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Everything posted by trashpanda

  1. Looks amazing so far! Very encouraging for me to see this, as I'm 2 months right behind you. Congrats, keep us updated!
  2. Ernie, your results are absolutely incredible. One of the best I've ever seen. If I had to choose, I say the first style (not the slick back) is a better style. Congrats on your amazing results!
  3. Nizoral shampoo should only be used 2-3x per week. It seems you were overusing it. I think within a 6 month period you began a lot of different treatments that can cause a shed on their own. If you stick with them I have a feeling you will see the benefits long term. But cut down the nizoral use to 2-3x per week
  4. How long did you try out nizoral shampoo for? How often did you use it? Have you started any other preventative medications such as rogaine or propecia recently?
  5. That's a great place for his hairline to be, he should definitely leave it where it is and use the grafts elsewhere. This guy has come a looooong way from where he started
  6. Hi Dutchie, I think your results are a massive improvement from where you started. 4,000 grafts over the area isn't going to give you very dense results, but still a huge improvement. Have you spoken to the clinic yet? I agree with what others have said, that the density was tapered towards the mid scalp to have a stronger hairline to frame your face. I think you have a good yield so far, but I hope it thickens to what you want. But I'm going to echo with what others are saying and say you've had a pretty good result given the density that was transplanted. 35 grafts per cm2 isn't dense at all, my procedure of 1860 grafts at my hairline is almost double that (60 grafts/cm2). But since you didn't have good laxity I'm sure that's the most that Dr. Hasson could have gotten in one sitting. Best of luck
  7. Very nice result. This is the difference between going to an ethical and experienced surgeon rather than not doing your research and getting screwed. The hairline placement is great and he will age well into it.
  8. Thanks for the new update TJ. Looking real solid right now. I'm just curious as I couldn't find it in your original post, when did your hair shafts start to shed after surgery?
  9. Wow, what a huge difference! Great results, he has a good hair type for a HT to give the illusion of higher density. I am assuming it was all strip procedures?
  10. Thanks for the advice TJ. To be honest it isn't all that frustrating for me. As much as I wish I could fast forward a few months right now, I knew this was all part of the process going in and I think it will be good in the future for me to look back on the weekly (or bi-weekly) pictures I am taking of my progress and documenting in this thread. I hope it can also give more patients, especially younger guys like me, a realistic viewpoint of what to expect when going through with a HT. I know a lot of guys have documented their experiences on here, which helped me a lot when researching HTs. Here are some pics I took yesterday of my current situation. My redness has gone down a little bit, but is definitely still there. I have the occasional pimple in the recipient site and still have a few stubborn hair shafts that haven't fallen out yet. I would say up to 5% of the hair shafts still have not shed, but a lot of my native hair that was shaven down in the recipient area has begun to grow back and I expect to be able to better blend it into my existing hair in a month or two.
  11. Johnny, I'm sure someone has said this already but your hair looks great. If I saw you in public I would never think you are experiencing hairloss. After going through a couple HTs already and being a part of this forum, you should know by now that transplanted hair can never match your juvenile density, it is suppose to present the "illusion" of a dense head of hair. Although I think your hair looks good short like that, you will be able to notice the difference your HTs have done for you more if you grew your hair out and styled it. I had a HT 6 weeks ago and Im going to end up with a much bigger forehead and more "mature" hairline than you. I chose that on purpose to plan for future loss down the road, but my point is that your hair looks great and you should be very happy where you are today.
  12. TJ, definitely an improvement from month 3 to month 4. Thanks for the side by side pics, it really helps show the difference. I'm jealous you are out of the ugly duckling stage, I still have a few more months to go. Keep us updated, looking great so far!
  13. Thanks for the update, all is looking great so far. I expect a major difference by your next update!! Very exciting
  14. Thanks for the feedback on the witch hazel product guys. I think I will hold off on using anything and just be patient. Here are my 4 weeks post op pics. I would say 90% or more of the hair shafts have shed and the hair that Dr. Hasson shaved along my hairline in the recipient area has started to grow back. I'm due for a haircut this upcoming Sunday to even things out. Still wearing a hat everywhere I go, but if I have to I can get away with a similar hair style as I had before the HT. On my next update I'll include a pic of my hairstyle that conceals the recipient area. These pics are right out of the shower and the redness seems more intense than it actually is. I also popped a small pimple in the recipient area right before the shower, which looks enflamed in the pic but is unnoticeable now.
  15. So Restoration Robotics is willing to sell the ARTAS to "doctors" that do not even specialize in hair restoration? I'm not questioning the reliability or results of the ARTAS (that's a completely different conversation), but they should know very well that if these robots are not used by a qualified Doctor that the damage done to patients can be bad for business, not to mention the patients well-being.
  16. What do you guys think of this to help combat redness? Thayers Witch Hazel Aloe Vera Formula Alcohol Free Original -- 12 fl oz
  17. So I am officially in the "ugly duckling" phase. After my last update, a lot of the hair shafts began to shed from the recipient area. It was almost 14 days on the dot when the shed really started. I have probably lost over 50% of the hair shafts so far and more are coming out each night in the shower. I'll probably get a haircut in the next couple of weeks once my sides grow out a little bit more, but for now its been fine since I can wear a hat when I'm out or at work.
  18. I actually think that looks great and you have every reason to be thrilled with your results. Very conservative and age appropriate! How many grafts(FUE or fut)? At month 5 you still have a lot of future growth/thickening to come, congrats!
  19. Great stuff Spidey, super happy for you and really glad you shared your results with the forum. Hopefully I will have similar results to you and will be reporting happily around this time next year!
  20. Here's one of the pics I could find Also, what's your guys opinion on Elon musk?
  21. https://www.hairdr.com/results/featured-patients/wes-welker/ Welker got it done by Dr. Robert Leonard. He has a strip procedure and says he is on rogaine and propecia. I wonder if propecia is approved for use by NFL? I've often been perplexed by Mcconaughy's hair. Did anyone see him with his shaved head when he hosted SNL? You can definitely tell he was thinner in his corners and thicker in the middle, but it looked pretty good.
  22. Looking awesome TJ, by the time the transplanted hair reaches the length of the hair behind it and you get a cut to blend it in, everything is going to look as you probably imagined it before surgery. Congrats!
  23. I took some pics for 2 weeks post-op. Everything has healed very nicely so far and I think a few of the hairs have started to shed. I have taken it easy this whole time and will continue to do so for 1 more week. Still waiting for the shaved areas to grow a bit more before I get a haircut to even things out. In the meantime, Im wearing a hat everywhere I go. Actually, its the hat the I got from H&W that I like more than most of the hats I already had!
  24. Ive been the same way, right now I'm 13 days post op. Better safe than sorry!
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