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Everything posted by BurnieBurns

  1. Thanks for sharing, based on these, that sounds like a good conservative number. Hopefully those surgeons were all recommended? Make sure to look at their examples being sure their crystal clear, check their hairline designs, are they in keeping with the style you’re hoping to achieve? Read the experiences of former patients. If you’re absolutely confident with more than one surgeon, then you can start factoring in costs and travel. that’s my two cents. I’m New Zealand based and made a big mistake by going somewhere local when the country was locked down. I should have waited.
  2. There is no best surgeon overall, the is only the best for your specific case. Ove elite surgeon may suggest a very different approach from another. You can share more detail and photos of your starting point if you want some input. Youll want to hear as many credible perspectives as possible.
  3. Most Doctors out there aren't equipped to produce decent results incases like yours. The ones recommended specialise in high Norwoods
  4. In my opinion it's madness to to limit yourself to surgeons location near geographically, especially as the cost of flights aren't necessarily much more for further away. Not that there's anything wrong with the two Thai doctors mentioned but you really want to consult with more that a couple of doctors (even recommended ones) before making your decision
  5. This has been said many times on this forum, but his clinic does not make and send the topicals. They just forward the prescription to the pharmacy
  6. Dr Hasson isn't offering FUT anymore save for very special circumstances.
  7. For someone unable to tolerate finasteride, it could very much be a game changer
  8. I respect your wishes to stop topical Dutasteride , but it's VERY intriguing why anyone would stop a treatment working so amazingly without sides
  9. I'm skeptical of the claim that sides can go away if you keep using it. I've never heard a single anecdote where someone had strong sides then went away while continuing use unless it was a nocebo
  10. Finasteride most most definitely can cause depression, especially those that are prone in a small minority of men. May be worth taking a break then trying again at a lower dose and seeing if the same thing happens
  11. My thoughts exactly. The frequency isn't adding up to me either. How would mesotherapy be some at 4 month intervals and get results and topical can't? There's so much talk about 'losing' efficacy. But look. There are many guys out there with horrible sides that would do anything just to maintain
  12. It would be very unwise to not stabilise your loss before considering hair transplant. Any credible person would say that's rule 1
  13. That's there mainly for legal reasons. People cut finasteride pills all the time
  14. Can't to say exactly without pictures. but if I was a NW7 I'd only go to 3 doctors. If wanting to start with FUT: Dr Wong at Hasson and Wong If I wanted to use body hair: Eugenix or Dr Pitella
  15. Looks freaken fantastic from the front. Can't speak to the color match from the photos but I would strongly assume the positive comments you've had wouldn't just be 'being nice'
  16. Fact is, no one should force you into using medication you're not comfortable with. That said, if you ask yourself, we all have a minimum level of coverage we'd be happy with, sounds like you're below that thresh-hold. There is value is waiting until you're older of course but it does sound worth getting more credible opinions. Ultimately, there is no true oracle of doctors who's word is absolute. Opinions of elite surgeons, while with ethical intentions, can vary hugely. Some are conservative / much more aggressive, some pro others cautious of certain medications, some pro or anti FUT/FUE. While note the same of course, it may be worth getting other free online consultations from the likes of Eugenix or Shapiro MC. Not to give you a solid answer, got help guide your navigation.
  17. I'm also a diffuse thinner with slightly less thinning with yourself and I'm booked for Dr Wong. Feel free to message me if you'd like me to let you know how it goes. Even the elite doctors have different 'philosophies'. E.g. some doctor wouldn't want to risk losing even half miniaturised hairs while others would agree that they're so find they may as well not be there.
  18. Finasteride as very high finishing returns on it's effectiveness. Many doctors prescribe 1mg 2x a week and say their results are identical to daily. 0.5mg has close to the same effectiveness at 1mg
  19. Did you have side effects at other doses?
  20. 0.5mg every other day is likely to benefit hugely
  21. This talk sounds like it pokes holes in Derek from More Plates More Dates theory that side effects only hit those with borderline low testosterone. Suppose it's almost impossible to know who will get hit
  22. I get the mentallity to not want to 'over-hype' new treatments. Fact is that so far it we have the most promising actual data for any new treatment in a long time. No one can deny that Fin/Dut topically and orally are the gold standard. Going well it could be second best option for those who are unable to tolerate even topical version, (even the Xyon ones appears to give some outliers side effects). Also would be great for those who have severe AGA genes, losing losing ground on 5AR but don't want to take oral minoxidil.
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