT can give you the looks you want, the problem is if they will stay there or go away because you don't take meds.
  21. i don't see the drawn line for the suggested hair, but i guess it was way lower than it should be from what all the members said. you said that 1/2 - 1cm, i think that'd be good for you. but honestly from your side profile, i think lowering your hairline down would ruin the facial third rule though, in which the middle part is already low enough for your facial structure. I'd advise on only filling in your temple in a flatter M shape, which most people do, and not further your hairline. we're the same age, and usually for people with balding from younger age, we are more prone to high NW baldness, so it's best to be conservative.
  22. ooh my bad i thought since you said are all transplanted, it was empty. yeah there's no problem using it temporarily, it could help speed up the resting phase, as long as u can tolerate the med. and like u said, u know the gain is temporary but like vitamins, it's ok to take them only when needed.
  23. it's fine like what others said. it's just that they have shed fully. actually you can even pick the other recipient follicle and not damage the grafts since what's left on the other spots are hair waiting to be pushed out. (it's fine to do, but it leaving them there won't affect anything so you can just leave it no problem.)
  24. transplanted hair normally starts growing month 3 from HT. shock loss is the term people use if the surrounding native hair falls out and be bald for temporarily or permanently due to the trauma, but for your case, it's not shock loss in your empty recipient area. if the graft survived, it'd grow later, if not, then the affected area probably didn't survive due to the infection. it could help though, unless you have a condition that makes u unable to tolerate minox, it'd be good to use.
  25. There are times that the follicles are asleep, but unless youre on acute telogen phase, they are rare, and normally the number should be low. A few doubles are somewhat expected, but it shouldnt be a lot. For lower cost surgeons though, as far as i can tell, most if not all doesn't bother using microscope since thats a lenghty process which needs a dedicated personel, and that means less graft usually. I didn't go to a recc doc here, and the doc also doesn't use a microscope. My results isnt out yet but i think there would be a few if not several doubles.
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