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Doron Harati

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Everything posted by Doron Harati

  1. I had 3 HTs, my crown result was much slower, only started to see some growth around 5-6th month with final result after 12 months, my frontal had first growth after 3.5 months and final result after 9 months, of course this development is diverse between every paitent.
  2. After 6-7 months you can have mostly good reference for the frontal area, but for the crown you'll need to have a lot more patience around 8-12 months, saying this from personal experience with comparison to average till late bloomers candidates.
  3. It's very personal, I prefer the topical because I had side effects from the oral that hurt my libido which I don't experience with the topical.
  4. Hello @Teddy1927, You're welcome to contact me for consultation with HDC clinic in Cyprus, you can read over 10 years reviews on this forum.
  5. My crown result started to show first growth after 6 months and final result after 12 months.
  6. @Collinb, you can try Finasteride and Minoxidil, I personally don't like the Propecia pills because it hurt my libido, so I'm using topical formula without side effects. 21 years old is way too young for HT, you need to wait at least you'll be 24 years old, you'll be NW6 in the future and we need to make sure your DHT won't effect your donor area as NW7.
  7. @BaldV, the clinic always make upfront plan for paitents that will have progress with further hairloss. On many consultations the clinic suggest the candidates they'll need to come back after years from 1st procedure. As I mentioned before, this paitent have a rich donor that will provide high amount of grafts to cover the rest of the scalp.
  8. After 10 months yes, if it's for the crown maybe it's worth to wait 12 months. It's all depending on the donor quality and what are your expectations to achieve by "higher density".
  9. The hair of the patient was quite dense on the non-covered areas, the clinic had to put the maximum density in order to match his existing hair, additionally the clinic also used grafts to cover the temporal peaks. The donor area is very rich and can be used much more if needed in the future. The paitent posted his own photos on his own thread, the clinic will post photos only if he'll send us directly and approve to promote it.
  10. Thank you! Dr. Maras and Dr. Christina do the surgical parts: punch and incisions. The technicians do the extractions and placements under Dr. Maras and Dr. Christina supervision.
  11. Thank you! I'm coordinator of HDC clinic, therefore I can't give feedbacks on other clinics, you should choose a clinic by your personal taste of their results and the strategy they choose for your procedure, it's safe to say you choose wisely choose not to go with cheap hair mills 😉
  12. Donor looks and good to have 4000+ grafts per session, always better to have longer hair and scalp measurements for better estimation, but looks you're good candidate for FUE procedure.
  13. Much better than before, the donor looks very good now and the hairline got better, as a botched fellow by a hair mill in Turkey I completely can understand you, we need a tremendous mental strength to go through repair journeys, I wish you'll achive your goal and keep updating us👍🏻
  14. It's not something you measure because every candidate should get his OWN personal consultation, there're many aspects to exam before making expectations. Age 35 are the average range that usually clinics approve for having a procedure, of course the clinic will exam the donor and hairloss pattern to approve this. You're welcome to contact me for consultation with HDC clinic, the clinic located in Cyprus.
  15. These photos are post 4 days surgey, washing the scabs away by our staff. The donor has been preserved because the punching was equally distributed over the donor with leaving healthy surrounding hair around every punch. Dr. Maras Explained the patient that he will not punch deep into the scalp to avoid trauma and scarring. These 3416 grafts were spread also equally over the recipient area with great density in order to cover more area.
  16. Thank you @Kaio, glad I could assist you, enjoy your stunning transformation 😎 Thanks everyone for your kids words 🙏🏻
  17. If you can provide us photos of the donor area and post 1st operation it will help a lot to evaluate your situation, you're welcome to have with us consultation privately, I'm as well had a bad awful 1st procedure by a hair mill in Turkey, then I had 2 successful repair procedures by Dr. Maras at HDC clinic. My journal is in this forum:
  18. Not necessary, we have long time experience to refer the candidates results that can resemble their future final result, but we asking the candidates to send us measurements of the hairline and crown with a tape so the consultation will be more efficient, this is very important to make a natural design and correct strategy approach to any case so the candidate will know what to except for before the procedure.
  19. Depending what is your current donor quality and your expectations, it's better you'll upload donor photos
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