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Everything posted by ciaus

  1. No matter what disney and the rest of the general narratives forming the mess that is modern marriage and relationships declare, women want their men to be problem solvers, not to hear about your problems. Not to say you should be a heartless robot, but wait for the more serious problems you can't hide to bond over. If she's willing to blow up your relationship because you discreetly addressed your hair loss, good bye and good riddance. That gives you more time to find the right girl.
  2. I know these days people want to try to make everything social constructions that can be changed, but there are fundamental biological realities we live within that do serve a legit purpose. Instinctually, and more or less consciously, we all know physical attributes like good hair are important attraction triggers for vitality, fertility, good genetics, reproductive fitness. Which is after all the fundamental function of sexuality, no matter how much we try to change it or just focus on certain aspects of it when times are easy enough to allow for that. As long as its not obsessive, concern about physical conditions like this are perfectly healthy. If this change from the SMP is subtle enough that you can get it done without her noticing, don't tell her for now. Wait at least until the dopamine high wears off, if she's still around by then. ============================ Dopamine in Early Relationships Dopamine is at an all-time high when we're first pursuing a relationship with someone who we're very interested in. This high level of dopamine makes new love feel extremely rewarding, exciting, and worth pursuing over other things. There is nothing that quite feels like our first serious love, especially if that love is returned. You may feel like you've found your soul mate like there's a connection between the two of you is like nothing else. There's nothing wrong with these feelings. In fact, they are an important part of building the foundation of a long-term relationship. If you and your partner are a good match, this initial dopamine rush can plant the seed for a powerful connection that lasts over time. Some people may realize once the dopamine high wears off that they are no longer as interested in their partner. Others may feel distraught if they don't feel the same rush that they once did and end a relationship prematurely. However, it's normal for the fires of passion to cool off as a relationship matures, replaced by neurochemicals that foster attachment and connection. Neurochemicals In Mature Relationships After about six months to a year of being together, dopamine and cortisol ease. Other neurochemicals related to long-term attachment are released instead, the most notable one being oxytocin. Oxytocin is the same chemical involved in the connection between mothers and infants, as it facilitates bonding and security. Known as the "bonding hormone" or the "cuddle chemical," oxytocin is released through many activities, including holding hands and hugging. Oxytocin encourages us to develop trust in the person we're with. This social trust has been a crucial part of survival since the beginning of human civilization and is hardwired into the brain.
  3. Ultimately it depends on how your unique body physiology and where your hairs happen to be in their growth cycles. You might not have any shedding at all. I didn't when I started minoxidil, but then other guys report that they do. That donor hair that has been shocked into the resting phase due to your surgery is not vulnerable to the hormones that cause loss like the hairs on top so I think you probably have an even better chance of either not shedding at all or the shedding being fairly minor. Most of what guys shed when they stop are the vulnerable hairs on top that they were going to lose anyway.
  4. One of the primary ways that Minoxidil works is to make the growth cycle for your hairs longer. That change can cause temporary shedding when you stop or start it. You don't need to apply the minoxidil to your donor hair permanently though. In the areas you are losing hair, If you are going to address your hair loss with hair transplants and you have a more severe loss pattern, its always best to take finasteride and minoxidil forever if you don't get side effects to help you hold on to as much of your hair and enhance them as possible. You don't want to run out of hair down the road.
  5. Hello and welcome to the forum! Very impressive result already with these two passes. By all means feel free to post your results, great talent deserves to be rewarded with all the business they can handle. And very few hair transplant doctors or SMP artists post videos of their work so don't feel pressured to do that. Your website looks pretty good, are you planning on building up a result gallery section or maybe I missed it.
  6. The good news is shockloss is almost always temporary. Try to remain calm, because excessive chronic stress can also cause more temporary shedding. Since you're three weeks after the procedure, its fine to start minoxidil. Just be aware that you may initially experience some more hair shedding not related to the shock loss as the minoxidil starts to work.
  7. I have been keeping my head shaved/buzzed since lockdown, but I was using Dermmatch and hair fibers like Toppik (cheaper brand called X-Fusion on amazon that works just as good). I used medium brown then, but it doesn't look right when my hair is buzzed down to about a zero guard. At that extremely short length my hair is more of a black/greyish color. From what I understand that's pretty much the same for everybody, and its only when you're hair gets longer that the coloring comes out. So I bought some black Dermmatch and if you apply it with the brush lightly its grey and blends surprisingly well. Can even help conceal scarring. And you can use your finger to blend it to, kind of like using your finger to smudge/blend pencil on a paper drawing. Looked good enough for indoor lighting situations or even outdoor if no one was getting real close to me. If you are getting a pretty big transplant, especially fue, where you need to buzz your hair down anyway, you may want to try some of that.
  8. Thanks for the reply, very interesting about the dote size and duration. I appreciate the honesty here. And I believe this is your website below. On the english translation version of the site the page linked below seems to be trying to communicate that, but the wording is off. The meaning below appears to indicate that the more sessions you get the more difficult it is to reverse it. A better wording would be something like "the more sessions you get the less reversible it will be." If it's not your site sorry, but if it is I hope you'll consider getting it fixed so you don't spook prospective clients. I know when I'm doing product or service research and I come across mistakes in grammar or typos it does make me think twice about how legitimate and professional the business is. "We can say that the reversibility of the temporary smp is subjective and more sessions will be done and less it will be reversing." https://www.mens-ink.com/en/temporary-scalp-micropigmentation.php
  9. Damn that looks awesome. Are you taking Finasteride to protect any remaining vulnerable hair? And does Dr. Bicer think you have enough good donor to transplant if not?
  10. Very nice results, those dots are so small giving a very subtle darkening fuller effect. I wonder will these dots fade quicker though? Alot of them are so soft and fine. To the OP, is this the permanent SMP or the trichopigmentation temporary kind that fades faster and eventually disappears without touchups? Did they give you a time estimate on touchups?
  11. Unless the doctor did a bad job, and unless the 3rd person has already had a hair transplant or has been looking into getting a hair transplant, no they are not easy to notice. And always remember nobody pays as much attention to our hair as we do ourselves. Judging by the pictures that you've already posted for 6 and 7 months, you're hair really looks good. The picture from 8 months where you are looking straight ahead looks like you could benefit from a small procedure to thicken it up a little. Give it a full 12 to 18 months, and in the meantime look into using some concealers like in the links below. I've used these myself, as do many others on the forum. They can make your hair look alot thicker now. Dermmatch: https://www.amazon.com/DermMatch-Waterproof-Concealer-Naturally-Concealers/dp/B01A5U7K7K/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=dermmatch&qid=1634665600&sr=8-4 Hair fibers: https://www.amazon.com/Toppik-Hair-Building-Fibers-Brown/dp/B0009FHJRS/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=hair+fibers&qid=1634665573&sr=8-5
  12. Np, by day 10 the grafts are securely anchored under the skin to their new blood supplies. The only way you're going to get rid of them now is to have the doctor dig them back out or get into a serious blunt force or burn accident. https://www.bernsteinmedical.com/research/graft-anchoring-in-hair-transplantation/
  13. Right on schedule, relax. https://www.bernsteinmedical.com/robotic-hair-transplant/fue-procedure/after-surgery/
  14. In my SMP research experience, looking for patient testimonials online is not going to yield you much. Its generally the people that have been botched by going to shady or inexperienced practitioners that usually post anything, if at all. And its understandable, getting your head inked is one of the few things even weirder than a hair transplant, and 'real' guys are not supposed to care about how they look. So I'd imagine most just get on with their life happy to have something they don't have to talk about, and no one else around them talks about because they don't even notice it. New York City in the USA and London in the UK are the two areas with the most concentrated talent pools. So you being in the UK means you got that in your favor. You should start with generally recognized reputable clinics by the 'industry,' and ask to see patient results especially if they are not already on their websites. Also to ask if you can meet any that are near you to see their work in person. You've probably already seen this if you've looked at some other threads, I've posted the link when guys are asking where to go. Its got everything SMP from educating patients, clinic recommendations, to helping SMP artists get started and advancing. Lots of clinics in the UK broken down by area too. Good luck. https://www.teammicro.com/clinics/
  15. Your top still looks pretty strong, but the frontal sides and top corners look like they've receded quite a bit. From these pics it looks like your barber is probably shaving off what little remains of the temple point areas. Do you have pics of your front temple areas when you were younger?
  16. Be careful, while hair loss definitely sucks you don't want to give yourself more serious problems trying crazy stuff. I'd check out these guys on youtube, they have other videos in click on their channel profiles, generally well regarded and not out to scam people. They do experimentation based on what data, studies are out there, post their results.
  17. Nice video, makes the forum even better to have the moderator hunkered in the trenches with us. Interested to hear about upcoming news on topical fin/dut from hasson/wong. I've been taking the oral finasteride for over a decade without any issues. We tend to always here about people taking either the oral or the topical, but for the majority of us taking the oral without any issues, I wonder if a smaller dose of the oral along with a topical dose would possibly give better results? And about forgetting to take your oral minox, I always take it right before brushing my teeth. Started taking it at night so the last brushing before bed, but now its in the morning when I get up. Have the multivitamin/fin/minox all right there next to the toothbrush.
  18. The avg human head has 100,000 hairs give or take, and someone has to lose about half of that, or 50,000 hairs, before it becomes visibly noticeable. So you've been losing for longer than 7-8 years, and that's a pretty big dip in the back into your donor already. I'd look at shaving your head and growing out your beard. Maybe transplant hair into your beard to thicken it up or use some minoxidil on it if you got some patchy spots. You also have good skin color for doing scalp micropigmentation. Otherwise if you want to try the hair transplant route see if you can handle and respond to finasteride to try to stabilize or slow down your loss rate for about a year. And keep your expectations realistic, plan for worse case if you run out of hair. And if you get side effects with finasteride and have to stop I wouldn't even bother, do the shave or scalp micropigmentation routes.
  19. Also, you mentioned electrolysis, that would get rid of the 'shadow' effect that your existing hair may leave under the skin too. But it wouldn't help conceal your transplant scarring, but hopefully your scar tissue color and skin color are not that much different so its not that visible. SMP would help with the scar concealment too. But if you want to consider the electrolysis path more this guy posted some videos about the series of sessions he went through for that. He just got it all destroyed so he doesn't even have to shave anymore.
  20. You can just shave, but depending on how light your skin is contrasted with how dark and thick your hair is there could be a 'shadow' effect where people can see your balding pattern even when you shave all the way down to the skin. SMP can blend everything to conceal that, and having the hair up along the front of your head where your face is will help make the SMP look better, give it a more '3D' realism. You got to be careful with SMP though just like hair transplants, if not more, make sure you go to a top reputable practitioner. Like @Gatsby, he went to one of the best. She's in Australia but he's mentioned before if you reach out to her she can also help with recommendations closer to you.
  21. Yea it looks like its thinning overall regardless. At least minoxidil, if you are a great responder that may be enough. And the dermarolling can help enhance the minoxidil absorption. Alot of guys will get their top hair fixed with a good strong hairline while the sides keep going back, it doesn't look natural overall and is one of the dead giveways that a guy's had some work done. And its a difficult place to restore if you try to get it fixed with tranplanted hair. From finding a doctor with enough experience and skill, to having enough softer fine hairs in other parts of their head or body to put there that will look natural.
  22. Yea I think the dye and shorter hair length blend to help give an overall fuller look. I'd give it another dye session and cut it to the same length for an accurate comparison. The dye is going to highlight and help make more visible all those hairs, from the thinner lighter colored 'vellus' hairs we have all over our body including the finer hairline and temple point areas, to the thinning terminal hairs, to the full terminal hairs that are not thinning. And the shorter length helps too because the vellus hairs don't grow as long as the terminal hairs.
  23. Blew up your linked picture and labeling. Were you using any hair dye to darken your grey hairs before? The pic on the right has almost no grey hairs. The thinner vellus hairs we all have that are almost invisible or cannot see except when real close up, along with the thicker grey hairs are going to be alot more visible when they are dyed black. If you haven't been dying your hair and its suddenly greying, could be a sign of alot of stress, nutritional, sleep, etc issues, that could also cause thinning. If that's the case, fix the lifestyle and stress issues. Either way, this area is one of the more common places to thin out earlier than later. Minoxidil with microneedling can help you hang on to it as long as possible. Blew up
  24. You can get some benefits from taking them in the months before and after HTs, in terms of helping to limit shock loss and maximizing blood flow and nutrients to the newly transplanted hairs. But its best to stay on the meds for life in terms of minimizing how many transplants you're going to need down the road. Unfortunately some guys are just not going to have enough donor hair for transplantation to make up for what they're going to lose. When you stop taking Finasteride the DHT levels flowing through your blood rise back up to their normal levels, which leads to more of it binding to your hair follicle receptors causing miniaturization until the hairs are so small you can't see them. Minoxidil is less important because it doesn't actually halt or slow your hair loss, but it does extend your hair growth cycle lengths and makes your hairs thicker while they are visible, helping to give you a fuller head of hair look.
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