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Everything posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. Seems like you are out of luck unless she comes back from her 13 year old deep slumber.😴
  2. Hell of a dig man, didnt know this forum was that old.
  3. Unlikely but then again we weren't expecting to find Finasteride when we did. And that was already being used on the prostate. If something is coming up and thats a big "if" I would imagine it to be completly coincidentical.
  4. Yeah, actually it was recommended here aswell so I am likely to use it to get the cab. Which airport are you going from? The closest one I got from where I am based is Manchester but its waaaay down the road so I might need to change flights in between if I want to go from Birmingham. Still need to plan them aswell but I am thinking about booking it next month.
  5. Tristan Tate doesn't seem to be using it currently and his crown seems to have receeded a little.
  6. Man that puts my mind at ease. drawdownfx went there this Christmas and he mentioned he had his doctor asking for reasons on why he needed the blood test and vice versa. He ended up getting them though but at some point he thought he would have to go for a private clinic. I did howeaver inform my GP last year to write down the fact that I am having surgery this summer and he basically mentioned that it should be fine and once the time comes to give them a ring so hopefully it will go well without trouble.
  7. Can't wait to know more. Let us know how everything went. Always curious to see more De Freitas cases. Also, did you had any trouble getting blood tests they asked through the NHS? Its one of the things that I am concearned with but I think I should have enough time to get these done.
  8. I can see why. You look great, honestly I doubt anyone would be able to tell you have hair loss and if you add Finasteride to the mix you have hair for life.
  9. Are they? Seems like clinics have different views in regards to this. Some usually go to 14 days while others say 3, not so sure what is right though. I presume for FUE takes a bit less to recover from then FUT so that might be part of the reason. From my understanding though it seems like its general consensous that 14 days should be the "optimal" time patients should be taking care of their heads post-op.
  10. I think its quite a great result to be honest, but results often depend on the hair caliber from the donor region more often so then the money. This is why sometimes hairmills are ocasionally able to pull it over (from the thinning areas) with patients that have a ridicule amount of caliber in their heads even though they may literally destroy the donor itself.
  11. Pretty much confirmed what everyone already knew.😅 He also seems to be keeping it smart and using medication (Finasteride) alongside his proccedure for maintenance, good on him.
  12. Looks great Gatsby, I know its been a tough journey out there for you but it seems like all the pieces are starting to fall in line and that is good to know.
  13. Take it from someone living in the UK who did proper research for the surgeon, if these two are the only ones on your list you should bet on De Freitas. UK doesn't really have any good surgeon on par with Belgium, Portugal or Spain. PS: I am booked for this summer with him.
  14. Please do share when/if you can. Comments like these help me calm my nervousness for having him booked for the following year. I really hope in a year's time I can feel as happy as you.
  15. I do feel De Freitas being quite conservative in general since you see loads of patients addressing their hair loss in 2 years opting mostly for a more defensive approach for several cases.
  16. Yeah. I feel like De Freitas never really reached as far as 4 per day and an average take of 2 patients is far from being bad news so long as the clinic keeps giving good results. From what I heard Couto is also over 3 so no difference in that matter.
  17. I would look into the results of each doctor from independent patients and compare it to your specific hair/Norwood situation. While I am sure both could suit you, I would always make a list with more than a single doctor and reduce the list by the so called process of elimination. PS: I am booked with De Freitas Next summer.
  18. Looks really good, I like how the angles and the graft placement have been made.
  19. You know that you will likely take a higher dose of Paracetamol or Aspirin throughout the years then the total amount that you would for Finasteride right? It is never as "off" as you try to make it seem.
  20. You raise a great point. People do all kinds of things that may also exacerbate a lot of Finasteride's side effects such as smoking, abusing alcohol, practicing sedentary lives and not having a healthy diet. Taking Finasteride in comparison is a piece of cake to all those.
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