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Posts posted by hairman22

  1. hairman22,


    It appears you have very early thinning in the vertex at this point. You may be correct that you also have a little shock loss, although it is less likely because the last transplant was in the frontal region.


    Some surgeons, like myself, do not like to do any work in the vertex in young patients.(<35 yoa) The reason is that we are not sure how your hairloss will progress. Typically starting to lose hair in your early 20s signals that you will have severe thinning for the rest of your life.

    It is great that you are on finasteride and minoxidil. These will go far for helping to prevent more loss.


    Even if you decided that you still wanted transplants in the vertex, I don't believe it would make a tremendous difference for you. It is a strange reality, but placing some grafts in an area with only a little thinning doesn't make as much as a difference as placing grafts in a very bald area. I believe you would be disappointed. Also, placing grafts in an area with already a fair amount of existing native hair could injure the native hair there.


    The best bet would be to consider growing you hair slightly longer to better cover the crown. Also, you could use topical coverup such as Toppik or the more permanent SMP to create an illusion of more density.

    I think it is a bit worse than early thinning especially post op. I have got some grafts placed there already just unsure if I got enough.

  2. Hi


    I am 27 years old. I have had 2 transplants using 1500 & 1200 grafts for my hairline mostly.


    Just had my 2nd transplant in May.


    I ma currently using fin 2 years & minoxidial for 2 years(I did stop minox & lost some hair near crown.


    My doctor has said I have excellent donor hair which is good news.


    But I am thinking about arranging another transplant for my vertex area as I don't believe I received enough grafts in this area . I may have suffered shock loss in this area also.


    1st pic March 2015 no fin or transplant


    2nd pic pre op May 2017.


    3rd pic post op May 2017


    4th pic July 2017 hair has shed

    But did I recieve enough grafts in the vertex area just in front of crown?





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