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Everything posted by asterix0

  1. @NARMAK I think things are on track now, don't worry and let the process play out. But if you want fully density in the front you may need to have a touch up procedure.
  2. @NARMAK Do you feel any more prickles along your hairline? Usually those are a good sign more hair will be popping through. Also, would you mind taking some photos in sunlight outside?
  3. Oxiborick I don't think the person meant you ill will over pm. Perhaps he just doesn't want you to spend a lot of time and money to not have your expectations met over what is possible given your donor capacity. The clinic is what it is, I saw the pictures in their gallery and if those were some of their average results then I can't blame you for giving them a try. The problem is this industry is filled with deceit and risk, and the people who get good results at random clinics such as this are more the lucky exceptions rather than the rule.
  4. Yes, he actually does not advertise the use of finasteride. He does recommend minoxidil.
  5. What is the name of the clinic where you went?
  6. It is more subtle, don't think in terms of always or everytime. See if a lawyer will consider some pro bono work to help you with your case, that you were taken advantage of, and were lied to regarding number of grafts.
  7. @washingtondc 4 months is still very early, patience for these next few months, don't look in the mirror everyday and just live your life, it's out of your control.
  8. It is better to give it a few extra days of rest in the hotel just for peace of mind. It's easy to bump your head in an airplane cabin. Also your face may be quite swollen as the local anesthetic moves down from your head.
  9. Dude, you're still missing something. Do not look for turkey. Just because you bought a ticket to go to turkey does not mean you need to get a transplant there.
  10. Do you have clear pictures from 4 years ago to say the balding has stopped? Are you on finasteride? I am 99.9% sure your balding has not stopped and it will continue until you are norwood 6, that is your clear destination pattern.
  11. So, I haven't done comprehensive research on Dr. Nader but I don't believe he is the guy who can fix your situation. You have fine hair and already a compromised donor from your first procedure. There are a select few clinics who can rectify your situation in the world, but do not use the criteria if they seem like a "good" or "nice" guy as a basis for your decision. Now, you dont want your surgeon kicking puppies and pushing old ladies as they walk down the street obviously, but focus only on the results. Look for cases most similar to yours and see if the outcome was to your liking, as a best case scenario.
  12. Your front is going to go as well in due time, I think you need probably a 4k graft megasession to address your front and crown. Look at the elite european doctors and proceed from there, I would not go to Turkey if I were you personally as you are clearly headed to norwood 6 as your final pattern, and cannot afford to waste grafts.
  13. My mental health was in a much worse state before finasteride while I witnessed my hair falling out more and more.
  14. Why single out Turkey? There are many other countries that you can travel to that are perfectly safe for this procedure. Think about it this way. What's a plane ticket and a week or so more in a hotel, when the stakes are so high? A failed transplant is much, much worse than doing nothing at all. Once you lose your precious donor reserves, finding a solution becomes very difficult, especially if you are destined to be a high Norwood. If you have found a clinic that has clear, documented results like the ones you want, hopping in a plane and going over there is the smallest of inconveniences.
  15. You were just taken advantage of unfortunately by a smooth talking salesman, it happens but I wish you would have found this site earlier while you were still deciding what to do.
  16. How much research did you do before picking this clinic?
  17. The problem is, from your pictures it looks like you are heading to norwood 7, so the assumption you have that the front will stay as it is, is not a good one. You will almost certainly also lose the front as your age is only 32. In that case, since your donor is limited, you want to keep as much as possible for when you lose the front. I would recommend you buzz your head at this point and hold off on a transplant.
  18. Usually, the higher Norwood you are at an earlier age, the more susceptible your donor area is when transplanted.
  19. Yes, there are numerous studies that show this, but it is not a well researched field. I have posted about it you can search this forum, or search through google scholar yourself. Donor dominance theory is not fully true, this is why beard hair when transplanted on your recipient area will take characteristics of your recipient area native hair over time. I use finasteride to protect my donor, native, and transplanted hair.
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