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Everything posted by TorontoMan

  1. Well actually the answer is there could be. While fin reduces systemic dht 60-70 percent for men, the reduction is not equal to that percent range in the scalp. Topical fin could help reduce 5ar conversion directly in the scalp according to the few studies done it. However you run into the problem of topical fin going systemic along with your oral use
  2. Yeah a bit alarming, I typically tend to buy all my products from whole food stores, they're like only ever $2-3 more and I feel better supporting smaller stores too.
  3. He's definitely balding, it was evident in his last fight, during the face off, and he was even called out by Dustin Porrier on it . Might be all the juice hes running
  4. Hey thanks mate. I use the Dr. Pen microneedle set to 1.5 mm and I start from the back, bottom end of my crown and make my way to the front of my scalp. I always do it after a shower so that my scalp is loosened up a bit and my hair is wet so its easier to go over with the pen. I typically 'peck' the microneedle down into an area and move through my entire scalp that way. When you press down the in each individual spot rather than go across in circles, I feel like you were wounding more efficiently although it may hurt a bit more. I never really over do it, i may sometimes reduce the depth and go over my scalp quickly once more after I feel I've covered everything the first time, but thats it. It generally takes me 5 minutes. Imo more is not necessarily better as we like to think with most things, I just try to do it efficiently and make sure that aim is to wound the skin not damage it. I microneedle bi-weekly and always clean the needles with some alcohol before and after use and after wounding & I wait two days to apply any sort of topical. As for OM, I've been on 2.5 mg since May and I've been doing fine on it. I don't recall a drastic shed though there may have been a slight one, but I didn't pay much attention to it. You're more likley to be a responder on OM than topical.
  5. @Melvin- Moderator Do you have a copy of that powerpoint presentation from Dr. Hassons topical formulation?
  6. Hey, Thank you, I'm definitely pleased with it. I came in a few weeks ago to take some photos with your media guy and I don't mind them being shared here on your account as long as my identity remains anonymous. Thank you guys
  7. @deeznuts Dr. Tiffany Chen 1448 Lawrence Street East Suite 302 416 750 8400 Thats the dermatologist who prescribed me oral min, but I should mention I never met her in person we only consulted over the phone. She knew enough about hair loss to my surprise and she could feel that I had done enough research so felt okay prescribing it to me. If its any consolation for you, I hardly think about my hair and taking meds now a days. I have for the most part accepted the trade-offs and understand the risk to reward for myself. I think its a matter of having "time in the market" & I believe that there is a similar learning curve that most of us take when we start this journey. Everyone goes through the same discovery phase, which involved finally realizing your hair is going, going through an insane amount of google searches and reading all sorts of shit, to learning about finasteride and then juggling the idea in you mind and reading a thousand anecdotes before you decide to try it yourself, to endlessly lookking at ht results and so on. Unfortunately everyone goes through this shit, its almost like you have to put your time in, and at the other side of a good hair transplant and comfort taking meds is a more peaceful place i promise lol (at least from my experience so far). But behind all the trauma is also a realization that we often in our early 20s live life as if we are invincible and that things cannot happen to us. I use to look at bald men and never wonder how they even got to that point, I just assumed it would never be something that would happen to me because my ego wouldn't allow it. So a little bit of this realization and ego death is a good thing. and yeah to your orginal point, I have a fairly large group of guy friends, out of 7 of us only 1 shows very little signs of hair loss, the rest of us are experiencing it to some degree, and three of us have had transplants lol. So its common, and you're not a victim. Either way there are truly more important things, I have 2 bald friends who are very succesful and great dudes and are happier than most of us, its just fucking perspective. Just fucking get out there, and work on building a career/business/wealth and take care of your body. LFG
  8. Yes I’ve ordered dutasteride powder and will likely make my own formulation and test it in the new year, but may only add it once a week on top of my current regimen. I saw Melvin had a chat with dr. Hasson so looking forward to catching what he said about their product. in terms of preparing yourself, getting yourself sorted with flights and all that isn’t too hard, just do ahead of time and save yourself money and nerves thinking about it. I would limit the amount of time you spend on here and other forums, not that this site is bad, but the more mindshare this consumes the more anxious you’ll be. Most the work you’ve already done, educated yourself on what hair loss is, meds and restoration opportunities and you’ve found a good doc. So now just trust the process. I was in school when I had my surgery, and this year I began working. My work is a hybrid so I’m in most days but chose to stay home once in a while
  9. Congrats man thats a good pick from what I've seen. Leading up to my surgery it was def a bit tough to wrap my head around what was about to happen and it was very real the night before when I was staying in the guesthouse and stood in the shower for like 45 minutes at 3am trying to understand what I was getting myself into lmao. My jitters sort of went away when I realized how privileged I was to even have the opportunity to go through this process. Certainly my father never had the opportunity, nor any man just 30 years before us. Hair loss sucks but its pretty common for most men, I realize now that hair transplant surgery might be a thing that in about 10 years every like third guy you know will have done. I actually recently realized that a colleague of mine had a ht and prior to knowing I was envious of his hair. Fundamentally the surgery is sound. When you go to a good clinic, you're buying into the repetition of the doctor and his staff. After-all these doctors and their teams perform about two of these every day for many years, in the case of Dr. Rahal for me, I realized that he had been doing this for almost as long as I have been alive. You have to put your trust in their specially and trust that things will work out. So anyway my mindset shifted from feeling sorry for myself and thinking how this could be something that is happening to me to feeling pretty grateful that we have options we could explore as opposed to cluelessly watching it all fade away. We have enough tools at our disposal to stave off loss and correct some thats already happened, and this will hold us to an age where we will likely care less about it anyway.
  10. I’m very grateful for the result I can’t tell much difference other than that I feel ive been maintaining on fin, min and recently ru. I tolerate oral min well at 2.5mg so will continue forward With it. Might consider moving to 5mg one day but I’m not sure it’s necessary, but I’ll see
  11. Insane results so far, how do you take the 5mg? 2.5 mg am & pm, or 5mg at once?
  12. RU58841 is similar to a compound called nilutamide which is used to treat prostate cancer. Its taken orally at doses much greater than what is used for hair and it could damage the heart/lungs. The metabolites are similar and RU has a short half life as well.. I believe nilutamide is taken somewhere between 100-300 mg while RU standard is like 30-50 mg and i know guys who take > 100mg. So in my opinion I think it could be safe for the most part if the individual gets their dosing range right.
  13. But follow thay Matt dimuzio guy on youtube if you want to be sold false hope 😂
  14. If there were ppl with real success.. there would have been studies done on it with published results, on top of plenty anecdotes. But there’s none of that, evident from this entire thread
  15. Nope. You have genetic hair loss. Your genes transcribe at your hair follicle, and DHT is the main avenue to a cascade of events that happen that eventually kill of all sorts of cell signalling and eventually miniaturize your hair. Without addressing androgens, that are at the core of the problem, all of these other things are more or less expensive coping mechanisms that won't do much for you neither short term or long term.
  16. Yeah I could speak on this personally, $15k for me wasn't by any means pocket change, but not a single day passes where I think about that money. Tressless should be avoided like the plague,I see way too many posts about guys saying their budgets are $2k.. & I get it, not everyone lives in a first world country and earns enough, but they're so quick to jump to these "sale prices" ... they do stop at surface level research and think they did well and its disheartening tbh. Tressless also a good place to go convince yourself your dick is shrinking from fin and min too.
  17. jesus christ, thats literally full coverage. The man zarev is a wizard Could you also show us a photo of your donor so we could see exactly where everything was extracted from?
  18. You'll "roll the dice" on something that is going to leave scars in your head?? Nice. That only accommodated his mentality in the short run and likely set him up for failure too.
  19. I cringe when I hear the conversation about how much ppl think surgeons should be charging. They find their price relative to the market, and like Melvin said if you want a clinic to charge less or if we somehow determined the price for them artificially.. then you could expect that they would increase surgeries per day and hire cheaper staff as well and you'd get less quality done on something that will last you for the rest of your existence. Cringe even harder when I hear ppl gloat about getting it done "cheap" or for "a good price" especially when they say that coming from Turkey and they're like 3 days post op and have no idea how its going to turn out.
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