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Posts posted by HugoX

  1. 1 hour ago, BeHappy said:

    This looks great. Isn't it so much better to have real growing hair and not have to deal with a hairpiece any more? Even if the transplanted hair is a bit thinner than the hairpiece was it's still so much better, in my opinion, to have real hair.


    Of course, In my opinion it is. Nothing like scratching your own scalp 😅. But I am glad I waited because for me this type result would not have been possible 15 years ago, during those 15 years I have changed my way of thinking and become more realistic and more mature with age. But I don't regret going the hair piece way first because it gave me a quick fix and time to do my research 😊

    Also I will be improving the transplant result with my second surgery in October 🙏

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Sener said:


    Hey guys I have not received any feedback from Dr. Zarev either. I think if you want to talk to him you have to travel to Bulgaria 😂.



    I mention this every time we talk 😅, I think plan is to when new clinic opens to also get a English speaking patient coordinator so that he can catch up to all the inquires. 

  3. 10 hours ago, SLA said:

    Sure you need a 2nd HT? Looks awesome 

    I am very happy, I guess it is a bit of hair greed, we did plan a 2-step procedure from the beginning, I didn’t expect this much change from the first, but Dr Zarev knew, he said I would probably feel satisfied after the 7k grafts, and I am, but I feel that if I still can improve what I got a bit more, a little more density at the front and crown, why not.... :)

    • Like 1
  4. On 7/30/2021 at 1:06 PM, Woody1000 said:

    Hi mate, just wanted to ask how Dr Zarev knows how many follicles per graft? Does he and his team use microscopes to separate singles/ doubles and so forth? 

    I personally have put my case forward but unfortunately I have not heard back from him. 

    can’t wait to see your 1 year mark! 

    Dr Zarev does a very thorough consultation that takes 2-3 hours where he goes through evry inch of your head with a micro camera and measures, calculates grafts, hair diameter etc. and maps out a plan of what to take form where during surgery. 

    Regarding how they separate the follicles, honestly I never asked this, I can ask when I speak to him next time. 

    Sorry to hear that you have not heard back from him, I think his backlog is so big right now that it's difficult for him to catch up, especially when he does all the communication himself. I know that he is basically with a patient from 08 clock to 23/00 at night Monday to Thursday. Fridays I believe are for existing patients and consultations. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/2/2021 at 5:03 PM, JohnAC71 said:

    @HugoX Hope your well, just thinking it must be coming up to month 7 ? Be great to see a update soon 🙏

    You certainly are correct on your thinking, took pictures this Sunday at day 206, haven't had time to upload, vacation is over, back to reality. 

    Did a really short shaved fade, so should give a clear picture of donor after 7k grafts. 

    (All photos with flash) 













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  6. 3 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I feel like Dr. Zarev has gotten this sort of mysticism to him, but I think people are misunderstanding. He's an excellent surgeon, there's no doubt. But the number of grafts depends on your donor supply, no surgeon can magically get more hair from a sparse donor. There's no magic to hair transplant surgery. I have noticed some guys have been talking about Zarev like he has a magic wand, which he has said is not the case.

    Exactly, he says this often, very few have the donor capacity to do 10k+ transplants without over harvesting or staying within safe zone. 

    Even though must be said , not many surgeons can do 10-11 hours surgery a day and do all part of the surgery by themselves and do 7-8k over 2 days.

    I feel like donor survival is also important not often talked about, no point extracting 7k if your going to loose 10-30% of that. 

    For me personally it looks like atleast 99.99% are growing 🙏

    Anyway, this thread is not about Dr Zarev 😁

    @dtap you should talk more to the surgeons you want to go with about chock loss and what to expect, but in my experience from sering other peoples journey when doing hair transplant is that chock loss is to be expected in some sort, of course there are those that don't experience any chock loss, I would think this also depends on current hair loss (very active or not) but also on surgeon that don't damage surrounding healthy folices, but I am no expert and I am sure others in this forum have better experience in this field.


    • Like 1
  7. On 7/21/2021 at 12:21 AM, dtap said:

    Appreciate your link with pics. According to your pics at 5.5 months postop you look very good. I'd say in 2 months it'll look perfect with no need to wait the full year postop.

    Currently I'm torn between couto and baubac. Both are highly capable doctors. My concern is will it turn out to be what I expect? That is, will I get density and what about shock loss? Those are my 2 biggest concerns.

    How much did doctor Zarev charge you?

    Dr Zarev charges 4€/graft which is also stated at his web page. 

    Expectations when doing hair transplant should be connected to your current hair loss, future hair loss and donor capacity. You should not look at another persons picture and think you will get that result, it could give you an indication, but don't expect exactly the same as it is very individual. So many factors to consider as mentioned before, age, current hair loss, future hair loss, medications. 

    You should go with the mind set and expect shock loss in some way so you don't feel surprised when/if it happens, I think most people get some sort of chock loss, some minor some more , I didn't as I was already Norwood 6/7,not much left to chock 😅😭

    You haven't posted any pictures of your hair have you? This would help so the forum can give better answers. 

  8. 7 hours ago, dtap said:

    1 person cant understand 1 word and it deemed a report? lol strange but ok not that serious


    Incredible! 7000 grafts in 2 sessions in 2 days?

    But even in capable hands dont you think its a bit overboard? The first thing I think about is shock loss since more than 10,000 holes are punctured in your head which includes those from the donor area.

    Yes your presumption is correct, I have seen yt vids on these big sessions. Its just amazing how some patients' follicles during such a huge sessions manage to survive to later on thrive to blossom a year post op.

    Would like to see your result Link it up! Looking forward to it

    There is always a risk when doing a hair transplant, important things is to do your research and make sure the surgeon you choose has a good track record and have experience in the type of transplant you are doing (large secessions, repairs, FUE, strip etc) 

    Here is my thread :





  9. I did 7000 grafts over 2 days (3500 grafts each day, I have a thread about this) .

    Now this doesn't mean everyone can and should do this, it is very individual and depends on many factors that have already been mentioned and the doctor you select must have a good portfolio to show other similar cases like yours to be able to give you an idea of what you might be able to achieve with the grafts he plans to extract. 

    I would presume that you have already seen many different, well documented results from the surgeon you are thinking of choosing? 

  10. 15 hours ago, 5BetaReductase said:

    Congrats. You must be over the moon with these results.

    Yes, before going through with this I never expected to be at this stage at this time after surgery. I think when the second (and last) surgery where around 2000 graft is done, that should take it from over the moon to over the sun 😅

    • Like 1
  11. Day 180 ( 6 months) update. Pictures taken as usual after shower, blow dry and with flash. 

    One thing I can add now that there is more hair... After approximately 15 years of wearing a hair system with soft, slightly wavy Indian hair, I had forgotten how my own hair was, dry, medium vawy and coarse 😅,much more difficult to style. 










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  12. 1 hour ago, Egy said:

    Also I would like to ask this consultant who finished his post by writing “do not feel it would be right to continue this discussion here” and where would he like to continue it?  In a courtroom, how did you threaten on the phone or better still for him in one of the many complacent forums? 

    I was also interested in knowing why the clinics representative would need to threaten according to baalloss with “lawyer” and “court” when all he wanted was information and help about his situation, aren’t client of Medikemos allowed to express their feelings and thought without their approval? It sounds crazy to me, and in no way did what baalloss say here sound threatening or "negative", he was just looking for input and information about his transplant. 

    • Like 1
  13. 15 hours ago, JohnAC71 said:

    You should consider someone who excels in the higher Norwood levels. Eugenix would be a much better choice. Some others would be Dr Bicer, HDC @Doron Harati, Dr Bisanga (BHR) @slor @Raphael84, Vertex @DrTBarghouthi

    Your case looks like it needs careful planning due to your previous procedures and it does not look like your scalp donor has much/any left to give. Its already thinned out. 

    Let us not forget Dr. Zarev 😁

  14. 27 minutes ago, JovsGata said:

    So should I apply minoxidil on my donor sides and donor back area to improve more growth?

    I think around the border land its always difficult to know how much further down it will go on sides and back, age is also important, and how your hair loss is progressing, I am a Norwood 6/7 and have been for 10 years and looked pretty much same, and I am soon to be 40 years, so hopefully I will will not see much more hair loss around the sides. 

    So in general, where you still have hair left that is in a risk zone, always good to treat it in some way. 

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  15. 7 hours ago, sam.sami said:

    thanks for the reply, one more question.

    so the treatment with Minoxidil and Finasteride is a temporary thing, what were the instructions and  recommendations from the Dr.?

    What minoxidil will do is to widen the blood vessels to deliver more oxygen-rich blood to the hair follicles. Minoxidil also helps increase the size of hair follicles, which promotes the growth of thicker, stronger hairs. In addition, the topical treatment shortens the resting (telogen) phase of hair growth, which means your hair stays in the growth (anagen) phase longer, so it's a kickstart for the transplant, I will continue with it even when I have done my last and second surgery sometime in October. It will also help the hair on sides and back (where transplant hair connects to none transplant hair). I might loose a little bit but more around those areas in the future, but I have looked the same for 10 years, so it is pretty stable. 

  16. 6 hours ago, sam.sami said:

    @HugoX your results are excellent so far, congrats . i have a couple of questions.

    do you use topical Finasteride or tablets ? where did you get it since it is prescription only most places?

    how was your experience in Sofia generally, is it easy to get around ? how is the Covid situation in Bulgaria ? how to get information about entry rules , and quarantine ?

    thanks in advance .

    I only use 5% minoxidil mixed with 0.1 finasteride that was provided by Dr Zarev. 

    Regarding Covid situation on Bulgaria I have no idea how it is today, I was there in the beginning of January, at that time I did not need to take any covid test before entry to the country when flying from Sweden , I think you will have to look at their embassies Web page for latest info on this. 

    Sofia was nice city, not that big, easy to get around, cheap taxi and food, reasonable hotel prices, I am of course comparing to the Swedish prices saying this. 

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