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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. now Bicer is charging 3 for motorized and 4 for manual. Do you guys think is he worth the price? I didn't follow her works during years so I can't give any judgment.
  2. let me say that a good doctor can do his diagnosis in 2 minutes. BTW, I understand your concerns. It is fair that the doc gives you enough time to express your perplexities, to make questions etc. I had a free consultation with a doc (I won't name her name until I will book with her) and she spent 25 minutes talking with me.
  3. When you read a research, the "results" show the "average" result. For example, are 6 training sets better than 4. Result: yes, we saw a 25% in hypertrophy. If you read the whole paper, you see that some people got 40% improvements while others got better results with 4 sets. That means, the efficacy is very subjective. That is true for everything in the medical world. If 99% of people get results from something, that doesn't mean it works for you. You can be the 1% outlier.
  4. PS: I see some thinning over your ears. I think that fina/duta are mandatory for you to improve your donor area
  5. the only thing I do not like about this HT is where the doc placed the frontotemporal angle. In any case, the works look like very good.
  6. You look great. I think dr Bicer is "underrated". She is consistent and she works on "desperate" cases improving her look!
  7. probably, treamtmentns won't fix the problem at 100%. In any case, before HT, take care of your self with minoxidil, fina etc. If you improve your hair, you will need less grafts, saving your donor area. And do not forget, even if you had an unlimited donor, God is the best surgeon. keep HT at the minimum possibile.
  8. Before??? OMG, you were full of hair!!! where did they put new hair?!!?
  9. It is not so easy: pro-inflammatory prostaglandins can increase (d2) or reduce (E2) hair loss. DHT is supposed to be related to some pro-inflammatory PG related to hair loss. But DHT (and consequently pro inflammatory factors) are just some pieces of the puzzle. This is vey intriguing: "The logical therapeutic approach for AGA treatment addressing the underlying pathology should be complete reversal of follicle miniaturization and de-pigmentation either by suppression of testosterone to DHT conversion, or by blockage of ARs. However, drug treatment involving increasing blood flow (Minoxidil) or decreasing androgen formation (Finasteride) did not effectively serve these purposes. Recently, it was found that the scalp of male AGA patients retain normal number of HF stem cells but the progression from stem cells to progenitors cells is severely blocked 1. This stem cell inactivation coincides with the known phenomenon of progressive follicle miniaturization during hair cycling".
  10. When I replied before, I didn't read the study but trusted you. The longevity of the HF of donor area is the same theory suggested by the authors "It has been found that the miniaturization does affect the occipital donor hair, and this may be the cause of reduction in the density of the transplanted hairs. "
  11. I agree with you. I was asking Melvin to elaborate because I never heard of shock loss during op. By the other way, your last pic confirmed it was not shock loss.
  12. many researches show that smell is great for hair growth and for donor regeneration. It is not FDA approved because there are many sides but hair loss is not included among them.
  13. If I am not wrong, you started to use MN at 4 months after HT.
  14. I suppose duta/fina/oral/topical just help to slow down the hair tinning. A great Brazilian surgeon once dais that he doesn't lower HL because the hair placed in the temples tend to die after some years. He confirms your original statement.
  15. In any case, if a transplant is not forever...take ASAP, when you are young and you still need hair. If I could choose at what age I can get a Porsche for only five years, I choose my 30. What should I do with a Porsche in my 60?!?
  16. That's a matter of personal preference. If someone feel safer to rest a little more, it will not harm him for sure. If I will get another HT, for sure I will stay in the hotel room for a couple of days because flying the day after the procedure was psychologically taxing.
  17. You are welcome, buddy! I use some minoxidil before (just because it makes easier the microneedeling) and some minoxidil after. No, I just use alcohol to Clean the tool and stop.
  18. This is not an argument from you. I talked with a lot of doctors: they literally do not know what is behind their suggestions. They go for safety. STOP But sometimes the safer choice is not the better or is simply useless.
  19. With FUT you can calculate the % of singles -multiples. With FUE it is literally impossible. Anyway, happy for your dense pack.
  20. for many years I used something between 1,5 and 2, once per week. Sometimes I used derma roller and other times I used derma pen. Recently, according to some researches (but they are ambiguous so take my conclusion "cum grano salis", I'm using 1 mm, every five days. I see an overall increase in density/covering effect. I can't say it is because I have more hair or ticker hair or both. On the temporal peaks, I see an increase in baby hair (it can't be different, because the TP are made of baby hair). On the HL I see new hair coming out. At the beginning, about 5 years ago, I used a mixture of olive oil and castor oil. Since a couple of years, I'm using minoxidil.
  21. This are simple statements taken from a website. It is not a scientific research
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