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Everything posted by TorontoMan

  1. In my experience third party loaning companies for cosmetic procedures have always offered the worst interest rates. I found that applying for a line of credit or even a cheaper credit card was a better option. Sorry I know that doesnt answer your question fully, but I would start with that first if you haven't already. I was able to increase my credit card limit in time for my procedure and got an interest rate of 4.5% compared to the 9.5% offered by some ass loaning company that also wanted wanted to charge a "set up" fee and an "administration fee", after I added up all the fees they were going to ding me with, the cost of borrowing was closer to like 40-50%.
  2. Off hair topic here, but wanted to know if anyone has any experience they could share with Ear pinning or otoplasty. I have slightly protruding ears that I wouldnt mind getting pinned back a slight bit but its also not a massive issue for me either. Reason why it comes to mind now is because I recently ran into a buddy who did the procedure and looked amazing on him and wasn't nearly as expensive as I thought it would be. So my question is, does anyone have experience with this procedure and is there a forumn like this one dedicated to a quality surgeon search because like hair I want to make sure if I do it I'm going to the best and getting it right the first time. Any info. you could share is appreciated. Thank you
  3. Lmao jsut saw this.. that’s not zlatan.. that’s some dude who looks like him and they imitation videos on the gram
  4. Likely seasonal shedding imo. I doubt that it has much to do with the quality from HIMs, but to give you peace of mind just go get a prescription and pick up from a pharmacy, that will probably save you money anyway. Go do some bloodwork too if you can, see if perhaps your DHT or T are high, and consider adding a topical AA to your regimen
  5. Start with 1.25 mg daily, see how you tolerate it for 3 months, then move up to 2.5mg daily. You could decide in a few months whether or not to go up to 5mg, but i personally don't see the point.
  6. Personally haven't tried that yet, but will look to add topical duta once a week in the future. But my question to you is how did you maintain after 11 years of fin? did you find it to be effective for your hair loss?
  7. wow amazing input. How many years in total have you been on finasteride? I hope you''re recovering well from chemo.
  8. I might be too strung out on forums Overdosed on finasterideStarted not to give a f- and stopped fearing the side effects Drinkin' liquid minoxidil every night because we drink to my accomplishments Hair Faded way too long I'm floating in and out of follicles And they sayin' This shit could come badk, I'd agree with that I just take my time with all this surgeon shit, I still believe in thatI had someone tell me It might all fall off, ouh I needed thatAnd they wanna see me pick back up, well what norwood I leave it at?
  9. Wow crazy… I personally think this is an insanely good option. If down the line in the future I continue to lose this will def be skemtning I’ll consider
  10. Wow yeah thank you for this link. These guys are serious
  11. If I’m being honest I’m inquiring for a buddy who isn’t very happy about his donor, and in all honesty he didn’t start with a very dense donor either. And thank you for your kind comment, for myself I don’t think anyone at this point could tell unless they really focused, but If it is a popular option, it would be something I would consider too
  12. The hard truth is you're far gone for 29 years old and if you're not willing to take medication, then you will just continue to lose everything. A hair transplant will be tough as you won't get great enough coverage and your donor is likely to minaturize in some parts in the future without meds as well. What I suggest is that you buzz your head down, you should have already done this. Take a look at how you feel about your look, many guys are shocked at how fine they are with this look, and if this is something you are fine with, then you win this right here and you could move on with your life. If not, the next step for me would be to consider SMP as an option too. More and more im seeing some incredible results from SMP, that is a functional solution for so many men. Ill attach some examples of SMP with hair transplant for coverage, but you could also find amazing results with SMP on its own. If that is not something you want to consider, but I think you should, then your only other option is to make a plan to slowly introduce medication to get over your fear. There are many guys on here alone and even more that I've talked to outside of this forum who have been on it successfully for many years. Dr. Hasson is rumoured to have been on fin for many years and conceived two daughters in that same time. If you could go on a course and try to get some regrowth, you could become a better candidate for surgery. However, I believe that without some course of action, you will set yourself up to pay a lot of money and be full of expectation for a what hair transplant could do for you and come out disappointed. Finasteride isnt the only option too, you have topical anti androgens as well like CB and Fluridil you could introduce first. However there is so much data supporting finasteride, it is the easiest starting point imo. I don't want to sell false hope to members on the forum, but there is a lot of stuff being trialed right now for hair loss that should be coming out in just a few years. If these things are shown to work, you may only need to use finasteride for a little while to maintain you until then. I would try a small dose of fin for the first 4 months, say 0.25 mg every other day, and slowly work your way up as you get more confident that its fine for you. This is what I did when I started and I'm glad I started slow.
  13. Probably been asked plenty of times, but does anyone know where I could look at results for smp in fue scars. I’d love to see if that’s a good option
  14. Yeah I think it’s a good call, it honestly doesn’t look like something you even need, you’ve built a great body. Keep on moving forward 💪🏻💪🏻
  15. Wow what a difference. Did your hair get to this point before finasteride ? & my opinion is to just stay off creatine. If it has any chance of ruining your hair then I don’t see the point
  16. Great hair, great physique. JDEE nails the creatine and dht connection, although I’m not convinced either that it’s entirely detrimental, especially since you are on fin anyway. Your body secretes enough creatine, personally don’t see why you need it, you have a lot of size as is and it could be causing some water retention. have you had a ht? I don’t recognize much loss in that photo
  17. You just need to make sure it all dissolves, that will depend on how much you’re putting in per ml of vehicle. 20-50mgs should dissolve in 1-1.5 ml of vehicle, but really just look at the mixture after and see if you could see any powder yourself, and if you can’t that’s good enough
  18. Wow I might have to brag to him about this comment when I see him. Thank you 🙏🏻
  19. I won’t be disappearing, I’m just less focused now on the HT side and of things and more on prevention. This forum is the best for transplant research, guys like Melvin and a handful of other members here are great for helping guys not get done in by frauds and to get realer expectations. I’ll update this thread when regimens changes. Right now just RU being added as mentioned, and potentially start SMI-6 in the new year. I’m also saving up money now for when Bay comes to market, bcuz If it live up to its hype, it will likely cost as much as a small hair transplant I imagine. Not nuclear up until now, finasteride has been kingpin and will likely always remain at the core of the regimen. But let’s hope you’re right, I guess the goal is to beat out my dad at least 😂
  20. I cant tell you that with certainty, but I don’t think you’ll get a lot of androgen rebounding because you’re on fin/dut. I think if you wanted days off it, i would take it for a few days consistently and then maybe rest 2 days. Could be an option, but not sure until You try
  21. Lol I’m not trying to see dr rahal ever again (respectfully haha)
  22. Very solid. I’ll look into lipogaine myself. Are you using Cetirizine for inflammation? lol good to see my post impacted, I have the A6 pen as well. My tip for microneedling is that more is not necessarily better. Keep it under 10 minutes and don’t overdo it, we want to wound but not damage skin over time. I would also look to cycle needling, do it for 6 months and then come off for 3-4 months. And as per ru, it has a short half life so if it was being used as mono therapy than I would say you would need it every day, but because you’re on fin/ duta i wouldnt worry about missing a day in between
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