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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. If I am not wrong, you started to use MN at 4 months after HT.
  2. I suppose duta/fina/oral/topical just help to slow down the hair tinning. A great Brazilian surgeon once dais that he doesn't lower HL because the hair placed in the temples tend to die after some years. He confirms your original statement.
  3. In any case, if a transplant is not forever...take ASAP, when you are young and you still need hair. If I could choose at what age I can get a Porsche for only five years, I choose my 30. What should I do with a Porsche in my 60?!?
  4. That's a matter of personal preference. If someone feel safer to rest a little more, it will not harm him for sure. If I will get another HT, for sure I will stay in the hotel room for a couple of days because flying the day after the procedure was psychologically taxing.
  5. You are welcome, buddy! I use some minoxidil before (just because it makes easier the microneedeling) and some minoxidil after. No, I just use alcohol to Clean the tool and stop.
  6. This is not an argument from you. I talked with a lot of doctors: they literally do not know what is behind their suggestions. They go for safety. STOP But sometimes the safer choice is not the better or is simply useless.
  7. With FUT you can calculate the % of singles -multiples. With FUE it is literally impossible. Anyway, happy for your dense pack.
  8. for many years I used something between 1,5 and 2, once per week. Sometimes I used derma roller and other times I used derma pen. Recently, according to some researches (but they are ambiguous so take my conclusion "cum grano salis", I'm using 1 mm, every five days. I see an overall increase in density/covering effect. I can't say it is because I have more hair or ticker hair or both. On the temporal peaks, I see an increase in baby hair (it can't be different, because the TP are made of baby hair). On the HL I see new hair coming out. At the beginning, about 5 years ago, I used a mixture of olive oil and castor oil. Since a couple of years, I'm using minoxidil.
  9. This are simple statements taken from a website. It is not a scientific research
  10. totally I agree. I take fina, oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil, PRP, data mesotherapy, ketoconozol but...dermarolling is a game changer for me!
  11. The temporal peaks look ok. The (minor) problem in the frontal-temporal angle (FTA) De freitas is used to "flat" frontal hairline that are charmy but can appear unnatural. In fact, when the frontal hairline is flat, the FTA is not correctly placed. FTA should be placed on the lateral epicantal line (LEL) In other words, the frontal hairline should stop at LEL. You could ask to bring forward the upper part of the lateral hairline to re-create the proper Angle. Without full face pics, I can't say if it is possibile in your case, because the lateral hairline has a natural shape that is related to the ear, the eye and the middle point of the frontal hairline.
  12. Just like you, I went very conservative. After for years, I decided to lower my HL (about 1,5 cm). I studied hairline design for about 4 years and spent hours speculating about a conservative approach. From my prospective, a thick conservative HL like we have makes the pace appear older. If you see old people who "don't lose" hair, They have a recession in any case, but they preserve their hair. A conservative approach tends to recreate this situation.
  13. You regreat going low because the hairline is thicker/denser than the middle scalp?
  14. If It was a matter of longevity of the hair follicles of the donor area, after 4 years you should fine the same density reduction in donor area. If not (and I suppose the researchers didn't find a density reduction in donor) it makes sense that is something related to recipient area. By the other, I remember an interview with @Melvin- Admin. I don't remember who was the doctor but he suggested that hair thinning/density reduction can be related to a "partial" damage of hair grafts. Demaged hair grafts can live for some years but after a while they die.
  15. In my case, the clinic barely extracted 5,5% of singles. The singles were really hard to find because I had almost all multiples. In your case they extracted about 8% singles. Why? Who knows! Maybe they extracted 400 singles because the doctor decided that he just needed 400. If the doctor looks for a dense pack, the less single he uses, the denser the HT will appear.
  16. The only research on the topic is from Bernestain, 2006 "The study showed that for the first two days, pulling on a hair always resulted in a lost graft, but the chance of the graft being removed started to decrease by the third day. By the sixth day pulling on a hair would no longer dislodge the graft. Pulling on an adherent scab always resulted in a lost graft through day five, with the incidence decreasing through day eight. However, by nine days post-op, grafts were no longer at risk of being dislodged." After 3 days, excpet you do not try to stretch your hair out, you are perfectly sage. After 5 days, you won't dislodge the graft even if you try to pull out your hair.
  17. I would never ask other people to do the due diligence for me. I'm just asking to share the cases, because on both the Spanish forums I can find only one report. Probably I'm a very bad researcher and I'm looking for your help. At the end of the story, this should be the purpose of the community: helping and sharing.
  18. Removed external links This is one case, without any pic Removed external links This the ONLY CASE with pics. For the record, the Spanish user (considering that nobody knew him) considered that 2,25 was a crazy price. _Wonder why what they would say at 3/3,5 and 4 for repair.
  19. Melvin, please, can you share the cases? It can be very helpful for me! As you know, I was going to book with him but without real cases it is a risk. Maybe you are a better "researcher" than me because I researched for days on Spanish forum and there is only ONE case (benign Italian, I understand Spanish and I can swear that 99% of users there don't know how he is).
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