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Everything posted by Julius

  1. I don’t see how the fading ink from micro pigmentation could ever blend with white or grey hair. BHT into the strip scar as unreliable as it is still sounds like the best option unfortunately.
  2. I am not too impressed by some of the hair lines that I have seen. I would definitely give it a go on a strip scar if the ink used in micro pigmentation of scalp hair was semi-permanent but unfortunately from what I can ascertain it is not. Additionally I think if a girl ever tried to run her hands through it she would probably then get the idea of what has happened.
  3. Nice transformation! Did you experience shock loss in your 3rd HT? Please post pictures if you buzz it again after the staples are out. Cheers
  4. Thanks Mike. Does anybody know what that guy in the link had done?
  5. I will be interested in the results, but from what you’re saying I understand it is permanent?
  6. Check this out: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=14793536
  7. I just checked out the InfinitInk website and don’t think it is a good idea as it only says it is easier to remove by laser and there are no guarantees. Semi-permanent tattoos sound like BS, though I wish there really was one around.
  8. Many surgeons will not want to touch you if you are unwilling to get on propecia and plan for another procedure, especially as you are so young. I checked out your photos and personally think at this time a ht is not for you. However I think you should consult all the top clinics to get a professional opinion.
  9. Does anybody know of a tattoo that lasts only three months without damaging hair follicles or leaving a permanent stain?
  10. 1982 UK how do you remove the old tattoo? Do you mean by another strip procedure having it excised then? I think having it removed by laser may damage the hair in that region used as the donor supply. I have seen some horrible results on forums lately where the tattoos have faded but not disappeared completely. I am also a little concerned about damaging the hair near the strip scar through the tattoo itself. Maybe Balboa could enlighten me here. Does anybody know of a tattoo that lasts only three months without damaging hair follicles or leaving a permanent stain? I was also recently thinking that white ink would probably look just like a scar to many so maybe it is not the best idea.
  11. I just read about a guy who did something like what Tyson Beckford is doing here: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3219/2726296298_c2d7386f49_m.jpg ; with his hair to cover his strip scar successfully allowing him to go to a # 1 while he leaves it about #3 over the strip scar area. From the research I have done fue and tattooing seem not reliable enough, especially if one wants to shave down to #2 or below. This may be a solution, what do others think? Would you think someone with such a pattern was a wanker?
  12. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://nyhairloss.com/acell4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nyhairloss.com/acell.htm&usg=__6B-eHyjmMQB1nq4Ypq01SrRWhOQ=&h=233&w=296&sz=36&hl=en&start=3&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=LGDxDJgAdSQxSM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dacell%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2TSHN_en%26tbs%3Disch:1
  13. Check this out: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.drrobertjones.com/uploaded_images/acell1-727475.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.drrobertjones.com/acell.html&usg=__ZgKGKLA0QdIPMbu_N7eqhNRU6Kw=&h=480&w=640&sz=67&hl=en&start=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=snehspebHO6ZsM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dacell%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rlz%3D1R2TSHN_en%26tbs%3Disch:1
  14. Reywd 30 the hair restoration industry is full of sharks that would gladly disfigure you and take your cash, so even though it might not seem like it you are lucky to have received such sound advice from an ethical surgeon like Dr Feller.
  15. I would like to get a black ink tattoo now over the strip scar, but the problem would be when I turn grey and white as I age. Then the tattoo would stand out too much, so lately I have been thinking about a white ink tattoo of the strip scar, apparently they are not very noticeable. Moreover I was thinking about getting a black ink tattoo and then tattooing it over with white ink as I aged but apparently it cannot be done as the black is dominant and it goes a funny colour. What do forum members think of a white ink tattoo over the strip scar?
  16. But if one had fue grafts taken from the strip donor area the yield would be different of those grafts, as strip has better survivability. So ultimately you should get more hair via strip then fue. Is that right?
  17. I think buzzed is good, but bald is generally not; unless of darker complexion. Some white guys, who have a great physique, are self assured and confident, intelligent etc. can get away with it, but they are few. I think all agree a bad ht is the most unattractive to women.
  18. Here's a link to one guy who has had it: http://www.forhair.com/Hair_Tr.../CIT/Patient_BAW.htm It does not show the back of his head, I also think I see a discernable disparity between the hair transplanted and that on the sides. What do others think? Nevertheless it looks good from what little documentation there is.
  19. I think I know what you mean, but most of the guys I see with this look are diffuse thinners and it actually looks good on them, though I am not one of them (I know a fifty year old diffuse thinner who buzzes to a #2 all around and he looks great no one can even tell he has mpb). At 1/3rd the original density via FUE I would imagine there would be a real discernable disparity between the hair transplanted and that behind it even if it was buzzed. Cheers
  20. From all the research I have done on density the 'less is more' thing seems like pure fiction, less really is less. The Stephan guy Sparky mentioned who has had fue and bht even had a average density of 60 grafts percm2 if I remember rightly. Please correct me if I am wrong. I know I look better buzzed and I much prefer wearing my hair this way. Unfortunately my acceptance of baldness will probably never be complete and will always niggle me, although I must say my insecurity has diminished from when it first started in my early twenties. Then from what you're saying Emperor the only two choices I have are: 1)Strip then buzz and f the scar 2)Strip and grow it long which I hate In regards to see thoroughness and hts they should not look like someone is thinning, just naturally thin hair with no mpb. Otherwise buzzed hts would be the only hts worth having. It is a bit disheartening but I appreciate the frankness. Sorry Spex I must have got you mixed up with someone else. I never intended to discredit the Feller group or yourself. I often praise Dr Feller's work and even recommend Feller to other patients. I am even considering having a ht with him. But just out of curiosity if you needed extra work would Dr Feller go fue? And how many fue grafts would you have left via it? What is the average number of fue grafts Dr Feller is willing to extract? Also what is the maximum number of fue grafts Feller has transplanted? Again apologies for any offence taken
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