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Mark Wolfer

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Everything posted by Mark Wolfer

  1. Go and see a plastic surgeon about the scar. Hair transplant surgeons don't specialize in scar repair.
  2. Logically speaking... you're 4 months since your last surgery so the results for the area that got transplanted won't show yet. Putting aside the scar issue, if you decide to stop taking medication now, one consideration is that you're throwing away all the effort and cost of three surgeries. The medication and surgery issue are completely separate things and I would strongly encourage you to keep regular with the meds. If you have decided to "just shave it bro" then your scars are going to be viaible. Are you okay with that? If I were you at this stage I would be focused on the scar issue. First you need professional medical help to get that scar to heal better. I wouldn't trust the surgeon who gave you that scar to fix it. If you're still having fluid and blood coming from a four month old procedure then you have a serious problem. The fact that the surgeon had to work with a technician to physically pull your scalp skin together to be able to sew it closed tells me they didn't bother to check your scalp laxity. Once you've stabilized the scar and it has had a year to heal then the next thing to focus on will be to improve the appearance of the scar. Maybe a decent surgeon will be able to minimize the amount of visible scar tissue. After that consider body hair FUE into your donor area scars, SMP treatment on to the scar area.
  3. Yes I've also been dealing with run around and still no shipping details two weeks since I made payment. I had been warned that there is a long lead time when dealing with this clinic. Hopefully it's smoother for future orders because I like the way their product smells and it doesn't make my hair greasy. I'm waiting for Hasson and Wong's topical DUT to be available.
  4. You need to do this community all the kindness of outing the surgeon who did this to you, so everyone else can know to stay far away. If I were you I'd be getting opinions from dermatologists / plastic surgeons etc. on how to treat that scar and all the ongoing trouble its giving you. You should consider putting botox in the muscles around the scalp to keep you from naturally pulling on the scalp skin with your expressions etc.
  5. Lots of guys get busted, lots of guys avoid getting busted. Pretty much all of them are doing sneaky stuff and taking other stuff that masks the proper stuff, and then get busted for taking the masking stuff because that's also considered banned stuff. Active fighters definitely CAN be on PEDs. Also, Conor isn't on active status as far as I know.
  6. If they don't need the meds then they're not losing native hairs, and so this would apply to patients who want a lower hairline or to fill in high temples. And I'd agree they will have great results and can have denser packing because there is no need to hold back donor hairs for future loss.
  7. I like the idea of harvesting the donor area with FUE and FTE until it's pretty much exhausted, then waiting for it it to heal and repopulating the donor area with body / beard hair and combining that with SMP into the donor area to fill in the thickness, then keeping the back and sides nice and short.
  8. > I assume your experience with the injections was manageable as well then? Not overly painful for you either? You can comfortably put it out of your mind, they are experts at administering it and it wasn't painful at all. I found both HT procedures to be comfortable from beginning to end, it's really just the swelling that was uncomfortable and weird to look at, but it wasn't painful either. There are plenty of things to worry about for a HT but pain from the injections isn't one of them.
  9. > Does the pain subside quite quickly? It is literally the only thing that's held me back from doing this sooner. Really? It's entirely forgettable and I hardly noticed it.
  10. Topical dutasteride can be bought now and if I were you I wouldn't wait at all. You've invested in two expensive and time consuming surgeries. All that could be wasted if you don't get on a medication to maintain the hairs on your head.
  11. Case 11 was a terrible surgical plan. 600 grafts is woefully inadequate and a poor result like this was inevitable
  12. Your research should begin with the recommended surgeons posted on the top right link of this site. Not by finding some random site or instagram account and then coming here to check if that's a good surgeon to go with.
  13. Congrats on what looks like a really well planned out and executed surgery. Looks like a really efficient use of your donor area and I think you're going to enjoy the results by around month 5. Did you get a few grafts put into your vertex too?
  14. Oscar Isaac surely is blessed. On the subject of Dune, I think Sting managed to keep his hair nicely over the 30 year time span from the 1984 movie to his appearance at the 2013 Grammy awards.
  15. That's pretty funny. Makes his teeth look weird and tiny.
  16. What's the big deal with sending photos? Wouldn't you want them to quote based off photos if you can't get to the clinic?
  17. What a great looking result so far. Congrats and happy further growing.
  18. You have a good head of hair pre-op, you're on the meds and you've given them two years to do what they can do. You've picked a great surgeon and a smart plan. You clearly are a man who has done his homework, I look forward to seeing your results, best wishes on the upcoming surgery.
  19. Well after 17 months of not taking finasteride you lost more hair. If you trust the surgeon enough to let him do a procedure on your head, but not enough to take a well tolerated drug on his advice, then you will be disappointed in how your hair looks over time.
  20. Your second procedure was 10 years ago, and you've only been on finasteride for 11 months as of this thread in June. I'd say your native hairs and your transplant hairs both were affected by DHT for 9 years and a month and this is why you've had more thinning. Maybe the fin you're on now has caused a shed and it will grow back to how it was before you started on fin.
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