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Posts posted by hairman22

  1. Henry Cavill isnt balding he just had recession in his hairline.

    Balding would be a norwood 3 & diffuse loss on the scalp

    Cruise and Pitt are outliers for a white male to have a very straight hairline at their age.

    I agree the surgeons are turning away patients with a good donor because they dont have the skills to perform temple work.

    weird to start a petition about this though


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  2. On 2/17/2023 at 6:18 PM, mtb said:

    1 month. The shed has started. I reckon 30%-40% of transplanted hairs have fallen out. Also, my shock loss is significant. Maybe 30-40%. But it’s a long game. I’m 8 months from my second surgery, maybe 16-18 months from final result. Thankfully I work from home so I’ve just been wearing hats. Also told my few coworkers so it wouldn’t be weird. 










    your donor area looks excellent considering it has some shock loss & over 8000 grafts taken out

  3. 1 minute ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    That’s what he sees in his practice, do you want him to lie. I really don’t get why people are so against oral minoxidil. I don’t think anyone said it’s a long term replacement for finasteride, or that finasteride doesn’t have its place. But oral minoxidil is a good option for those unwilling to take finasteride, and we know at least in the short term it give’s similar gains.

    Lie no.

    But maybe wait a few years to see patients maintain their on it alone before drawing to any conclusions


    Im using it myself & it has been useful for my crown just think it is too early to overhype the drug. Better to judge in a few years rather than just a year


    I am not against oral minoxidil at all been using 2.5mg per day with no issues

  4. 13 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    First of all, he said he switched from oral finasteride to oral minoxidil and saw no difference. What’s wrong with giving his own personal experience. I have been taking oral minoxidil for 6 months, and it’s a game changer. 

    This is getting absurd. Oral minoxidil has been around WAY before finasteride. As a matter of fact, it started off as a blood pressure medication that had a secondary effect of hair growth. How on earth can anyone say there aren’t any long term studies. It’s the EXACT same drug as the topical, except oral. You guys need to stay off reddit. 

    Here’s a study from 1987, is 30+ years long term enough.


    Melvin you mis interpreted my point


    There are no long term studies showing oral minoxidil is as effective as finesteride


    I really wish it was the case but i expect oral minox results will decline like topical does after 2 years.

    But we have Bisanga claiming its as good as finasteride it is just not been proven


    For example no really many people maintain on oral minox compared to finnasteride but we have Bisanga saying its just as affective.

    It just has not been proven long term

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, mtb said:

    I mean Eugenix and Pitella are the ones that come to mind if you’re a slick bald NW6 and don’t want FUT. Others on this forum might have helpful suggestions. My bro is going to Pitella in a few months. 

    I had consult with Pitella as well.

    I will probably go with Zarev & just wait.

    Both are brillant not really too much of a difference

    I just prefer Zarev's methods very very detailed

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  6. 15 minutes ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

    Firmly agree with this. Could be 100% DHT topical blockers in the future. Or maybe oral dht resistance with less sides for people. Who knows. At 80 I don’t care if my hair is crazy thick. But I think most transplanted hair at least lasts well into 50-60s before you’d notice any thinning signs. It’s not like you get an HT at 28 and at 35 you are bald. Unless some underlying medical condition or DUPA took place

    Wont be 100% dht blockers for the scalp with systemic absorption,

    That is fantasy.

    Actually with people's diet's & Testosterone levels dropping so much I actually think people will be more susceptible to side affects.

    Hair Transplants are the best solution imo. 

    They are the big breakthrough in the last 20 years, Maybe better techiques can improve body hair survival.

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  7. 2 hours ago, johnto said:

    Did you message him directly? Or did you just message their generic Whatsapp number?  


    I booked a consult with them in 2025. I paid the $150 euro but have not received a confirmation email or anything (even after asking for one 😂). I called to book the consult and have been chatting through whatsapp with whom I assume is their receptionist. 

    No i have been messaging Dr Zarev

    I booked through reception but he i got his number unsure how i think he messaged me

  8. 3 minutes ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Some people say it's fine to wear as long as it isn't touching your grafts, but frankly I didn't wear one until 10ish days after my procedure. I had a short flight home and didn't really care if people saw me looking all haggard and cut up post-op. Just seems worth the peace of mind to deal with people noticing you as opposed to worrying about risking your grafts. 

    I agree. I work a cap previously but when i get another procedure i wont. It is quite annoying

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