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Posts posted by hairman22

  1. On 10/16/2022 at 5:05 PM, Mike10 said:

    That is hollywood my friend. I personally do not know a single person who had a HT.  Comparing a lifelong commitment like HT to a one and done like breasts op is also a bit off in my opinion. 

    Ive been to parties & seen guys just back from Turkey after a hair transplant. No one cares its very very common in 2022 for people to get one

  2. Quote


    First topic was finasteride. I told that I started to take it every day. And after finishing the box (with 28 pills). And I dicide to stop because I had side effects, mostly sexual performance. And after that, I did a stop of 2 weeks and started again with 3 pill per week (3mg in total) 

    Is first advice is to start with proscar and increase the dose, cutting the phill in 4. (Each pill was 5mg), and after 6 months he will evaluated the improvement as well as the side effects. (It was too soon to had any side effects, that's what he said)


    this is quite strange advice to increase the dosage & discount the side affects.

    No a doctor i would consider if this is how he treats patients

  3. 1 hour ago, HugoX said:

    Surgery I think is earliest 2024 (unless cancellations come up), consultation I belive he mentioned latest time available is in mind or even after summer 2023.

    I will probably go to Dr Zarev in October for final review of results, take pictures and get another look at how donor looks for the future (just incase). Last time I was there he said another 1500 grafts should be possible, would like to see if it's still around those numbers or more/less. 


    2024 is fine for me.  Have consult for March 2023.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Here's a bonus crown before and after with my hair before dry and now my hair wet. The change has been drastic. 

    Official Update




    Very impressive.

    Have yo been using topical minox before starting oral.


    I have started back topical minoxidil it has already thickened up my crown. Minox is underrated imo. I had great results years ago too should never have stopped.

  5. 3 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    We all know the saying "Prevention is better than the cure" and imo, that is the most appropriate adage for hair loss. The earlier we can intervene and prevent or slow it down, the better. 

    The problem imo is the dogmatic attitude towards hair loss in younger guys and sometimes not thinking medication is appropriate for them to start on and so on until things actually do progress to a dire enough stage of noticeable loss which could have been prevented. 

    There's a couple reasons why. The rule of 50% they use to create an illusion of density is also borne from the very fact that's how much hair we have to lose before we usually start noticing. It's like basically letting half the house burn down before trying to stop the fire. It's not going to usually end well. 

    However the flipside people give is that we need to get exams done etc. but some of those are expensive. In fact, i would argue that hopping on Finasteride 1mg 3x a week is probably cheaper and more guaranteed to help stave off hair loss as a late teen/early 20s person than paying for a trichologist to go around you with a machine at probably what, $150-300? For that money, you can get a years supply if not more of Finasteride. 

    The minimum effective dosage is apparently 0.2mg per day, so over a weekly period 3x of 1mg Finasteride still gets you more. 

    I understand side affects are real, i believe people do get them. I also know a lot of people recover from them when stopping use with a small minority who may experience much more persistent effects and that's why i always say to get a blood test to check everything else was in order before starting if you really want to know. Otherwise we may get situations where a young angry person affected starts to simply scapegoat the medication entirely for other underlying issues the medication may have exposed. 

    The issue is Finesteride is risky. 

    Sides can happen anytime & there is a small chance of PFS..

    Having to take a drug for the rest of your life is a huge committment especially for a drug than can affect your mental health

    If you believe Merck's side affects percentage you are very naive.

    Also many men are not going to be open about suffering from ED or having mental issues. A reason sides are reported more online in anonymity. Hair Transplant doctors prescribing it without blood work is failure in terms of duty of care towrads the patient. 

    More studies & blood work need to be done to see what people are at risk of side affects.

    That way we could determine who is more safe to take the medication

    So it is a tough call

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, mafpe said:

    i think as long as you're prepared to lose the transplanted hairs after some time has passed, it's fine to do it. on the bright side, it might never go away. although looking at many of the member or people who shows up and said they lost hair proves otherwise. then again, it might be minority, we don't know.

    no one goes bald in the donor. So you wont lose all tarnsplanted hair although yo may lose quite a bit later in life

    that said who knows what the industry will be like in 10-20 years. Can easily see improvements in BHT & less regrowth in donor possibly


    OP I would look at Zarev. Worth waiting for him as he will get the most out of donor

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