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Everything posted by Dillpickle123

  1. This is why I’m going to this guy underrated imo he’s a perfectionist!
  2. I would try to minox if I was you It worked perfectly for me if the males in your family have beards you can get one too minox accelerates the process I started using it at 19 and by the time I was 20 my beard went from being wispy to a thick beard just with consistent use of minoxidil on my face worth a shot low risk of “aging” thousands of people use minoxidil with no such affects
  3. Just goes to show the optical illusion greasy hair can create it can make you look way more bald then you actually are since it clumps hair together
  4. Please ask whoever you choose about Verteporfin for fresh fue and fut scars
  5. His extractions are perfectly spaced out to the point you can’t tell he had a hair transplant amazing
  6. It won’t be very dense I think for that hairline it would be closer to 2000 grafts your trying to achieve a mature look
  7. I haven’t seen any fake reviews that people are talking about just one where the patient later posted pics bein accused of it being fake but I haven’t seen any fake reviews there’s a yt guy that did a transplant with him Afro hair and it looks really good he was having his second transplant this time with mwamba because the first surgeon didn’t get the density he wanted
  8. I don’t know usually when it’s a fake spammer they’ll be multiple profile posting results from that clinic usually a Turkish hair mill this doesn’t seem fake to me I think 123wtvr is overthinking this lol
  9. Lower your finasteride but buying a pill cutter cut it into 4 pieces and take that for a year and reassess this isn’t from wearing a helmet it’s genetic hair loss and you need a lot of grafts but maybe some will come back after medical intervention
  10. It depends how you style your hair if you have long hair FUT would work you’ll have a long linear scar on the back, FUE you have to style your hair shorter on the sides and they’ll be small fue scars, if your willing to travel there’s great surgeons all around the country and money is not a problem but if your willing to go to Europe there’s some excellent options too what Norwood are you?
  11. Yes highly because you may have some regrowth and that means you’ll need less grafts which means you keep more donor for the future
  12. That’s the point lol pushes out dying hair with new hair if your not on finasteride at least don’t even bother you have an aggressive pattern
  13. Get on fin and start using minoxidil and dermarollimg you still have a lot of hair that can be saved what’s your budget I would look everywhere if I were you HDC is a good value too
  14. Nope I’m in the same boat and I’m getting one in November, fin is a stabilizer as long as your committed to taking it then I don’t see why you couldn’t have a transplant before 25 especially if your not a high Norwood but you don’t even look like you have major loss your forehead is just naturally big you don’t need one imo I don’t see any hairloss
  15. Mwamba does great repair there’s a forum by a guy named mustang where he even restored his donor area
  16. Have you tried fibers? You still have a lot of hair and it can give the illusion of a full head of hair until your hair loss gets stable
  17. You said you stabilized it? Meaning you’ve taken fin and it hasn’t gotten worse? Can you share pictures of the hairline if your through with it just don’t go to a Turkish hair mill I see that with a lot of ppl with Afro hair and they’re Donors are destroyed forever
  18. Just get on fin how bad is the loss you don’t show it at all? Norwood 3 means you need to use 2000-3000 grafts fin will slow down anymore hairloss so that a transplant at 24 is less likely to look bad when your 30+ because it will leave tiny dot scars on your donor and let’s say you get it in the next few months it’ll take at least until summer 2023 to look good there will be phases where your hair will look bad then after 6 months it will look better if you can afford it and have a long term plan then do it but do it for you not for anyone else
  19. In Mexico dr Nader would be the best choice he’s very affordable e-mail his assistant for quicker response though
  20. Is money an issue? Can you travel outside the country? Can you shared pics so we can see more or less how bad it is? Dr Cooley is great just don’t go to a hair mill in turkey, there’s dr bisanga in Belgium who would also do a great job
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