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Everything posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. Sometimes it doesn't need to. You may likely have it somewhere upwards on your family tree and gotten unlucky on the lottery.
  2. I do agree that the results aren't dense enough for the perfect coverage. However it's important to reiterate that in extreme cases with NW7 it's very difficult to get these. For 3000 grafts placed throughout the hairline I feel like they didn't do a bad job but obviously should have managed their expectations a bit better. it's more likely the communication which went wrong rather then the transplant itself since it wasn't the first one taken by op.
  3. Not the Finasteride. If your unlucky and your baldness progresses further then you will surely need the dutasteride "upgrade". Talk to your doctor first of course.
  4. If hair regrowth is constant within the donor area it could in theory mean an infinite donor from which grafts could be taken. It does in a way sound way too good to be true but big if proven. I wonder if past HT patients could in some way benefit from that in case they want more hair on the donor, especially those who may had great results in the recipient area but got overharvested in some turkish cheap hairmill.
  5. Thanks, feel free to drop me a PM if you're curious as usually I just don't feel comfortable posting pictures on the forum. I would actually be curious for any opinions you may have. I honestly wasn't really considering oral minox but I am slowly thinking about the idea. The numbers for your case seem to hit right though, 3k for the front, 400 spread throughout the temples separetely from the 3k and then the 1200 to 1400 on the crown. See the thing about me is that I want my hair to go all the way down so donor preservation is a priority for my case since I really want to be able to wear long ponytails or make hairstyles with a bow. If the crown is just a little thin with some good thick long hairs then odds are it should go 90% of the times unnoticed, if I wear a ponytail then it will hardly be noticed considering the long thick hairs from the front and of course there's medication to help enhance the previous results.
  6. Spanish forums, italian and here. First time I ever saw pictures of pictures from his hairlines was back in 2018 so I kept an eye on any patients he had. You have a couple of Youtube results posted by the clinic where you can judge the work if it fits your ideas or not. I did contact them before going for De Freitas but they were overly booked, which is why I decided to not go with him. I dont know if I can post the links here but you can google recuperatupelo and check them for yourself, for the italian do the same for belicapeli. I think most of his work though is famous on spanish ones for obvious reasons.
  7. I have been following his work for a couple of years now and they are solid. I think any of the top doctors should be able to deliver from Pinto, Ferreira, Freitas or Couto.
  8. Your pattern seems similar to mine aswell, I am going to De Freitas this June so I will have at least the frontal portion, entrances and center sorted. I do still have some hair on the crown so its not receeded as much as yours so I have told them to place a couple of grafts in there if feasible because it would help to bridge the frontal hairline to the back, especially with long hair since mine do grow a lot in a short span of time. I was told that they wouldnt likely be able to fill it all but if possible the doctor would extract more towards that area, to be honest I think my hair improved a bit in the last year from the crown and I certanly feel one of the sides being a bit stronger then what it was a year ago, so I think that will help the final results aswell. Mind you I am not planning to go above and beyond but maybe try and see if I can get at least 200 to 300 grafts in there, even if I have to pay a bit more in the end I think it will be worth it considering my hair goals in the long term. Then if necessary after a year or another I can come back and get the rest done. I am not worried about the temples since I am planning to wear my hair long, I dont think mine are too bad so my focus will be mostly rebuilding my diffused hairline. I will say though that I would prefer to have to plan two steps and get the glory then have everything in a go and end up with nothing. From my understanding the risk of going beyond 3500 ~ 4000 would be the blood supply competition in the scalp for your grafts and it would always be higher in comparisson to have a smaller surgery done.
  9. Major improvement man, congratulations for your results. I would try and grow it out to see if you can layer the bald areas with the thickness you got. Your donor seems very strong so even if you went for a third Id say you would still make it.
  10. At 24 days the grafts are more then anchored. Doubt it alot.
  11. Probably is since he knew about it when he pointed prince Williams baldness. Surprisingly I think he got the worst part of the dice since his hair loss seems agressive to beggin with. If he hasnt yet I would in his position consider the Dutasteride switch to prevent further fallout. Odds are he will respond well and put it down for good. I honestly dont really see many signs of transplant on Bieber though but he could very well become a candidate if he keeps losing ground and stabilizes way too late if he stabilizes at all...
  12. In my eyes slightly "unnatural" hairline still beats being bald any day, any time.
  13. Bear in mind that lots of hairmills may falsely claim to have heald celeb a,b or c just to boost their popularity without ever having had them in the first place. Not that this is the case but it very well could be known g the amount of them spread throughout Turkey.
  14. Well. Contrary to (un)popular belief not all celebs are ignorant to the HT industry. Oblak from Atlético also got it a few years back afaik. He used to be thinning a lot back in the day when he was playing with Benfica and continued thinning while at atlético. He got his job done during summer of his second season in atlético. He may have used the likes of Lorenzo (who was delivering back in the day) or Couto aswell.
  15. Looks solid. Probably one of the rising stars for the upcoming years based of results.
  16. I wouldn't touch it. Get on meds before it gets any worse and keep it for life, that's it.
  17. You have similar pattern of baldness as myself, I am a little better though in terms of native hairs and have a slightly stronger crown. I think 5000 make sense in your case knowing you are NW5A with both sides alongside the bridge thinning with some hairs spread around the frontal third. Medication should be the first thing to try so you can avoid falling under NW6 and once you stabilize it you should be able to have around aprox 3000 on the front with some 1000 to 2000 over to the crown.
  18. I have no doubt they would but I wouldn't feel comfortable around them as I was in the past. I do however appreciate your kind words.
  19. If you did your reesearch ultimately is up to you. Make sure to have asked any lingering questions and doubts you might have with each one and evaluate different factors that come to play. Which clinic presents the hairline that is more appealing to yourself, that has less waiting times, do you prefer to have a surgeon solely dealing with the extractions/incisions/implanting or wouldnt you mind having techs performing at least one part of the proccess, etc. If doubt still persists then its your gut you must listen into, I have been on that side once and honestly there is no right or wrong answer. Ultimately it is your decision and you will likely feel sometimes "what would happen had I chosen clinic x instead of y or y instead of z" and that is normal, it still happens to me in fact so it wont change until I am through and through with the surgery. I cannot tell from any of those clinics which ones is best since the only doctor I consulted from Turkey was Bicer but you can ask other people around for it and they will be able to point you in the right direction.
  20. True, I just mentioned the for price being one of the parameters when tiebreaking top surgeons alongside availability and other factors but never as the main motive for deciding a clinic. I would recommend though to build up a good budget till 15k at least (depending on your currency) to atract better clinics. I spent 8 years just to spare for a hair transplant, surely if someone really wants to get their hair back as much as I do they can do it.
  21. Agreed. If you are going in for this you are going for the results, not price. Of course there should be a balance where cost + results come into play with your budget but you should at least have a good amount of spares before proceeding with a surgery.
  22. I do regret it everyday. Before losing hair I couldn't really be bothered about money so my plan was to go back to my country after getting a degree abroad. After losing it Saddly it became my priority to lift this so called slaphead curse out of my head. Which is why I staid abroad instead of returning home because I couldn't bear the shame of showing my face to friends in this state. So it has been 8 years since then, I will go for surgery and hopefully address these concerns for good.
  23. Cant see any hair loss, in fact would "kill" just to get the amount of hairs you got at your age.
  24. Honestly you look better then me so chances are you will get a very good result with a good doctor. De Freitas defo seems like a good option in your scenario, your density is also very good and you arent in a high level of norwood yet. I also agree with Archan, 1500 would be minimal, maybe you can max it up to 2000? but surely somewhere within this range.
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