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Everything posted by TheGreatPretender

  1. Considering you are NW3 you could get away with a couple of grafts in that area. I would say that you wouldnt lose much by trying to convince them since its a reasonable amount of grafts to commit. Most clinics are happy to do up to 3000-3500 grafts per session aprox. I am in a similar spot too because my crown isnt that much receeded but it has dipped a little on its frontal part without losing the twirl so I have asked them to fill it in if possible in my session. Howeaver my case is a little bit more complicated then yours so you could have better luck then myself.
  2. For what's worth, you're not alone on that. But as the other user said, you've been doing fine so far and better then many especially around so little time. You have a lot to look forward to.
  3. If we are talking about numbers I would say yes. Its rarely ever a one and done proccedure unless you chose one of the high norwood clinics (Eugenix, Zarev, Pitella). Personaly I feel safer with the two step approach because it would allow for higher preservation just in case something would go wrong and you have the flexibility to combine different meds until you go for the second visit so you may need less grafts and achieve higher perservation. All you can do is make sure that you get the most out of those two proccedures to maximize the results you can get each time.
  4. Depends on how far they are gone. I would say anything that goes beyond norwood 3 will usually need at least a second one to clear it off. Most of the times it really depends on the extensiveness of the impacted area.
  5. If it gave you side effects its acceptable you quit, howeaver 3 months is not a good time for a proper measurement of your success using the drug. Sometimes nocebo happens and people get "side effects" because of the horror stories they read on the internet. You could at least stick to Minoxidil to delay further loss. I am going to tell you the same thing I have told other users though. If you are set to go down this path, be prepared for multiple surgeries across the years as your hair loss moves forward because without a 5AR, chances are high that you will receed in the future.
  6. Yeah. For my end goals this shouldn't really be a problem imo but it's always good to know there are options should you want to be more versatile.
  7. Dude, thats an insane amount of growth for 5 months. I think you are getting there little by little.
  8. I am also thinking if in most cases in which a second intervention is required if it wouldn't be worth adding more aggressive forms of medication to improve the areas which weren't intervened in the first time instead of going off for a second the year after. Perhaps 2 to 3 years would be a good timeframe to measure effectiveness post first surgery. You never know how much area X could improve especially if you got hairs in there.
  9. Probably less necessary if you let them grow long which I plan to but will certainly try once it's there. My goal anyway is maximizing the lenght of hairs in that area.
  10. Assuming people arent on Medication the pattern will certanly dip down and sooner or later the donor region will take a hit. That being said if you are either on Finasteride or Dutasteride you should be able to keep it pretty much till your very last breath, assuming you take a pill everyday (or almost) till then. Of course some people are unluky and recede even while on meds, its never a guarantee even if rare. This is obviously only my opinion based on what I have reesearched.
  11. I will be aiming to grow hair down to shoulder lenght so I doubt that will be a problem in my case then hah.😁 Thanks for confirming my suspicions though.
  12. Some of it, but I am booked for a surgery next month because I already came to a point where I lost a lot. Your case could be different. Start with Finasteride for a year, check your progress monthly with pictures with Wet hair, if youre not happy add Minoxidil on the second. If on the third year you are still at a point in which you arent happy then its time for you to start looking for surgeons to book. And no, its never a waste of money. I would rather be taking Minoxidil for life knowing it can regrow and maintain hair then to have the stress for surgery that could have been avoided. Having a HT is a very big decision, not just finantially but emotionally too. I hope you know that. One note I might add is that your hair loss appears to be less severe then mine, so that helps a lot in your case.
  13. The side effects are rare in nature and if they happen you are more then able to stop it. I have been in it for 3 years and my only regret is not starting earlier. Please don't be me. Start medication first even if you're adamant on taking it, you will soon realize how silly a lot of the fears regarding the drug are.
  14. Choosing to be off from finasteride is Saddly a very risky choice since it's the most effective in preventing and stopping further recession. I feel like if you at least tried it it could even recover some ground especially when combining with Minoxidil. You could turn up to be a hyper responder and never need a surgery at all. If you chose to go down this path remember that if you chose to go without taking a 5AR blocker you will likely need multiple surgeries across your lifetime. You still got your forelock and your sides aren't that weak so there is still time for you to avoid headache. Surgery is always the last resort imo. But it's up to you.
  15. Unlikely. It has been proven in several studies that the maximum time which the folicles may require to anchor to the head is 14 days. Other then that you should be fine.
  16. Yes obviously. I guess my question had more to do regarding the flexibility of styling it after the hair reached a certain lenght towards an opposite direction to which the hair grows then changing the way it's "naturally" been implanted to grow. I know from a video rolandas posted he had one of the hairs from the sides implanted that was stubbornly growing in one way even though he was trying to style it in a certain way. However he was keeping it short, if he for some reason let that hair grow perhaps he could have a better flexibility. But again, this works the same way with the original native hair I suppose since some are made to grow in a very specific direction. I remember when I was trying to comb my baldness from the back to the front with one of the hairs from the crown it hurt as hell because the hair wasn't really adapting it back then.
  17. Exactly my thoughts. Obviously the angles or the placements are locked in for life but I think that you should at least be able to have a degree of styling flexibility once it grows up to a certain lenght. Oddly enough I think that usually with medium hairs there is a bit more flexibility then thick, coarse ones since they have a strong hold enough to avoid breakage but not strong enough to remain stubborn to grow in a specific way. Howeaver the shorter you keep, the less flexibility you should have.
  18. Just came to my mind a curious question. Obviously when choosing surgery each surgeon will implant the hair in say direction X, Y or Z depending on his/her style of preference and the patients request. Now it's obvious that these plucks of hairs will grow in a certain way post transplantation and initially will always stubbornly grow in a certain way. Even so, would it remotely be possible to make the hair used to grow in a certain way that has not been implanted to grow? My understanding is that after a certain lenght the hair will be able to be styled in a certain way that is more flexible then if kept short, again this is only my idea. Just curious on what you guys think.
  19. I think the "what ifs" are saddly inevitable. You will usually see a patient from doctor X that you previously reesearched and want to book him instead. Its important to be set once a decision is taken, whichever it is imo but obviously before make a strong list.
  20. Outstanding result. Especially for a NW6 guy. Congratulations on beating this curse!
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