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Posts posted by kirkland

  1. Here's my before pics taken today. You can see the red shadow on my scalp in the first pic. That's the result of an SMP gone wrong. It's called Post-Inflammatory Erythema (PIE) and it's been like this since I had the treatment in 2015. In 2018, I had the pigment removed by laser but the blush remained. You can still see in the circled area that not all of pigment was removed. That's what SMP looks like after a few years - a uniform grey shadow across the area. 

    I'm fortunate to still have a lot of crown left given how much I lost up front. Plus my lateral humps are prominent. This pattern has been stable for many years but you can see in the second picture where I will be ending up. I've been on dutasteride (0.5mg x3/week) for almost 3 years and oral minox (2.5 mg/day) for over a year. I can definitely see my crown area, particularly the lower part, thickening up. 

    For me this transplant is more than just boosting my ego - the red blush has been humiliating for me over these past 6 years. I'm looking forward to covering it up and moving on with my life.



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  2. 30 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    Good luck - I'll be following this thread! I'll also be following in your footsteps in late November (travelling from the UK).

    What size operation are you having? And which part of your hair are you having restored?

    Full blown NW6 so lots of ground to cover. 


    25 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Awesome man, I'm sure I will have a ton of questions. How long do you plan on staying in India? Btw I am sure we will meet virtually haha. Dr. Sethi is one of the most hospitable people on earth, no doubt he will feed you and possibly video conference with other famous HRN members like @Zoomster @MazAB look forward to seeing your thread.

    Will only be there for less than a week. Slipping in the day before surgery and gave myself enough time to have at least two days post-surgery to make sure everything is healing properly.

    Definitely look forward to posting my story and, just like @Zoomster, hope to be a poster-boy for high Norwood success.

    • Like 5
  3. There is just an overwhelming amount of information out there now that it's hard to know who to trust. I think the best thing that this forum can do is remain true to its principles of transparency, accountability and trust-building.

    To quote Dr. Sethi from the article:

    "Two things are essential here - education of the doctor/clinic & education of the patients."

    This forum does a good job in providing the education for prospective patients and promoting experienced and ethical hair restoration surgeons/clinics like Dr. Sethi/Dr. Bansal and Eugenix.

    How come there is no podcast dedicated to hairloss? Or is there? 



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  4. 11 hours ago, Doron Harati said:

    @Melvin- Moderator crown procedures need many double and triple grafts for high density result, you already had 3 procedures so it will best if you can calculate all the double and triple grafts you had from previous procedures to estimate if you still got enough for the density your desire, it's not easy to get average density over the crown if most of the grafts are singles, you should consult with the doctor which option will best if you got only majority of single grafts, if it's worth invest at the same procedure over your frontal, even with 3500 single grafts it may be hard to achieve average density over crown, so you need to make a plan with clinic if you won't be happy with the next crown density result can do another small touch up procedure around 1000-1500 grafts from back head, beard, whatever after 9 months.

    I agree with Doron in this assessment. Since the crown is the 'black hole' of the scalp, and if you have a majority of single FU's in the bank, including beard hair, I would be cautious in using too many of them to fill the crown. I think it would be better to improve the density in the hairline and, since you are going to Eugenix, they can extract a lot from your beard for the crown. 


  5. 2 hours ago, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:

    Thanks for linking. The information is useful and will save a lot of time of patients while planning their trip to India. 

    I have just successfully re-submitted my medical visa application to the Canadian Consular General of India (CGI) in Toronto and I did confirm that there are 2 additional requirements for a medical visa application that are not listed on relevant websites (CGI and BLS): a letter from a physician in Canada confirming a patient's travel to India for a HT and a recent bank statement

    For Canadians who have either booked or wish to book a HT surgery with @Eugenix Hair Sciences or another clinic in India, it is likely easier to apply for a regular travel visa to India. I did not try this route because I was told by a Consulate official that a medical visa would increase my chances of travelling to India while travel restrictions were in place. Those restrictions are lifting and you should be able to get a regular visa to travel just like in the good ol' days (pre-pandemic). 

    For those who are using the Indian visa services in Toronto or Brampton, DM me and I can tell you more details on how best to expedite the process. 

    Thanks @Melvin- Moderatorand @Eugenix Hair Sciences 

  6. At the clinic's end in India, Abhinay and Mr. Maudit have both been very helpful. Really impressed with their customer service.

    Thanks, Melvin, for linking @Eugenix Hair Sciences into the conversation. For Canadians who have to use the third-party company, BLS, to secure a medical visa for a HT clinic in India, they are asking for a note from a family doctor in Canada as part of the document requirements. Both the website of the Consulate and BLS do not mention this additional requirement. 

  7. I am scheduled for my surgery at Eugenix in Delhi on October 11 and 12. Flying out of Toronto on October 8. Early last week, I attempted to submit all of my medical visa documents to the Consulate (or the third-party company currently handling all Indian visas in Canada) and was told I was missing a note from my family physician in Canada, which was not listed as one of the required documents on the website of both the Consulate and the third-party company (BLS). It's been a frustrating process so if you are a Canuck who is going the medical visa route to get to India for a HT, be prepared to have both a document completed and signed by Eugenix (that particular form is on the Consulate website - you need to use that specific form and not just a general letter from the clinic) AND have a signed note by a Canadian physician. 

    I go back tomorrow morning to the BLS centre to re-submit my application with about two weeks to go for approval. 

    If you have any questions, DM me.

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  8. After doing lots of research on Norwood patterns that are similar, and with a conscious decision to forego the crown area altogether with a conservative hairline, I believe that 5-6000 grafts will satisfy me. My donor area has good caliber, and though I don't know my average FU size, I feel confident that I have more than enough beard hair and donor supply to go with FUE only.

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  9. International travel, in general, is still challenging. Each country, including India, has restrictions particularly if you aren't vaccinated.

    I am scheduled at Eugenix next month. Flying from Toronto to Heathrow to Delhi. I have to have a neg PCR test before I leave Toronto to get into the UK and India and another negative PCR test prior to leaving India. In London, both inbound and outbound, I have to pay for an antigen test at the airport and, upon arrival in India, I have to test again. It's adding about another $500 US to my expenses. Not to mention there are more declaration forms to complete, more docs to upload. Yeah -  travelling sucks right now. 

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