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Posts posted by LonelyGraft

  1. 7 hours ago, XabiAlonso123 said:

    Wondering if anyone has used scalp micropigmentation on the donor area? After 3 operations and using 5000 grafts I'm planning to have all the sides and back covered using SMP.. should be effective as I usually keep the sides back at grade 0.5 or 1..

    let us know how it goes. I've read smp fades quicker in scars. i cant even see any white dot scarring in your donor, just an even density decrease that most people wont even notice

  2. On 3/28/2020 at 4:15 PM, nishchd said:

    Just in case anyone wants to see my donor are after 3 hair transplants in 7 years, almost 10k grafts and 72 days after my 3rd hair transplant.

    Personally I think its not too bad, and I can live with it only if my top grows thick. I would definitely go for SMP in my donor area to make it look a little thicker.

    World is going through a pandemic right now which is bad, but good for the ones like me who wants to be in isolation after recent Hair transplant. Having said that I DID NOT mean that pandemic should last long, I hope everything gets back to normal and I pray for the people lost their lives and who are suffering from it.

    Opinions are welcome.

    Ive read SMP does not last long in scar tissue such as fue scars. Do you know of any information otherwise?

  3. 9 hours ago, Hairybiker said:

    I thought it sounded too good to be true but it has been designed by an IAHRS surgeon and Spex is supportive of it.

    It’s funny bc on his site for years nizoral was recommended by spex. Then he went into the same page and replaced the word “nizoral” with “ groMD shampoo” yet forgot your replace it in one spot so it contradicts lol. He’s obvi getting paid to promote it

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Dazed said:

    This is a good question, and one I labored over.  At first I grew my hair too long and couldn't find any way to style it.  I finally went for a haircut, and realized I am pretty much locked into a medium length side part, and please don't call it a comb over - that has a different vision of a guy trying to comb his hair from ear level over the top of his head.  Comb overs are disgusting.  I can't comb my hair forward because it does not fall right, and I don't like the slicked back look.

    pic of current style?

  5. Seems scammy. I would stick to nizoral as it has the most studies showing effectiveness. If I really wanted to add another shampoo that MIGHT help based off of a single study (check it out here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18498517) then I would add something that had piroctone olamine as an ingredient. Again, its only one study showing its benefit so we don't know the true effectiveness.

  6. 1 hour ago, TrixGlendevon said:

    Thanks again! Yeah actually it probably would, although I am bad at imagining how these would look when grown out and this was an issue when I was doing consultations and the doctors were drawing the hairline. I posted the first pic above and then later I was looking at pictures of me in my early 20s and another when I was 16/17 and I would say my natural hairline, which has never been a straight line even as a child, is probably about half way between these two efforts I have done. Plus it will drop a little too when the hair grows out is longer.

    Your results from your thread look great. What does ur hairline exposed look like now however?

  7. 4 hours ago, Dadda said:

    Quick update day 23 I’ve shedded a lot  this past week.  I would say most my grafts have shed off . Just started taking finasteride 1mg daily. 





    Please continue to keep us updated. The donor looks much improved in this pic. This is probably the length you would want to keep it at in the future 

  8. 2 minutes ago, TrixGlendevon said:

    Nice! Thanks for this - well worked out and it means @hairlossPA was right too ;) I think 1500 is probably too many as I want density on the rest of the my head too. What do you think about this second attempt I have just posted?

    Again I’m no expert and it’s all guess maybe 850-1000? But now the question is will it make enough of a cosmetic difference to make you happy?

  9. 1 hour ago, TorontoMan said:

    This is what I'm talking about. The blue pill is proscar quartered so 1.25 mg, and the red pill is 1mg generic finasteride. Both of these from the same pharmacy. The quarter is so tiny, its hard for me to grasp that it could have so much effect. 

    Does anyone else get them quartered this small, or should I be on a hunt for a bigger proscar pill somewhere?

    @gillenator  @Coady  @Melvin-Moderator  @Zoomster


    Bro do u realize how much 1 MILLIGRAM is? It’s a super tiny amount. That propecia pill is mostly filler. People have been using quartered proscar for years with success. If you’re really that paranoid get the 1mg from Costco pharmacy for very cheap

  10. Hi Dr. Lindsey 

    I’m the “hater” you reference in your video that asked a question in your previous thread. All I asked was if the punch size was on the larger side since the artas uses around a 1.1mm punch and gets criticized for heavily scarring up donor areas of patients. I also was asking what the wall thickness is on the feller punches you use. So instead of answering you made a video referring to me as a “hater?” Not sure if I’m following the strategy correctly...


    thread in question: 


    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    I'm curious if you see other US doctors mentioned on non English forums?

    Not really. H&w for sure, rahal sometimes (even tho they r not US docs per se). I just don’t think US docs have the highest reputation in other countries even tho I think docs like konior and Shapiro can easily hold their own against some of the worlds best

  12. 3 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    If you notice Dr. Konior’s rep is hardly ever on, his biggest fans are his ex-patients, and for good reason. A reputation based off of excellent patient results, is the kind of reputable surgeon you want. 

    Totally agree. I believe this is the only site he is recommended and part of, and funny enough, the only place you’ll find his reviews. So membership plays a big part too as well as the entire patient rep aspect.

  13. I notice on most forums that marketing plays a huge part. I believe that’s one of the reasons why these forum reps from the doctors exist: to post reviews and showcase work to make a name for the doc. I see feriduni mentioned more on other forums such as international hair loss forum. Hlc represented more on German and Italian forums. Another example is konior, he is seen as an mvp here but I’ve never seen his name mentioned elsewhere especially the non English forums.

  14. You’re absolutely right about being more aware of more minor imperfections. After a ht many of us hyper examine everything. I was finding weaknesses in areas I never paid attention to before. I think it’s normal but can become very unhealthy and lead to BDD-like behavior. You seem to have a good mindset towards it all. @Melvin-Moderator recently made a great post with the main message being “hair transplants are not perfect” which is very true

    • Like 1
  15. Don’t be too concerned just yet. The grafts are barely coming out so the hairs are wiry and a bit untame. Try to remain patient. If it was 8 months with that much growth then I would say be worried but you have a lot of time for stuff to happen. There is a poster here that got surgery from bisanga on his hairline and he just posted his 4 months and it looks similar. 

    • Like 1
  16. 19 hours ago, LaserCap said:

    Let's look at this from a historical perspective.  Proscar, the parent medication, is used to help with prostate issues.  Patients were returning back to their doctors with more hair.  So, Merck started doing tests and found, out of the 5mg tab, 1 mg would allow for the retention of native hair.  So, Finasteride as a 1 mg tab came into the market.  Once the patent expired, Merck suggested quartering the 5mg tab.  Cost wise this is great - the issue however, since the tab is not pre-scored, some days you get more of the medication and some less.  (Back then we also discussed side effects, less than 1%. By taking the 5mg tab, you are now running the risk of experiencing the side effect by 5.  Recently, however, this number seems to be increasing and many of the members here can jump in and give you their opinion on the subject).

    Finasteride is now available as 1mg.  

    Caution....The issue I've always had with patients is the fact we are all very visual.  A visual improvement typically means we grew more hair.  Less hair, we lost.  This is not so.

    There are two types of loss.  The type you see and the type you don't.  Hair you see on the floor, tub, sink and pillow case is normal. The follicle goes into a resting phase and sheds the hair.  After a dormant/resting period the hair will return.  This will happen to every hair on your head at different intervals. Hair loss is different. 

    For patients experiencing loss, the easiest way to understand hair loss is to inspect their front hairline, particularly the temporal areas, (corners).  You'll note some very robust hair and others just a bit finer.  Some are so thin you can hardly see them.  This miniaturization process continues until the hair dissipates and withers away.  Once gone, the hair will not return. 

    To complicate matters, since there is no more patents, the medication is readily available in the US and abroad. Unfortunately we just don't know how much of the active medication is being used.  I have seen cases where there was non and it had a huge effect on the patient. So I think staying consistent and purchasing from a reliable source plays into this.

    Lastly, there are patients the medication will do nothing for.  If after a number of weeks you are still losing hair, get off of it because it is not working.

    With millions and millions of people in this Earth, it is likely you'll come across different results, different types of side effects...Just too many variables at play..keep an open mind. The global idea however is, if it works for you, it will work for as long as you take the medication. And, if you did not experience a side effect, you never will.  The reverse is also true. Visit with your doctor, discuss and decide if it is for you.  This is a long term med.  Getting on and off is just a waste of time and money.  Advise from someone that's been on the med for 30+ years, (that's me). 



    scientists at Merck knew damn well that finasteride helped with prostate as well as male pattern baldness. They sent their doctors and scientists to the Dominican Republic to study a group of men know as “psuedohermaphrodites” who had a 5ar deficiency. The scientists noted these men had virtually no mpb and no prostate issues while remaining otherwise healthy. They developed finasteride to mimick these people’s hormonal profile as best possible.


    they released proscar first in 1992 and juiced the profits for a good 6-7 years while the fda studies for propecia were process. Hair loss treatment was not an accidental outcome of treating prostate issues with finasteride

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