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Posts posted by LonelyGraft

  1. 7 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Are you actively ignoring what’s being said? It was found to raise the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, which is why it wasn’t approved by the FDA. Plus, it’s not DHT, it’s testosterone itself, part of the treatment is blocking your testosterone completely, not just DHT. I’m not talking out of my ass, my dad has prostate cancer, and he was given Lupron, which completely blocks testosterone. He also asked about finasteride and was told it wasn’t useful by his oncologist and urologist. 


    In 2003, results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT)—an NCI-funded randomized clinical trial with nearly 19,000 participants—showed that men aged 55 and older who used the drug finasteride daily for 7 years had a substantially reduced risk of developing prostate cancerExit Disclaimer.

    However, the trial results also raised the possibility that finasteride might increase the risk of high-grade (potentially more aggressive) prostate cancer. This finding led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to place a black box warning on the drug’s label about the potential risk of high-grade prostate cancer.

    And i wasn’t talking about TREATING prostate cancer with finasteride, the Medical community knows that doesn’t help. My main points were in regards to PREVENTION.


    as a side, very happy to hear your dad had a successful recovery 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Are you actively ignoring what’s being said? It was found to raise the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, which is why it wasn’t approved by the FDA. Plus, it’s not DHT, it’s testosterone itself, part of the treatment is blocking your testosterone completely, not just DHT. I’m not talking out of my ass, my dad has prostate cancer, and he was given Lupron, which completely blocks testosterone. He also asked about finasteride and was told it wasn’t useful by his oncologist and urologist. 


    In 2003, results from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT)—an NCI-funded randomized clinical trial with nearly 19,000 participants—showed that men aged 55 and older who used the drug finasteride daily for 7 years had a substantially reduced risk of developing prostate cancerExit Disclaimer.

    However, the trial results also raised the possibility that finasteride might increase the risk of high-grade (potentially more aggressive) prostate cancer. This finding led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to place a black box warning on the drug’s label about the potential risk of high-grade prostate cancer.

    Uhhhh did u read the explanation by the urologist? He goes into detail in regards to that finding and how it might cause a bit of confusion. Finasteride did not CAUSE onset of higher grade prostate cancer it simply was harder to detect bc of the method of action of finasteride:


    So how do you explain the increased risk of high-grade disease reported in 2003?

    There are two mechanisms by which we believe finasteride enhances the detection of high-grade cancer on prostate biopsy.

    First, finasteride is known to decrease the size of the prostate gland by about 25%. When you biopsy a smaller gland, you are more likely to sample an area of cancer—or high-grade cancer—with your biopsy needle, compared to doing the same biopsy in a larger gland.

    Second, as we showed in another analysis of the PCPT, finasteride improves the sensitivity of the PSA test for the detection of overall and high-grade prostate cancer. Because the decision to perform prostate biopsies during the study was based on PSA levels, this may have contributed to increased detection of prostate cancer, in general, and high-grade prostate cancer, in particular, among men receiving finasteride.

    Due to the effects of this drug on gland size and PSA performance, it seems quite likely that the PCPT not only overestimated the harm of finasteride in terms of the observed increase in high-grade cancer, but may have underestimated the benefit of finasteride in terms of the amount of reduction in prostate cancer risk.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I didn’t say it causes an super-physiological spike, but it does cause a spike regardless, and testosterone is the main cause for prostate cancer. Fin and dut make it difficult to detect early prostate cancer.  

    I just linked this earlier. If testosterone is the main cause of prostate cancer why did finasteride prevent it in over 25% of men in this huge study? 


  4. 42 minutes ago, Cristero said:

    I'm glad you brought up the matter and mentioned that the issue with finasteride is not only sexual side effects. 5-ar is rich in some tissues for a reason.

    Not many people knows that 5-ar inhibitors have been trialed as treatment fro prostate cancer, in order to try to target the androgens in the prostate in the early 2000s. We now know that prostate cancer is way more complex than just saying androgens is the cause. There are prostate cancers that are resistant to complete prostate androgens deprivation. In any case, finasteride and dutasteride didn't get approved for the treatment of prostate cancer, because not only they were ineffective, but they actually showed to be possibly trigerring a far more aggressive cancer prostate than the one they were supposed to treat. I've seen a recent study done to try to debunk that, but it didn't convince me at all.

    Not sure where you got your info from but finasteride helped prevent prostate cancer in over 25% of men over 55 who were in it over 7 years. That’s significant.


    the doctor provides a very good explanation in terms of why higher grade prostate cancer was detected. It likely wasn’t finasteride that caused it directly. Take a read:



  5. 1 hour ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer 4 years ago at 59. Thank god he caught it early and is now cancer free, another fear of mine and why I won’t take fin. I would strongly urge you to discuss with your urologist. There is a misconception that DHT causes prostate cancer, but that’s not true, it is testosterone. In some cases, dutasteride and finasteride can cause spikes in testosterone. The only thing fin and dut do is prevent early detection, from what I understand.

    The “spike” in testosterone by 5ar are within normal ranges for males. It’s roughly a 10-15% increase, not anything supraphysiological like when taking ped’s. And it’s solely a result of the testosterone left over that isn’t being 5 alpha reduced.

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  6. 56 minutes ago, asterix0 said:

    Needing to abort a surgery, during surgery, should indicate, first and foremost, the surgeon is either

    a) incompetent to accurately assess the donor viability during the pre-surgery consultations, either in person or otherwise.

    b) intentionally negligent to analyze the donor properly before surgery, which would indicate a red flag as to the type of clinic that is being run.

    or c) it is impossible to accurately assess the donor before surgery and thus the doctor did the best they could. From what I have seen though, I think that with modern day technology and techniques this should not happen. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would understand if some extenuating circumstances happened, such as negative response to the local anesthesia, perhaps some excessive bleeding or underlying condition that caused unforeseeable complications.

    However, It isn't a good enough argument to say, well, at least all the other grafts didn't get wasted. With the amount of time and money, not to mention the emotional roller coaster and anxiety this procedure produces, this argument isn't fair to the patient.

    An analogy may be, hey you broke your arm but be happy, at least you didn't get hit by a bus. 


    VERY good post and one that @Portugal25needs to review. 

    @Portugal25since you personally know at least one person who had an aborted surgery why was the question never raised in terms of why microscopic evaluation is not enough to spot dupa? 

  7. 40 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

    @LonelyGraft you seem to be forgetting that I’m just a patient of Dr. Pekiner. 
    Your questions is something that only the Doctor or his representatives can explain properly. 

    Obviously. But you’re backing up his decision to abort surgeries like it was the right/ethical thing to do when there’s several unanswered questions 

  8. 4 hours ago, Cristero said:

    HPTA suppression is way worse than any sexual side effects. It seems you don't know much about it and I'm glad for you that you didn't experienced it, but that basically means you don't have any considerable amount of sexual hormones running in your body anymore, both androgens and estrogens.

    Not only you will be unable to perform sexually, but you will experience a terrible depression and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. Try to ask any bodybuilder who failed to do a proper PCT protocol after a steroid cycle.

    In any case, we will discuss again when we will have the data from the completed phase 3 of the hairloss topical.

    Finally someone with some sense! I like how @elduterino throws 95 and 99% statistics like he’s some expert on side effects on a drug that’s only sold on the black market. @elduterino, how many patients were in both of these studies you have so much confidence in?


    not surprised all of this is coming from someone that used to openly recommend topical flutamide gel to many people (even after the company MAKING IT decided to discontinue it after fear of side effects in users)

  9. 5 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    He learned from his mistake @duchaine because he didn`t even suggest keeping @PT#31deposit as that`s unaceptable.Pekiner even refunded his brother`s deposit for a surgery in 2020 just because his brother was scared he could have the same condition. His brother is now also going to Dr. BF.

    You did talk with him and got your deposit back (there`s really no way he could justify keeping your deposit).

    In the end you managed to fit in a surgery at HLC right after you were aborted by Pekiner so you didn´t even lose the flight cost ;)  and your results are impressive, congratulations!!!

    My family and friends are mostly Doctors and I can tell than you most definitely don`t want a Doctor doing surgery on you if he`s not confortable with what he`s doing so both you and @PT#31 are very lucky to have been aborted and went to Doctors that were confortable doing your surgery.

    @Portugal25you seem to ignore this question but why does pekiner abort dupa surgeries in the first place? You consider dr Ferreira and Lorenzo authorities in regards to dupa but they evaluate patients microscopically before even heading to the operating room. Why can pekiner not catch this with microscopic evaluation? He has to start surgery and go 100+ grafts deep then diagnose the patient with dupa. Makes absolutely no sense

    • Like 1
  10. OP, I’m gonna put this bluntly. If you get surgery with that hairline, you’re likely just gonna get rekt. Granted, I can’t see your full face to see how your hairline sits with everything facial wise but your hairline looks fine and your temple points strong. If girls are making comments that frequently, it might be the choice of hairstyle that’s accentuating you’re forehead. Just a thought 

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  11. On 8/29/2020 at 12:08 PM, elduterino said:


    why .25mg ? start with 1mg right away, time is the essence you want to protect as much as possible what you have now, not what you will have left in one year.

    When I started the pill in 1998, there was't all this talk about side effects, just the famous "only 2% get it" and the assumption was that it will halt MPB for as long as you use it..which both turned out wrong..but..nevertheless I am now so thankful for the drug back then, and the fact that I did not wait.

    And make sure to add Minox and a few proven supplements such as



    Chondroitin Sulfate



    Proven supplements? Care to share the studies where these are “proven?” There are anecdotes of msm and biotin growing hair faster but what does chondroitin do for hair?

  12. On 8/28/2020 at 11:06 PM, elduterino said:

    its not "guy" - they tested it in children aged 12 and over.

    5% of those kids got this but this is not a sexual side effect unlike FIN, and the adults tested with the much more concentrated 7% twice a day version did not experience adverse effects.

    The Propecia "2% sides" is a lie, a systemic drug which significantly reduces DHT in the whole body is bound to have side effects. The Indian study done later found that about 25% experienced sexual side effects on fin

    Wtf you’re brushing off hpta suppression Bc it’s not a “sexual side effect?” Is this real life?

  13. 1 hour ago, Fozzie said:

    Maybe it's just me and I've got it wrong, but going over his HT timeline, considering most if not all the hair on top of his hair is transplanted, it doesn't look as healthy as it was compared to his earlier post HT years despite his ongoing use of finasteride. Styles it really well though.

    I don't know, maybe finasteride has prevented it from completely going but over a long period of use (say 10-20 years), not convinced finasteride ultimately has the ability to fend off what one is genetically pre-disposed to, especially those destined to be higher up the NW scale. Obviously everyone is different and sure they'll be older people who feel finasteride has done a great job for them over a longer period but think there are a number of question marks for me.  

    You also have to remember senile alopecia is also something that affects people even without mpb. Hair just thins out over time. I think joe is in his 50s now and has an acceptable head of hair for that age

  14. I don’t understand your argument Melvin. Your car comparison doesn’t make sense either. In younger nw 7s, they are likely to have donor thinning which will affect their transplant result as well as possibly lead to a thinner looking donor with less viable grafts. Joe Tillman still takes finasteride as a nw6-7 as a way to preserve his donor and in turn recipient. It’s important for nw6-7s to prevent their lateral humps from dropping.now if you’re 60 and nw 7, it probably doesn’t matter much.


    instead of your car bra example a better one would be a car that is experiencing rust/oxidation. The entire body can be rusted and if something is not done to prevent the spread, it can oxidize the frame as well which will lead to a total loss.


    im not a medical professional and these r all my opinion 

    • Like 1
  15. 23 minutes ago, karatekid said:

    Why does it matter which one of those reason? he prefer to avoid surgeries with low potential, and honestly I dont think it is that bad, it shows he has ethics, either way you want a surgeon that his reputation is important to him, rather than one who wants only your money. And bottom line you know that if you had a procedure with him you have very high chances of good results.  The really weird part is that he aborts it DURING the procedure... I mean, is it really true? people here keep saying this, but did we really hear it happens often? if it was only one or two cases then maybe it was just some 'glitches',  But if it happens repeatedly then it is  concerning, even frontal consultation cant prevent it? I am in contact with him to verify this issue actually. It is just bad since his results are amazing, but I really wouldnt want to get aborted on the day of the surgery...

    R u joking? Do u know how devastating it would be to prepare for surgery, fly out there, all the while the doctor tells you you’re a good candidate thru email. Then while he’s extracting roughly TWO HUNDRED grafts, he tells you that he will have to abort the surgery Bc your grafts are Miniaturized. Ask @duchaine how he felt about his aborted surgery. Luckily he used his time in Turkey wisely and went to the clinic that pekiner trained at and they evaluated him and said everything was ok and even took out a few test grafts to examine. His results look excellent now.


    also doesn’t Help that he had a rep on here that was telling the moderators to remove threads with bad results. Now you tell me if all of this is ok

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