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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. I will be brutal... From my personal experience, you need to understand that this "clinic" do not have to tools the handle an adverse reaction. Som if the doc is scared that something could be wrong, he/she abort the surgery. Then the/she say "I aborted to protect you from this or that". But keep in mind...they try to protect themselves as first thing.
  2. I was thinking the same. HL is is too low and flat. In any case, the angles and directions look very good, so he end result will be good.
  3. Someone suppose that Cialis can help post op. But none of them is a "5 ininitor"
  4. I can't see a great density in post op pics.
  5. Thai is great. Wonder the kind of attitude that Keser has with his patient... Can you talk with him and discuss the hairline? how long does he take for hairline design? Important: how many grafts did he quote for you at the beginning?
  6. Joke apart, the black was your natural color? did you decide to rebuild the temporal peaks? Or it was a doctor's choice? Did you discuss the topic with him? From what I see, he created to very straight lines. Did he explain this choice? I am looking for a new HT to rebuild my Temporal peaks but that are a very "dangerous" area so I'm looking for the best doctor (Keser is one of them) and any input can be helpful.
  7. when you say that "don't recreate temples with every hair type" you mean temporal peaks or the whole lateral hairline? Another question: I see some people (me included) that do not lose temporal peaks but the hair are ultra thin and naturally short (the hair are something between hair and vellus). Is this the "natural condition" of temporal peaks...or is this because there is a minor thinning of the area?
  8. hair growth is a side effect of a drug created for prostate enelargment. If a durg doesn't have dises, that means that doesn't work (Dan Duchaine*) * D. Duchaine it is not me, he was the steroids guru.
  9. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24499417/#:~:text=DP cells from balding scalp,contributing to male pattern baldness.
  10. This chart is an over semplification. The second substance on the score list is DHEA but DHEA increases insulin sensivity as well amnd the most recedent stanford research showwed that GH (third on the list) and DHEA reverse biological clock and...suprise suprise, make wonder on hair! IGF-1 role is still not clear in hair loss as well as the rose of insulin.
  11. You are wrong! a) skill for a small area: artistic sense, HL requires an high artistic sense. A doctor can be technically perfect but can lack of the ability to "read your face" and see what fits better. b) skill for larger area: greater extraction ability. if you lack that ability but need to extract only 2000FU...doesn't matter. But if you need to extract 6/7000 FU, it makes a huge difference. Zarev, for example, is considered a god for larger areas bucasse his particular technique.
  12. totally agree. The hairline design is wrong and the FU placement is poor. If it was from a Turkish clinic, some people were blaming the doctor, the clinic and the entire turkey.
  13. the are 4 step of recession of TP. In grade 3 and 4, it is mandatory to rebuild TP or you will get a toupee effect. That said, if I well understand his thought, I partially agree with gastby. Rebuilding lateral hairline is crucial to lower the frontal hairline. But you can rebuild the lateral HL and not rubuild the temporal peaks. Couto (maybe the best surgeon along with Keser in Europe to rebuild temporal peaks) has a lot of cases like this. If your concerne is grafts sparring, don't worry, temporal points don't require many graft. The first cm is about 15 FU/CM The second is about 25%. So, 100-150 grafts per side can work the trick. My concerne is the end result. If a person doesn't have a Great Recession of TP, I suggest not to do. I love natural temporal points. Saw very few cases of nice temporal points from an HT.
  14. think the head as a box. The lateral hairline stays outside the eye and the frontal hairline above the eyes. The frontotemporal angle should stay on the edge between the top oy your head and the side of your face. From what I see, the angle is located more on the lateral side of the head.
  15. You are not using anti androgens, except a little bit of fina on your scalp.
  16. From what I see, the apex of the angle should be closer to the Cantus of the eye. Turkish surgeons tend to draw this kind of hairline.
  17. This is the HL I was talking about. Let apart personal presences, is it anatomically correct?
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