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Posts posted by kirkland

  1. Congratulations @HugoX. A lot of us have been looking forward to a first hand account of a Dr. Zarev patient. I would also love to see the immediate post-op pics to see the outline of the donor parameters used. Also, would love to see the present day picture of the back of your scalp. Thanks for posting and look forward to seeing your growth.

  2. Thanks. What I was trying to ascertain is how deep (in mm) a surgeon needs to penetrate the skin in order to remove a graft. Looks like terminal hair follicles are anywhere between 4 mm and 7 mm below the surface of the skin. So if the surgeon has to penetrate beyond the hair matrix, they are going at least 4 mm deep and possibly more.

    On another forum, there was talk about Dr. Zarev's ability to remove a high number of grafts with very little scarring visible. A forum poster, who recently visited Dr. Zarev for a consultation, was trying to explain his extraction technique. I don't think I am allowed to copy and paste his text but, to paraphrase, he claims that Dr. Zarev's punches allow for the wound to heal with very little scarring since the puncture is so tiny in diameter. I was then wondering if, besides using a smaller punch size, the depth of the extraction could be more closely controlled to reduce scarring.

  3. 14 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Cheap is probably $1 and under a graft. That's where you start to see significant changes in quality. In my opinion, $2-3 is affordable, the sweet spot for quality and affordability. A normal person with an average income can pay a hair transplant at that cost. 

    I would agree. For those looking abroad to clinics which are more affordable than in N. America or Western Europe, that price range is where you should begin your search, not at the Dollar Store.

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  4. Hairloss patterns follow some general rules but determining where your type of hairloss fits on the Norwood scale is not always clear. When I have had consultations with hair transplant surgeons (or their reps), I have been told that I am anywhere between a Norwood 4 and 7.  Clearly I am not at either end of those parameters. A Norwood 5A, 5V or 6 seem a better reflection of my hairloss degree. But do you think that the classification system is not a sufficient measure of hairloss?


  5. I like the style of your hair just sticking straight up. Similar to the style I want.

    I was under the impression that Dr. Jones had retired and had a younger surgeon take over his practice. Good to see that he is still in the game. Also good to see that he is doing mega session FUE's as he has traditionally had a more conservative approach in the number of grafts he would transplant in a single session.

    Good luck over the next few months.

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  6. I've been redeemed! Seriously, I am glad that you had this convo with these docs because, for some of us, doing FUE and then FUT is the more optimal choice. FYI, Dr. Suneet Soni, who is a recommended surgeon on this site, does both FUE and FUT in a single session. Perhaps you could interview him in the future about the success of this combined technique.

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  7. It's understandable to be skeptical about Tsuji/Riken and hair cloning in general, given the failures of the past. But science does progress, and there have been significant hurdles overcome since the days of Intercytex. For one, the development of 3D scaffolds for hair follicle stem cell culturing has improved the multiplication process. I have no doubt that we will have rudimentary hair growth on human scalps from stem cells in the near future - hair that cycles properly, hair that grows at the right angles, hair that mimics the same characteristics as donor hair. As Dr. Khokhar has eluded to, cancerous tumors from the implanted germs should be of the most concern. Even if successful, scaling the technology to the point it is affordable enough to compete with HT's is unlikely in the near future.

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