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Everything posted by BurnieBurns

  1. What were your autoimmune symptoms? I've haven't heard of finasteride causing that.
  2. Just my two cents. Even because you're having issue's finding a maintenance plan you'd want to be maximising your lifetime supply of grafts. Ron Shapiro proved that doing FUT first then FUE will give you about 2-3k more than doing either or. Say you did an FUT then needed another surgery. FUE and BHT would then still be an opportunity for you. Less so the other way around. Plenty of more qualified people in the thread, I'm just in a similar boat to you
  3. I'm getting an FUT later this year and 100 percent happy with my decision. You'll find no end of threads debating the pros and cons but you'll have to give more information about your case if you're seeking advice
  4. Looks good aesthetically, and yes, that is a high level clinic - at the end of the day rare complications are always possible even is the best hands. For what it's worth, if you have some sensation by this point that's a good sign it will continue to improve slowly but surely. Personally, I wouldn't be thinking about a neurologist for at least a year post op
  5. It's very uncommon but this can happen in the recipient site, especially with inexperienced surgeons. I have a small procedure just on my hairline and barely had any sensation return until 6 months post op. over a year out I'm just over half way back to normal. I saw a neurologist about it who reassuringly said that full sensation will return but it could take 2 years or even more. where on your scalp is the recipient site?
  6. The the oral minox is definitely worth trying H&W Topical fin is got through xyonhealth.com
  7. Many credible doctors would say oral minoxidil is he next best line of defence. Make sure you speak to a doctor who's got experience with this though. Quick note on Topical finasteride. There's no gold standard for this. Different concentrations/vehicles etc. Many of them still have systemic absorption due to the vehicle being too penetrating or the concentration being too high. Dr Hasson's formula is the only version I've seen becoming more widely accessible that's specially made to reduce systemic absorption to a minuscule degree. I can totally appreciate the anxiety around this. I got side effects but I also have anxiety. What is what may never know. Regardless, judgemental comments never help haha
  8. Only available in Canada/US for now at xyonhealth.com. I can't get it either but they apparently have plane to make it international in due course.
  9. IMO if you can take fin daily - it's not worth adding anything else to your regimen if your loss is stable. (why not get a cutter? may be better than biting) I concur with the others that you should stick to the recommended surgeons here - it's just so risky going to random clinics, especially if they're cheap ones. Scar wise - best option may be filling it with beard grafts. You could potentially reduce it with another small FUT but not sure if that's super worth it. Density-wise - you'll need a combination of scalp and beard hair. Eugenix is great for this as mentioned. Bisanga/Mwamba also great - but I believe Mwamba does surgeries in the US as well as Belgium?
  10. Most formulations do have significant systemic absorption, but Dr Hasson's formulation apparently makes this extremely minimal while keeping it in the dermis where you want it.
  11. Hey Ken, you'll really need to get an appointment with a dermatologist or one of the sites recommended hair transplant doctors (Not for a transplant but because they know how best to diagnose). That's some pretty significant thinning above the ears. In my opinion it's not impossible to be DUPA but it also may be autoimmune related as suggested above. As always - take what forums say with a grain of salt - you'll wanna see a specialist as soon as possible as this will no doubt be distressing for you.
  12. Amen! It brings so much being able to see what's possible when you go to the right doctor. Especially considering that many find this forum after already being 'victims' of this industry.
  13. I'd say 6 months, but you'd need an experienced doctor to say for sure. Yes it is typically more effective that minoxidil and will thicken up all hair rather than just where you apply it. You'll get a lot of nay sayers but there are clinics nowadays who achieve pretty remarkable results with beard hair.
  14. It is one thing to assemble a list of , but getting the 'best of the best' is a trickier matter as the question becomes more nuanced. Price should probably be the last affecting factor as this will affect the rest of your life. Further questions which might help you choose the best for 'your' case would be. - What size of procedure are you wanting? - FUT or FUE? - How good is your donor? Is there any need to Body Hair? Also, have a consultation which each one! There should be nothing to lose on that front.
  15. If I were you I’d look into oral minoxidil because that will also thicken for donor. I you have demonstrate 6 months of stability, it may be worth proceeding. THEN I would go to a clinic specialising in body hair transplantation like Dr U or Eugenix. IF they can get enough scalp hair for the hairline then mix the rest with beard and body hair it’ll make a pretty bit difference.
  16. Yes it was Dr Mwamba's 0.1%. I'm 28 but my sensitivity to 5aR inhibitors is quite high and maybe my scalp absorbs more than some.
  17. I've never heard open people leaving it on for just 4 hours. Do you mean that as in they wash their hair after?
  18. Mainly trouble with Erections and orgasm. This was just on one ml a week. I've taken a break for now and exploring other options
  19. Great to hear that's working for you. I still got some sides from that same product but looks like just the answer for some. Just be carful about applying too frequently or it'll accumulate cos the half life is ages
  20. Shame to hear they're not enthusiastic about lowering the concentration. If someone has a large area to cover, micro-dosing with topical is a big challenge. I've tried a few topical fin and dut but still keep getting sides (and that was after micro-dosing oral). Understandably, I'm pretty open to sacrificing a bit of efficacy so long as I can tolerate it. Was going to give this version a go but it's not internationally available yet. I'm booked for surgery with Dr Wong in November so might try find out more info at the clinic.
  21. That was Knudsen and he said that was the original theory but was never proven. Yes, Dr Hasson dispels it due to the success it has even when acting locally.
  22. Dr Hasson is confident his formula is every bit have effective as oral after more than 5 years of developments. It's still not available outside US/Canada but they plan to
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