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    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Receding Hairline (Genetic Baldness)
    Thinning on Top only (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 10 years
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
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  1. Its listed in this list. http://i.walmartimages.com/i/if/hmp/fusion/customer_list.pdf
  2. Thanks for the input FUTURE_HT_DOC... i hear that a lot of HT docs suggest using half a pill for 0.5mg since full 1mg is overkill in most cases... anyone can confirm/deny that?
  3. So I am considering going from 1 propecia pill (1mg) to half (splitting them) to do 0.5mg every day. I see people refer to studies that claim that half a pill is pretty much as effective as the whole thing. But i am having difficulties finding the actual studies.. can someone link to some? Also, has anyone tried going from 1mg to 0.5mg? what was your experience? thanks.
  4. So, I understand this as a 0 to 100 scale. Like this 0------------50-------------100 where 0 is you are losing hair because of the DHT and 100 is where you do not lose any hair. at the same time with 0 you probably have a lot of DHT and are very sexually active, while at a 100 you dont have much if any DHT so you arent sexually active. If you take propecia to supress DHT, then you are essentially going from 0 to 100, correct? Or at least trying to get there, to stop losing hair and supress DHT. If there is no DHT that means you are less sexually active, less sexually active meaning have all those side effects. So, question here is, if you are taking Propecia and you are having side effects, doesnt that mean that its working, and is getting you on the 100 side of the scale? While at the same time if you are taking propecia, and have NO side effects that would mean its not powerful enough to take you to that side.. therefore you will still lose hair because it cant supress all of the DHT??? Am I understanding it right that no side effects is a bad thing? Essentially the side effects are proof of the medication working and supressing what we want it to supress? i.e. sexual hormones?
  5. What I am trying to figure out, is where is the propecia or proscar that people take is made... like i made an example mine is made in the US. Id like to know where other's is made.
  6. no replies? its as if noone takes Propecia or Generic version of it.
  7. Do you order Propecia from there or Generic? Whichever one it is, where does it say its from on the bottle? India?
  8. So I just started taking propecia 3 days ago, while I still have a 60 day supply I would like to figure out if I can get it cheaper than $76 per 30 pills at Rite Aid. I looked at my Rite Aid sold bottle and it says its the Product of the USA... which is great.. I trust it.. I have been browsing these forums looking at people's feedback and opinions and it seems like a lot of people recommend canadadrugs.com however their generic version is from Turkey and their Propecia (non generic) is from India.... I dont know if I trust either of those... Its way too easy to make fake pills with use of chalk and other chemicals.. especially if its a drug that cant really be tested.. aka Propecia.. which doesnt give direct results at a predetermined interval. So... I dont think I will go with a generic unless it is made in the US. I would like to know... your bottles.. of NON Generic.. real Propecia.. where does it say they are from? And where did you buy them from? Do stores in the US sell ones from India? or are all US store (not online) sold ones made in the US? Does anyone have any Generics that were made in the US? Thanks EDIT - PS: Before anyone says... why would they make fake pills? Because in order to synthesize real ones you need a factory.. but if you got a basement and 5 bucks to buy a pound of Chalk then you and your buddy can make ten thousand doses, and sell them via a process similar to money laundering thereby making profit from nothing. Ofcourse real plants wouldnt make fakes. Although even those can skimp on stuff.. if they need 10 thousand pounds of an ingredient.. taking 1 pound and selling it to buddy is less than 0.01%.. doesnt make a difference right? Except 10 people do that.. now all of a suddenly it turns into 1%, then at the next stage of manufacturing another 20 people do that. and so on and so forth... unfortunately this happens ALL the time in all industries in 3rd world countries.. starting from meat factories to medicine to detergent.. you name it.
  9. i believe he is saying 30 cents a piece... so that makes 270 of them $81
  10. bump I would like to get some feedback in regard to my question about offbrand generic propecia as I brought it up in the last post. Quote:
  11. Just got my prescription was $76 for 30 tablets of Propecia (tiny orange tablets with P on one side and Propecia on the other). It seems like the generic version is about 2/5 of that price... but it says it comes from India/Turkey what are the chances of it being fake? or not as good?
  12. DCHR,


    Welcome to the Hair Restoration Social Network, and congratulations on already getting involved with some posts.


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    Panama Jimmy


  13. Thank you so much for a very detailed explanation for all of my questions. I just called my Physician and confirmed that he can prescribe Propecia for me. I plan on asking him if he feels that I could get away with getting Proscar to save money. I am going to see him in 2 hours Is there anything specific I should ask him? Or watch out for when it comes to getting on Finasteride? (I read about the side effects.. lets hope im not in the 5% or whatever it is that are effected)
  14. Oh and another question.. if I get Propecia right now and try it out for a year... 1) Who should I go to? My Physician to get prescription? 2) What is the kind I should be looking for? There are different kinds right? Id like the kind that has the biggest chance to produce results.
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