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Posts posted by rocktitan

  1. Quick update:

    Below are my ~10 month pictures.  I believe I peaked at month 6 .... minor improvement since that time.  Overall I am beyond thrilled and the insecurities of hair loss has subsided.  Not having to stress daily is worth the money in and of itself. 

    Keep in mind I started tapering down my usage of Finasteride over the course of the last 10 months.  1 Fin daily for first 4 months.  .5 fin daily for next 3 months.  0.25 daily or the next 2 months.  Over the last month I've been doing 0.25 every other day.  I plan to stop Finasteride completely starting June 1st or July 1st.

    It makes me anxious that hairloss will likely accelerate, however, I've already made peace with the fact that I will need 1-2 tansplants additional over my lifetime.  Maybe I will be lucky and my hair loss will slow.  Fingers crossed that by the time I run out of donor hair there may be some more advanced preventative measures or replacement.

    I will chime back in on month 12 as well.


    Pic 1 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 2 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 3 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 4 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 5 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 6 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 7 Month 10.PNG

    Pic 8 Month 10.jpg

    • Like 1
  2. Thank you all for the kind words! 

    Words cannot describe the mental freedom that comes with not having to worry about your hair on a daily basis.  Best money I have ever spent for peace of mind. 


    @Tiger2050 Thank you!  Honestly if my symptoms are a result of something else (as long as it is curable) I would be thrilled.  When I first started taking Finasteride I noticed mild side effects, however, I pushed through and eventually it resolved itself. (Either I became used to the side effects or they became less severe.)  In May 2021 I had bought topical Dutasteride from Strut.  I used it for the first time a few days after I had microneedled. (I did not take Finasteride that day)  Later that night, or the next day, the sexual anhedonia hit hard and I haven't been the same since. I never took the topical Dutasteride again.  (I don't take anti depressants and nothing else changed with supplementation, workout regimine, etc.)  Therefore I always attributed the onset of my recent severe symptoms to Finasteride and the Topical Dutasteride.  I may go to a Dr. just in case ... hopefully there is a scenario where I can recover and stay on finasteride so as I can maintain the hair I have.

    @SadMan2021I had only consulted with Dr. K.  I sent him an email in Jan 2021 with some pictures of my situation.  He responded promptly and gave me a run down on my situation / what he recommends.  I originally booked for Jan 2022, however, within a week he had an opening in July 2021 that came available. I jumped on the opportunity.  I chose Dr K given the quality of work I have seen on this website, Chicago Hair Institute, and across the internet in general. (I was hard pressed to find any negative comments about Dr K across multiple hair loss forums or outlets.  One of the few (or may be the only) negative comment(s) I had found is that he had transplanted someone TOO MUCH hair!  If that was the worst review I had found I was willing to take the risk!)

    In regards to Dr. Nadimi I hadn't seen a lot of her work at the time.  The work I did see, however, was great.  If she trained under Dr. K then I am beyond confident that her work is just as meticulous.  Depending on the trend of cost with Dr. K she may be the one I see next when the inevitable comes.

    @aaron1234 Thank you! Spanker's results are phenomenal. I hope mine will be able to stand the test of time like his.  (In regards to FUT, yes, my future potential hair loss was the sole reason I chose FUT.  I hope the efficient use of donor hairs, coupled with innovation in the industry, will buy me a lifetime of a reasonable supply of hair.  We shall see.)

    @George Clooney Thank you! Yes, been on the medication for years.  I am 31. 

    @Spanker Thank you Spanker! Your results were a big motivating factor for me to reach out to Dr K.

    @Melvin- Moderator Thank you Melvin.  I look forward to following your thread on the 4000 grafts you just received by Eugenix.  You've been an inspiration for so many.

    @JC71 Thank you!

    @Ryan Daniel Thank you Ryan!  Yes, I am good with the medication.  I've been consistent for years now.  However I will unfortunately have to go off of Finasteride for the time being.  I know this will impact my native hair.  Hopefully I have a few more years to enjoy what was transplated before I have to go in for Round 2.

    @Z-- Thank you!


    I attached another picture at the gym yesterday afternoon. (1/15/2022) 

    This was how I used to wear my hair years ago before the hair loss accelerated in 2020. 

    Jan 15 2022 Gym.PNG]


    The below picture is from November 2015 at a different gym.

    November 2015.jpg

    • Thanks 1
  3. Good evening everyone,

    I had already posted my results in a separate thread in the Hair Restoration Questions and Answers section.  However in order to do Dr. Konior complete justice for his work I wanted to make a separate thread to increase visibility.  I plan to update this thread with pictures over the course of the next six months.

    I completed my surgery with Dr. Konior on July 7th 2021.  Last Friday was my ~6 month result.  Per the title I had 3000 grafts transplanted with most in the hairline, temples, frontal lock, and some peppered in my midscalp / crown.

    I have been more than pleased and I cannot imagine the results getting much better.  I presumably had early growth starting in month 4 with continued thickening in the 5th and 6th month.

    I believe I am destined for Norwood 5 or 6 based upon my mother's father and his hairloss pattern.  I elected for FUT first in order to preserve as much donor hair as possible over the long term.  Dr. Konior made a comment that he could probably take another strip next time if needed.  Likely my next transplant will be FUT.  The one thereafter being FUE.  Upon further inspection of my hairline he mentioned that my hair was good at concealing my loss ... from the pictures I had sent, and in person, my actual hair loss was worse than evident in the pictures.

    I have been on Finasteride for 3.5 years, Minoxidal for 5+ years.  (Just this week I tapered my down to 0.25mg of Finasteride per day and will likely discontinue starting 3/1.  Side effects started severely about a year ago and, unfortunately, have not resolved themselves.  I hope getting off will cure my issues.  I may try topical Finasteride.)

    Please don't hesitate to ask any questions of the process. 

    The order of pictures are as follows:

    Pic 1 - Pre Surgery

    Pre Surgery 1.PNG

    Pic 2 - Pre Surgery 2

    Pre Surgery 2.PNG

    Pic 3 - Pre Surgery 3 (Top of Head. Harsh Light.)

    Pre Surgery Aerial. Harsh Light.jpeg

    Pic 4 - Pre Surgery 4

    Pre Surgery Frontal Forlock.jpeg

    Pic 5 - Pre Surgery 5 (Top of Head)

    Pre Surgery Aerial.jpeg

    Pic 6 - Pre Surgery 6 (Back of Head)

    Pre Surgery Back of Head 2.jpeg

    Pic 7 - Pre Surgery 7 (Back of Head)

    Pre Surgery Back of Head.jpeg

    Pic 8 - Directly After Surgery (Grafts shown)

    Directly After Surgery .jpg

    Pic 9 - Directly After Surgery (FUT Scar)


    After Surgery #2.PNG

    Pic 10 - Directly After Surgery (FUT Scar 2)

    After Surgery #3.jpg

    Pic 11 - August 15th 2021 (1 month, 1 week)

    August 15 2021.PNG

    Pic 12 - September 5th 2021 (~2 months)

    September 5 2021.PNG

    Pic 13 - October 4th 2021 (~3 months)

    October 4 2021 2.PNG

    Pic 14 - October 4th 2021 (~3 months)

    October 4 2021.PNG

    Pic 15 - November 13th 2021 (~4 months 1 week)

    November 13 2021.PNG

    Pic 16 - November 16th 2021 (~4 months, 1 week)

    November 16 2021.PNG

    Pic 17 - December 13th 2021 (~5 months, 1 week)

    December 13 2021.PNG

    Pic 18 - December 27th 2021 (~5 months, 3 weeks)

    December 27 2021.PNG

    Pic 19 - January 3rd 2022 (~5 months, 3.75 weeks)

    January 3rd 2022.PNG

    Pics 20-23 - January 7th 2022 (~6 months)

    Jan 7 2022 2.jpg

    Jan 7 2022 3.jpg

    Jan 7 2022 4.PNG

    Jan 7 2022.jpg

    Pic 24 - January 12th 2022 (~6 months, almost 1 week) - Directly overhead.

    Directly Overhead.jpg

    • Like 3
  4. @TEXAN35 @Gatsby @JC71 @BDK081522 @Ryan Rap

    Thank you all for the kind words.  It has gone better than expected.

    I will likely make a new thread with this content in the "Hair Restoration Results Posted by Patients" section in order to do Dr. Konior justice and increase visibility of his work.  I wil update that thread going forward with a monthly picture until 12 months.

    (BDK - Yes, I sure hope it won't but unfortunately I have to make the decision.  The side effects are very much tangible and I am fearful I am one of the few who has PFS.)

  5. Everyone,

    Thank you for the patience.  I planned to post in here but I wanted to make some progress first. My surgery with Dr. Konior was on July 7th 2021.  Everything went well.  January 7th 2022 was my 6 month mark.  I feel I have seen tremendous growth and I am uncertain if it can look any better!

    I am very pleased.  No complaints.  Dr. Konior is an amazing doctor and has alleviated my anxiety with hair loss. I am completely satisfied with the result as is at 6 months.

    (The only problem I have now is that I will have to come off of Propecia after 3.5 years.  About a year ago I was hit with severe side effects almost out of the blue ... sexual anhedonia, etc.  I've been tapering it off over the last 6 months from 1mg, down to 0.5mg per day, now down to 0.25mg per day.  My intention is in the next 2 months get off completely and see if I can recover.  I understand my hair loss will likely accelerate which is a disappointment as I am pleased with my current state.)

    Pictures are attached. (Sorry that they are not in identical light and position each time.  I took them sporadically over the course of the last 6 months.  Tried to remain consistent with dates.)

    I labeled each picture with a date of when it was taken.  Order goes directly after surgery, 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, 4 month, 5 month, 6 month.

    Thank you all for encouraging me to see the best! Dr. Konior.

    (I am going to request my pre transplant pictures from the Dr.  I simply have not gotten around to it.)

    Pic 1 - Directly After Surgery

    Pic 2 - Directly After Surgery (Scar)

    Pic 3 - Directly After Surgery (Scar 2)

    Pic 4 - Pre Surgery

    Pic 5 - Pre Surgery 2

    Pic 6 - August 15th 2021 (1 month, 1 week)

    Pic 7 - September 5th 2021 (~2 months)

    Pic 8 - October 4th 2021 (~3 months)

    Pic 9 - October 4th 2021 (~3 months)

    Pic 10 - November 13th 2021 (~4 months 1 week)

    Pic 11 - November 16th 2021 (~4 months, 1 week)

    Pic 12 - December 13th 2021 (~5 months, 1 week)

    Pic 13 - December 27th 2021 (~5 months, 3 weeks)

    Pic 14 - January 3rd 2022 (~5 months, 3.75 weeks)

    Pic 15 - January 7th 2022 (~6 months)

    Pic 16 - January 7th 2022 (~6 months)

    Pic 17 - January 7th 2022 (~6 months)

    Pic 18 - January 7th 2022 (~6 months)

    Pic 19 - January 12th 2022 (~6 months, almost 1 week) - Directly overhead.




    Directly After Surgery .jpg

    After Surgery #2.PNG

    After Surgery #3.jpg

    Pre Surgery 1.PNG

    Pre Surgery 2.PNG

    August 15 2021.PNG

    September 5 2021.PNG

    October 4 2021 2.PNG

    October 4 2021.PNG

    November 13 2021.PNG

    November 16 2021.PNG

    December 13 2021.PNG

    December 27 2021.PNG

    January 3rd 2022.PNG

    Jan 7 2022 2.jpg

    Jan 7 2022 3.jpg

    Jan 7 2022 4.PNG

    Jan 7 2022.jpg

    Directly Overhead.jpg

    • Like 1
  6. Good evening,

    Does anyone have examples of varying hair/hairline densities?  I.E. 10 cm/sq2, 20 cm/sq2, 30 cm/sq2, 40-50 cm/sq2?

    I know there is a wide variation of appearance of density depending on hair characteristics.  However just a general idea, or pictures, with the various densities will be helpful.  I am trying to gauge how low of density I am comfortable with along the hairline and planning long term for future hair loss.

    Any help would be great.

    Thank you!


  7. @MagnificentAl

    The work looks phenomenal. I bet you are more than pleased.

    Quick question:

    I have a surgery scheduled with Dr. Konior next month.  Do you have any idea the area by which your hair was transplanted?  The cm2?  

    I am only asking as I am trying to gauge the density per cm2 for your result.  If I have anywhere near your density I will be elated. (My hair texture is similar to yours albeit let coarse.)

  8. No work on my crown for this surgery.

    The pictures I had sent Konior I believe understated my thinning crown. (IE I didn't send him anything under harsh light)  In his response he was quoted as saying I had "no significant thinning in the crown and he does not advocate preventive grafting, so no need to do anything at this time."

    Being a realist I know it will progressively get worst the next few years.  That being said nobody can really tell the crown is thinning other than the bald spot from twirling my hair when I was younger.  Being 6'2 myself it is not as much of a concern at this time.

    My next hair transplant (hopefully in 5 years ... however I have a feeling it will be less) I will see about addressing the crown with any additional work that is needed in front / middle scalp.

  9. BDK -

    Thank you for the response! That is reassuring.

    My paperwork with Konior committing to the surgery indicates a 3000 FUT procedure.  In my correspondence via email, however, he was mentioning approximately 2500 grafts being what he perceived.  That being said, after further review, the pictures I sent him were not as harsh as the two above ... I can definitely see 3000 being a more satisfying choice.  

    I will keep my expectations in check for 1st surgery density.  I don't love my hairline (as my front is thinning along with deeper recession in the temples) but if my hair would stay at this level for life I would be perfectly fine.  What gives me anxiety is the constant thought in the back of my mind that my hair is getting worst.  I am the type of person that tries to make progress, daily, in every aspect in my life (gym, career, education, appearance, etc.)  Balding is really damaging as I constantly have the feeling of going backwards with my physical attraction.

    I've uploaded two additional pictures with, hopefully, better lighting.  The red shirt was in Jan 2021 ... I sent this to Dr Konior for his review prior to committing to the hair transplant.  The other has a flash and was taken 10 minutes ago using my back camera on the iPhone.  It focuses more on the back of my head from my left side.




  10. Good afternoon!

    I appreciate the resource that has been this forum over the last 6+ months of my browsing anonymously.  I am 30 years old, 31 in July.

    My hair loss has, unfortunately, accelerated the last two years even while on finasteride (2.5 years) and minoxidal (6 years).  I would consider myself a norwood 3 vertex at this stage.  All of my uncles on my mother's side, and my grandfather, are bald.  My grandfather on my mother's side was a norwood 5 or 6 when he passed in 2015 at 75 years old.  I am fearful I am on the same trajectory. (My father and father's side have full heads of hair.)

    As such I have scheduled a hair transplant with Dr. Konior to take place in July 2021.  

    I expect my hairline and frontal zone to be the recipient of 2000-3000 grafts FUT. I doubt I will lower the hairline much, if any, in order to preserve grafts and keep a natural look as I age. (I had chosen FUT as a means for conservatism in order to preserve as much future grafts as possible for future procedures.  I am at peace with knowing I will need future hair transplants over the next 10+ years and, hopefully, we will have more preventative medication/procedures over that time to slow any loss.)

    The purpose for this post, however, is to gauge my donor hair quality.  Would the experts on this forum consider my donor hair average or above average? Would my hair be considered coarse? Fine, medium, thick? 

    My hair does have a natural wave and curl.  If I had to guess I'd assume it medium to thick / coarse.  However I could not find a good comparison in pictures online to gauge.  The hair on my sides like to poof out when the hair becomes long which is unflattering. 

    I plan to document my hair transplant journey with Dr. Konior via my own thread when the time comes with pictures and progress.

    (The pictures I've attached are under various light.  The last two are under more harsh light. I have no product in my hair. The bald circle on the back of my head is a combination of natural balding and a bad habit I had as a kid of twisting my hair.  I've had this spot on the back of my head for 10+ years. My crown has started to thin around and north of it the last 5+ years.)

    Thank you all for your input and expertise!








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