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Everything posted by Domino

  1. I’m sorry this doesn’t answer your question. But please consider minoxidil again with finasteride and micro needling. You’re not slick bald and have a lot of miniaturized hair on top. I have similar loss and regained a lot of hair where I’m pushing off surgery to see where my hair ends up.
  2. Donor restocking is something I just recently learned about. This should give hope to guys with over harvested and patchy donors for sure.
  3. Also waiting for minimum 6-12 months that some doctors require you to be on finasteride. For me just wanting to pull the trigger and get a HT, but knowing better, that it’s in my best interest to wait.
  4. Looks good maybe it won’t be a full shed🤞
  5. Would love to see your progress!
  6. Here is the winner for the lowest natural hairline for white guy🏆
  7. Are you doing beard to beard or scalp to beard? HLC does both but not sure about the others.
  8. Sounds like a good experience. You should be sitting pretty good with both the front and crown covered.
  9. Hi @Raphael84 Just curious how long is the Doctor’s wait list?
  10. I don’t know where minoxidilmax makes their product but My order took a few days to arrive😉
  11. I’m 38 and been losing my hair since early 20’s. About 6-7 years ago I finally gave in and started to buzz my head regularly. Last year after a coworker revealed to me he had a hair transplant(with good result). I began to wonder could I get my hair back as a nw6-7? So I grew my hair for 2 months to see what I was working with. That’s the first picture taken in November. At that point I had a consultation with a local Doctor and was booked for surgery in February. I eventually canceled it because I knew I was a little too excited and was rushing it and knew I didn’t want to do FUT which this Doctor pushes very hard. I started minoxidil in December then eventually got on finasteride in February. I started micro needling once a week too. I had some consultations to get FUE and wanted to aim for surgery in the spring. A clinic told me they won’t even evaluate me until I been on the drugs for 6-12 months. This changed my perspective that I should do everything to strengthen my hair first. So Im now wanting to shoot for surgery in the fall. But now I’ve got new hair coming in which is great but scared a hair transplant would jeopardize weak hairs that could become terminal. I hope to keep progressing but also scared of a shed. In the meantime I just going to keep growing it out and see if I can get a proper combover😆.
  12. Thanks for sharing. This will inspiration to other nw7. I think it is a amazing turnaround. To see your slick bald head to the picture with your hairline. And you should be happy because it looks damn good for 5 months too.
  13. I have this too, though I haven’t gone through surgery. It became really pronounced last year at 37. Mine is along hairline is some places and extends a couple inches behind the ears and onto my forehead. I just to be religious about wearing sunscreen or wearing a hat and neck gaiter when outside for long periods of time. I asked my dermatologist about he said it was just from years being out in the sun, although I was a little skeptical of that answer and think there’s a little more to it.
  14. I’m kind in similar situation with the donor as you. I think online consultation only really are a rough estimate. I trying to keep in mind I might get more or maybe less then what’s originally estimated. But looking Dr Bicer reviews on here, I think would be good choice for you she seems she can do a lot with minimal grafts.
  15. I’d be glad went there too. Amazing result!
  16. Nice work by HLC. I like the fact that they take their time and spread the surgery over multiple days.
  17. Doctor it was great watching you and Melvin on the live stream. This looks like a real technical case. I know you said you take your time when doing a surgery and it shows on the results I’ve seen of yours, and must have been crucial in delicate case like this.
  18. I don’t know enough to give an opinion, sorry. Can you style it in a way your comfortable with? Also can I ask how long did it take for the redness to go away? Really hoping the growing really picks up for you in the coming months. Thanks
  19. I look forward to follow your surgery. I might be going there in the fall.
  20. This is great. I seen she posted recently where she used chest hair on a patient. Can you ask about her use of about body and beard hair?
  21. If you’re traveling from outside Turkey. I would double check your travel plans. There is a COVID spike right now and the whole country is on lockdown till May 17. @GaryJ just posted he was turned around at the airport.
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