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Everything posted by EvansLawrence

  1. Hey i want to ask since I have heard rumors saying Couto is not doing all the surgery now. I mean the implantation since I believe He always had someone to do extractions. Did he run the 100% of the first surgery? and the second? who else did if not him?? thanks man
  2. Hey I want to ask. Which part of the surgery did dr. Couto do? did he do all the implantation? Quería preguntarte si puedes decirnos si Couto hizo toda la cirugia, solo la implantación o parte de la implantación
  3. Heey! I want to ask. Who ran the surgery? How much did Dr.Couto do in terms of implantation?
  4. Yeah I agree with you. The result is acceptable but depends for what. For what HLC claims to be, for Dr.Couto, for Dr. Freitas, for Bisanga.... it would not be acceptable in my opinion. If you go to a low cost/regular clinic then yes. Ofc I show the lack of density and if you need to see pics of my hair without showing it/normal styled you can go back to month 5 and after it. Although those pics dont really show the reality. When HLC shows their cases online they do it at natural light and showing from all angles, same way Dr. Couto or Freitas do. And you can see there is hair everywhere. Unlike my case.
  5. I am as anyone who spends 8k and 3157 grafts would be with similar result. Specially when I was misslead by many sources claiming HLC was a elite class clinic. Considering the clinic that will do my repair suegery says I would need 1K grafts to add density in already implanted areas I can speculate the survival was quite bad. 1K grafts equals to 2.5K €, but ofc the donnor is not unlimited so also has a price. Yes 5K€ seems quite legit. If the lack od density was, lets say, just about 200 grafts in a specific zone and the donnor was properly treated I would ofc be happy to go to HLC for a free touch up. But the case is quite oposite.
  6. Read again the post. U are mistaken. I cant remember all times I said not only I take medication but also I added finasteride, ketoconazol and switched to oral minoxidil.
  7. But ofc I wont let the same surgeons who did me this and spent 3157 grafts for this small area touch again my head. Specially after not a decent donnor treatment.
  8. Never said it was a complete failure I dont know where u got that from.
  9. Thats up to you! I wont get touched again by the same ones who gave me this result at that high graft cost and at that donnor treatment. That is for sure.
  10. Update: i had on the 25th of February a phone call with Engin (HLC patient coordinator) and sent him the pics. We agreed on waiting for the managers to check the pics but I told him already that I want partial reinbursment. He mentiom about me "saying lies about the clinic on social media" which is not truth. I have a spanish friend who goes by mesiasss4 on youtube and we shared by our point of view my process on HLC. Sharing your opinion on youtube or here is just part of our rights and freedom. As long as I dont lie everything is ok, cause you can agree or disagree just as people agree with me here and others dont. And its just fine. 3 weeks later I still wait for my answer. Havent received any message yet and honestly this looks just like they are forgetting about me. I upload a pic of me at month 12th. End of recovery. Final result. You guys tell if this is acceptable at 2.5€/graft. And a total of 3157 grafts.
  11. Thanks for the update and the good wishes. Well Im not doing terrible but Im not in my best either. I saw my new hair surgeon in Spain, who is also a trychologist and she told me that at least there is not noticeable infection/bad condition on the scalp. Just a not very good procedure. She would need 1000 grafts to redensify all the area, acording to her words. My only hope is they asume responsabilities and compensate for it. Im scared they just behave as any ordinary low cost clinic om Turkey. I believe they are more professional but lets see. I contacted them again and they said maybe next week we have a videocall. If they were just a regular clinic maybe they wouldnt even reply, right?. I dont know. Lets see what happens. How are you doing mentally??
  12. Month 11 and a half No improvement since last 5 months. I have accepted there wont be any improvement now. I want to show the poor density from all angles. Next week/ 2 weeks I have my call with HLC. About my repair: I was about to do it on January with Dra. Cotellesa. We moved it to August cause in some areas there is still miniaturization (specially the middle part of my head, where HLC didnt touch yet, not much on implanted area) so in order to save some grafts I continue now with oral minoxidil, ketoconazol champoo and medebiotin forte so I can improve that (ofc I continue with finasteride as well). Acording to her about 1000 grafts would be needed to redensify the current implanted area. Lowering my hairline/temples is not recomended since donnor is already touched and would demand more grafts. Still I hope we can do something. Sometimes at certain lighting where I dont see my lack of density (as in some previous pics, month 6 for example) I feel good cause looks like not big deal but then if hair is wet, light changes... I get back to reallity. I really wish I could have ended up as some of those cases they publish on their webside/ youtube. But I wont spend more time now regreting. After my call next month with HLC I will post here what solution/ compensation they gave, if any, and forget about this procedure and focus myself on my current treatment, my life and next surgery. Cheers
  13. Yeah. 50% i think its fair. Asking more would be too much (Im better than before after all). But survival is not the best and the donnor is already touched and could have been treated better.
  14. I did bring to them yeah. They didnt say no, didnt say yes. We agreed to wait. Personally I dont think they'll refund anything. Still i wont go even if they give free touch up. Cause my donnor is limited.
  15. Yes! So we agreed on waiting till february (12th month mark). So far Im now on month 11 and no improvement so I know how this will be next month but I understand is a burocratic procedure. They have seen pics, offered a free touch up altough they know I dont feel condident enough going there again. So lets see how we can resolve this 😊.
  16. Spending a high price on a clinic that shows itselft as an elite one and being dissapointed by not having a result acording to the clinic's level is being inmature? For real? Other thing: finasteride/ minoxidil is not mandatory for a surgery on hlc, and if they dont tell you to medicate yourself, then thats on them. Other clinics dont run a surgery if the patient is not medicated. Which btw should not affect to the donnor area/ implanted area, since its an area not affected by the androgenetic alopecia. Anyway I medicated myself. A chain of thought? Please dont make me laugh. What I show by the pics is objetive, clear.
  17. For my part not only I did everything recomended by the clinic but also started finasteride. A month ago even added oral minixidil. I see my case similar to @bloodhound's.
  18. Oh I understand. Well money goes normally with quality but not always. Plus its about 3800 € or more cause the blood test and medication are not inlcuided. This is a new doctor who has worked with De Freitas for 2 years, then in other clinic and now she has her new and own clinic. She is starting and still young, therefore she can not charge as much. But if you see her cases you freak out. Is not 100% sure yet but she will most likely be my choice.
  19. Dr. Couto is even more expensive than HLC but he is probably just the best in the world. I see why you think those pics lool better but thing is that lighting and the way you show the hair affects a lot. I havent seen any improvement since month 7 and then maybe it was to early to say that the result is not enough but now at month 10 and a half well, it should be different. My personal opion. Ofc you can dissagree on it.
  20. Yeah. I dont care about the doctor. I just give objective info. Responsability is HLC's not the doctor himself. Maybe he is the best one and I am just the exception. But I dont care about other results. I care about mine.
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