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Everything posted by EvansLawrence

  1. Massive congratulations man!! gives me joy to see how happy you are. You have all the reasons to be. Looks excellent and you are not even on month 12. Would you do a crown surgery with Couto once this recovery is done?? cheers and have a happy life
  2. Ok! looking on track. Since I see you are a perfectionist one just like me I would recommend you to contact Fuexpert and do a PRP with them in their clinic so it accelerates the recovery and u can be more relaxed about it hehe. But looks good.
  3. oral minoxidil (minoxidil for 12 years, oral for 2) finasteride 1,25g/day for 2 years ketoconazol shampoo but now stopped until Couto tells me to restart.
  4. nah not really. Once I shared my case in a friends youtube channel HLC started to harrass me and my friend since they were unhappy with me showing the results. Plus they deleted a review I put on google in their page with pics. Mine was not one of the cases they share on youtube nor on social network., where they reach great density and even native density or better. Not at all. I recommend you to check again my pics.
  5. Well that angle is good, the front, if you see the next pics u see the lack of density and the patches. If you check my inmediate post operatory pics you see Couto put new grafts in all the area where my previous surgery was. Not as a touch up in specific places, but all around and inside the area. you only need to check my wet scalp from the top to see. And my shaved head pre-op reveals it very well. I repeat I know it was not a dissaster. I know dissasters in hair surgery where you clearly see the guy was better before the surgery, and I was better after my surgery at HLC, yes. Just not great as I thought I would be. And 3157 grafts for the small area they covered, plus not great survival... well, that is definitely a dissapointment.
  6. No man. Let him decide what something as personal as a dissapointment is. Doesnt matter if its about someone else's life 😂😂
  7. All right then you will decide wether or not is a dissapointment a surgery done on me, paid by me and with my donnor capital. Not myself. You are right. Couto and myself wrong. I already said a few times I admit it is not a dissaster, but who cares. You can have the say on it now if u want 💜. Yes almost 5000 ufs at 30. How many would Couto have needed for my current design if He had taken my initial situation before my surgery at HLC? 3000? Next week I see him for a PRP. I will bring him the pics and lets see how many he would have estimated. I will bring here the answer delivered by himself. But ofc dont dare to say it is a dissapointment if I could have saved 2k grafts, after all the donnor has no limits.
  8. 30 days Im getting my second PRP session next tuesday. So far all good. I have been super careful with my head and followed all the steps. I think Im out of danger now hehe. Shock loss has started and i think it will go further in the next weeks. Im ready for it, not even wearing hats so far.
  9. GREAT RESULT MAN!! From where tou were before and where u are now... JUST WOW! excellent! Happy to see good results from turkish doctors since I had lost my faith in Turkey haha 10/10. Keep the finasteride and enjoy life!
  10. Man congrats! Happy to see that there are still good doctors in Turkey. You deserve this outcome. Dont worry too much about ur slow side, its normal that one side often has a different rythm. I dont see the lack of density by the pics you provide but I trust your perception since its your own hair. You still have many months to recover and even if it doesnt come out, 200 grafts extra for a touch up wouldnt make this a failure, just a little touch up. Already looking great. Are u considering micropigmentation for the donnor? cheers
  11. AVOID THEM!! Here is my experience at HLC: I did my repair + temple work with dr.Couto in Spain just a month ago. You can follow it here: That being said I am not saying they will make a dissaster or neglect your donnor. But for that price you DEFINITELY have better options. Plus they use too many grafts to cover small areas with not always the best outcomes. Avoid them! Where do you live? I could recommend closer to you.
  12. IMO Erdorgan doesnt have bad reputation as a doctor himself, just all his big team. He made the bet on the clinic Asmed and not in himself, and let people underqualified to run surgeries there. What u said about how they blamed you sounds familiar. I have a spanish friend who posts on youtube (mesiassss4) and makes videos about good and bad clinics/doctors. He made a video with me where I explained my dissapointment with HLC and although they didnt reply to my many messages I sent them they inmidiately comented the video saying I was lying and only called me after I exposed this behaviour of them on the internet. I was shocked they had this "low cost clinic behaviour". Probably they would have said I didnt have the surgery with them hadn't I posted the official pics, who knows. The thing is that even the good cases they have I notice they use too many grafts just to cover small areas. I have seen a nw1 where they used 2500grafts, when Couto would have need maximum 1000 for same case (and probably better result). So I wouldnt ever recommend HLC or any clinic in Turkey. Unless u live there aleady maybe or close by. I hope we exhibit grear hair in a few months fella. Cheers.
  13. Man congratulations. you deserve a good end to your story. Couto is a magician. Like you I ended in a dissapointment from a turkish clinic which was supposed to be a safe bet (in my case HLC). Although being honest my result wasnt as bad as yours from Asmed. Couto did my repair + temple work about 3 weeks ago and Im very happy I waited those eternal waiting list he has and invested my money there. Btw did u ask Couto about an estimate of your donnor capital after 3 surgeries? cheers
  14. doesnt matter the brand as long as u buy it alcohool free and 100% aloe Rose hip is the translation gave me automatically haha. in spanish is "rosa mosqueta" and it is an oil.
  15. well is not small I agree. But also my head is big. I think making the hairline lower would be too much. I would look like this mexican guys that have proceding and low hairlines which imo is not that beautiful.
  16. I had a 20min call with Couto himself 2 months before my surgery where He recommend me strongly to do PRP since I had a repair surgery going on. Apparently PRP changes from one clinic to the other. They have a special machine for the plasma that probably other clinics dont have or they have others. I didnt feel the urge by his side of just trying to sell me PRP sessions. He said that although they are always recommended, in repair cases much more. He even was honest and told me that if I can only do one to be that one the month before, in order to prepair the scap tissue that can be tight and hard from a previous procedure. And that later PRP can make shorter the shock loss. If u are paraoid about it, then go for a PRP. Won't hurt and you can feel relaxed about knowing you are doing good your part. BTW yes I have seen cases from Couto where they are super at the 6 month mark but others that are not there yet. If in 2 months u are still like this then u can write them an email. But im sure it will all be ok.
  17. Looking great for tje 5 months you dont need to worry at all at this point. Give it 2 more motnhs 👍
  18. Heey yes I know HLC's transplant was a failure. I regreted many times going there. it was not a dissaster, just a dissapointment. Although I am from Spain by that time I was living in Finland. Thats why I chose HLC. Also because I thought that they were good quality. I wouldnt recommend HLC or Pekiner or any clinic in Turkey for spanish citizens, but I know that just now.
  19. Ok everyone! So 16 days ago I did my repair surgery of this case at Dr.Couto's FUEXPERT. You can follow the case here:
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