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Everything posted by Gokuhairline

  1. you mean your recipient area ? i'm also at 23 days post and my donor still felt a little weird up until about 5 days ago but now its mostly gone and the recipient area was tender also up until about 5 days ago and now slowly feeling back to normal so I would say its normal feeling.
  2. thats crazy, a lot of Dr Bisangas patients see early growth its amazing.
  3. i would also like to know.....i believe one of the main ingredients ketacozolone helps block DHT to a degree....it did help clear dandruff i experienced post FUE
  4. great question.....would like to know...also would be interesting to know any relation to no shedding or very little shedding early and early growth.
  5. I think the shock loss of the recipient area is completely normal since they will grow back, it happens to 90% of ppl who get a HT
  6. i had this issue as well and started using nizoral 3x week and my normal shampoo and conditioner and the other days and it seems to have helped and lessened the dandruff/itch.
  7. Like the title states, curious if anyone here has undergone an FUE procedure and experience absolutely no shedding of the recipient area at all and just started growing ? IF so how long after HT did you notice no shedding was occurring. If you experience very little shedding also let us know. TY.
  8. i mean the parts other then the recepient. so the top and back aka the unshaven parts
  9. wtf did i just read ? lmao dude are you ok ? i've read of buyers remorse but try to relax and have faith in the Dr....i wonder how much that cost tho ? pretty penny huh
  10. niiiice bro....is it me or am i seeing no shaven fue's lately lol ? also the curly hair helps you can cover it naturally when you begin to shed...or do you plan on buzzing it soon ?
  11. 17 days post fue and tomorrow and the next day I have some meetings and even tho I don't need to its expected to join others in a few drinks....obviously I am not getting bombed but any safe time one can resume drinking ? also does it make any difference on what it is i.e light /clear type spirits or darker/ beer ? ty
  12. hahaha imagine, I am secretly praying i'm also in that small % that doesn't shed or sheds very little and just keeps growing....how amazing would that be ? looks like were on the same day post FUE, I got mine 9/7
  13. so i will begin a 2 maybe 3 month bulk phase and plan on adding 12-15 lbs in that time period.....i am 17 days post FUE.......I was thinking about getting on creatine again, I used to take it on and off over years ago and definitely saw gainz however at that time i did not know about the potentials in hair loss so i didn't really even think about it, i also had a full head and no recession .....so now I am thinking of going back on and taking 5g 3x week mainly on days a lift along with my normal protein shakes and increased calories overall....i know theres some that say yes creatine causes hair loss/ raises test and eventually dht etc etc and then there are those that do not subscribe to that thought.....i am on the latter but wanted to know if anyone had any recent experiences ? I also plan to do it for 2-3 months and then off and cut/lean out.
  14. wow i am not even drunk lmao where did i get 7 months from hahaah
  15. nice bro....i feel you on the entered the prepare for shedding phase...happy growing
  16. i started washing my hair as normal around 10 day mark....with my normal shampoo and conditioner that contain biotin, and other vitamins/good stuff. also added nizoral 3x week.
  17. not sure but 7 months is long time for it not to feel back to normal, i'm 16 day post fue and i still feel the recipient area much different than the rest of my head. hoping by 7 months its completely back to normal...does not hurt or anything but just a weird/annoying feeling i guess.
  18. can you share more on the azaleic acid topical or shampoo you are on ? did a quick google and found some interesting articles....
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