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Everything posted by asterix0

  1. Nothing you can do now but wait until the process finishes. I am not sure but it looks more like 2000 to me.
  2. It is better to do it to lower the risk of infection. You still have open wounds on your head for several days after the procedure. And you'll be in taxis, in hotels, where sanitary conditions are not pristine.
  3. Where did you go? It does not appear to be 2900 grafts from what I can see. Also, I see some doubles in your temples.
  4. breaks it up into multiple days, 4k grafts is around the one day limit, but it's about a 16 hour day or so of work.
  5. The technicians assist with sorting and storing the grafts. Dr. Zarev is the only one who touches your head, during extraction and implantation.
  6. They have not been deleted, but it's time consuming to search the whole forum, so that will be left as an exercise to the reader as the saying goes (you in this case). Here are some threads that are worrisome to me: The density after 2.5k grafts is not what I would expect for this particular patient. Actually it almost looks better pre-op, except for the very front of the hairline. Here is another case of bad angles and over harvested appearing donor for a small number of grafts.
  7. Would you mind taking some recent pictures of your donor? I see that you recently went to Eugenix.
  8. I recall seeing donor areas looking over harvested on a few recent threads, but I cannot find them now when I search in the forum's archives. I think if you go with Dr. Sethi you should feel confident in the result being good, for the others I cannot speak since I haven't seen enough results.
  9. Temples are very tricky to do right, don't worry about it, temple recession is natural as men get older.
  10. It is hard to say looking at the pictures. At this point there is nothing you can do anyway, so just let the process play out and evaluate it at 7-8 months.
  11. Didn't mean any harm, but it was a case where the patient did not get good growth so I was curious if was applicable to OPs, since it was the same surgeon.
  12. Was there any resolution to this thread of this former Dr. Mwamba patient?
  13. @RTC I have a hypothesis but this is admittedly a personal theory and some bro-science, but anyone else can chime in if they think it's wrong. So, perhaps your yield was affecting by the over harvested donor from Asli Tarcan. Remember, your donor was not over harvested because she took 5000 grafts, many have done that many grafts and even more, but their donors do not look over harvested. The problem is the tools that Asli Tarcan used and the improper way your grafts were extracted that caused additional damage to your donor. Thus, the scarred regions kind of heal together and great an additional surface area of damaged donor. So, even the surrounding good grafts, may have been slightly compromised by the larger diameter of the damaged donor regions. Think of extracting grafts like plucking a tree out of the ground. If you want to re-plant it in another area, you must make sure the "roots" , so to speak, are not damaged as well, otherwise the tree will not grow when it is moved to its new location. What may have happened is, other grafts that looked good when Dr. Mwamba took them out, may have been damaged under the surface by what Asli Tarcan did, and thus cannot grow properly.
  14. I agree that it is better to spread the grafts all over than just concentrate them at the front. The point I wanted to make is, having a slightly thinning crown is definitely better than a slightly thinning hairline. A thick but receded hairline is a different story, a thick Norwood 2 can easily pass for a full head of hair person in almost all settings with non-observant hair loss spotters. Once you start getting a see through hairline, thinning forelock, there's no hiding it, and it definitely ages you quite a bit.
  15. I suggest you find ways to make more money then before permanently affecting your donor and recipient area even further. You can always make more money, but once your grafts are gone, no amount of money can bring them back.
  16. It is not too early to tell, and yes it is over harvested unfortunately. Nothing you can do now but wait and accept it, and at some point look into repair options from a reputable surgeon.
  17. How recent were they? I can dig up good results from many years ago from ASMED for instance, which is irrelevant because their recent results have been quite disappointing. Post them here if you wish and other forum members can offer their opinions.
  18. Dude what? How old are you, you sound like an impulsive teenager. Definitely it is not wise to do, I mean I suppose you can have the consolation just to see what they say, but do not proceed with surgery.
  19. At least, if you comb the hair forward instead of up at the hairline, you can look like you have a full head of hair. Not an ideal styling choice but at least something to make the best of the situation.
  20. I am sorry you fell victim to this predatory clinic. Indeed these are typical lighting tricks many clinics play. If you dim the lights in the room, or have indirect lighting combined with flash from the camera, your result can look dramatically better than it does in real life.
  21. Using Henry Cavill as an example just doesn't make sense, the guy is a ripped actor and one of the most handsome guys in the world. Some recession with a thick forelock won't affect him too much. Walking around with this hairline to me would be a lot worse than a thinning crown for the average guy.
  22. Definitely. Why would you go back to a doctor that you were dissatisfied with previously?
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