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Everything posted by Rashid36

  1. I think it makes you look and feel older and worse when a bald head does not suit you!
  2. Thanks for sharing your experience with the meds. I wanted to hear from people who have had meds, hair transplant, smp and treatments for a long time. I wonder if you would have alot of dht to affect your hair now that your 40? I thought most aggressive hair loss is between 20 and 30 years of age?
  3. Great point made about the greyish colour etc never thought of that nor did any clinic even mention that to me. Shows you know your field well. As a filler is the person required to shave the hair off or is it done with the hair grown? I would like to see pictures of anyone who has had a hair transplant for the front and smp for the crown.
  4. Thank you I also had a clinic tellme they can derma roller the ink into the hair
  5. When i use this derma roller i do feel the needles especially where i have very little hair. I feel it for a couple of days. Maybe it's good to start with? I contacted the company which makes the derma roller and they said The size you have will only allow your product to go into the top layer of the skin. We would not be able to sell you a roller at a longer length as we can only sell them to clinics.
  6. I thought 1500 grafts would be enough to cover my crown area
  7. Yes but at the aggressive stage would any top doc do a ht ?
  8. Yes, that's what i was thinking so i cancelled my doctor appointment today. As with everything regarding my hair loss I have had different opinion if i should take it or not at this stage from top doctors. Everyone is different and i read many do benefit from the med. I took it when i was around 25 years old for about 1 year. I had a lot of stress at the time so not sure if it or the stress affected my libido and perhaps many have issues for other reasons and not because of the med. I cannot say for sure but to this day (10years) my libido has not been the same as it was before the med but then again i have gone thru alot of things which could equally be to blame. I totally agree with you but if i had a ht then i don't know maybe I will try it again.
  9. I started using it once a day for a few months now didn't get any sides so have now increased it to 2 times. I got 3 months supply on offer so after that if i don't see any results i will stop using it. My main concern was how the body breaks it down. I contacted regain who could only give me little info they basically said it is broken down by the liver and taken out of the body by urine. They said they could not give other info due to pharma code of practice apart from the patient leaflet.
  10. I just started using a dermaroller needle 0.25mm then i put monoxidil on. I originally got the dermaroller for a scar but stopped using it. I contacted the company who made it and they said i would need a longer needle for what i want to use it for i.e hairloss / regrowth. When i used it i did feel it so i think it would be enough at the moment to start with.
  11. I wonder who is not suitable for SMP ? I ask this as the hair on my sides and back grows quick and i still have a fair bit so to have the shave look would require alot of constant shaving. Then as a filler i don't see myself suitable for that as i have more hair loss on some parts of my scalp then others.
  12. When you say permenant will it ever need topping up etc?
  13. That's the thing with hair growth it's such a long process!
  14. There is a similar discussion under hair loss drugs http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/183074-thinking-about-quiting-propecia%3B-erection-problems.html Today i decided not to start med due to the fear of sides. I might start taking it if / after i have a ht!
  15. lol, That hair is not similar to my head hair maybe it is for others but some areas of my body are like above my sword. The hair is thick and grows quick. I got alot of donor hair there !
  16. At 24 years of age my hair was falling then after upto about 28-29 it had fell out then after it seemed to stop in the past 2 years it has thinned now 35 years old this year i can see much more scalp. So if i was like you and had a ht then where would i have been by 30 needing another one and then by 35 another and very limited donor... I would wait and see how it goes 24 years old is way to young in my opinion. It would be better to see where you could use your limited donor hair later on when it seems to have stabilized. Doesn'tmean you can't take other action apart from ht such monoxidil etc Just what i think and everyone is different best to have in person consultation and ask top docs.
  17. Looks good you could probably get some beard hair in the crown too
  18. Yes, I already have but i'm going to ask my GP and give it a try. If i don't get the sides I wonder how long i should try it for ? I'm suprised after 7 years it affected DenseDream but if he is sure it's the med it's better to do what he said above.
  19. I have alot of hair loss in the crown but still have thin hair there. I still have hair mid and at front of head. It looks worse in my pictures as they were taken using a flash. The reasons i was thinking of giving it a go were; To keep and strengthen my current hair at mid and front of head To help and keep donor area from been affected To get any possible regrowth of hair (bonus) The reasons that stop me; When i read posts like this, sides, i already have issues so don't want to risk any further The worry the sides may last even after stopping The cost of the med - not cheap The thought that it is too late for any benefit Some top hair doctors have told me to take it while others have said not I see my GP this Friday and don't know if i should request for it ?
  20. How long has it been since you had the HT and do you remember how many grafts were placed front and mid ?? Big difference how you were and now, well worth the risk, looks excellent! You let your hair grow so it has covered the crown but if you had it short like i would then the crown would show much more. Is it true if you keep hair short it wont fall out as much as longer hair ?
  21. Yes Htsoon and harins case give me hope but i understand everyones hair etc is different. I can see alot of white hair now in my beard and head hair. I wonder if hair turning white on the sides would affect ht or not ? Also if a doctor can do a ht in 1 go front, mid and crown is that not better than having just front and mid then waiting over a year to have the crown worked on ?
  22. What if the dose was lower? I'm going this week to try and get it from the doc but will it work at this stage of hair loss ? Now reading this makes me think is it worth the risk and cost?
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