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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. You’re in such a great position, I bet you never thought it would evolve to the point it has 👍🏽
  2. Some serious graft numbers here 😯 with the amount of balding you had this can only lead to another superb result 👍🏽
  3. It was a compliment 😂 you seem to have enough beard/chest hair to be totally future proofed !
  4. Much as I’m admiring both the hair and the beard… I’m also thinking this could be a shot from castaway 2 😉
  5. I’m sure If you requested it he would send you his Afro results? Can’t recall seeing many here. Dr Mwamba/Dr Bisanga & Dr Lapunzula are often considered as they do have a proven record with Afro Centric hair.
  6. Hi, have you got any immediate post op pics? What was Dr Ciniks involvement for you're procedure? As normally its a tech only ht, did you pay extra for him to do the incisions?
  7. Thanks for posting, I have always liked Dr Panines work, this looks good from what I can see. Please do keep the thread updated when you can 🙏
  8. Dr Nader is very good and a worthy consideration, worth the wait? Yep 👍🏼
  9. After the 12 months then its time to reflect/review and make a decision on how to progress. Would i go back to the same Dr/Clinic, personally i wouldn't. Worth getting some consultations done with others. Hows the donor area looking?
  10. Looks like you will be needing another procedure, im not convinced the 1800 grafts was going to be enough tbh. Also wondering what the yield was, sorry its not got you to a better point for month 10. By now the growth of grafts is pretty much done and the last couple of months is just thickening/maturity of whats there already,
  11. Im liking what i see. As you have been invited to post more results it will be good to see a range of different nw levels etc.
  12. Nice write up, work looks good, look forward to the updates !
  13. Eugenix are particularly good at taking from the beard area, this may include other areas apart from the usual directly under the chin. As you’re beard seems to have more to the left and right of this area then homogenised extraction could actually leave it looking more uniform. Dr Umar is another that has a long history of Beard/BHT extractions in higher numbers. Im always interested in Beard extraction cases as it’s something im also looking at doing. I remember being told that my beard could have 300 grafts taken be one Dr, and then 4000 grafts by Eugenix 😂 quite the difference… Seeing it in person would be the only way to know for sure, but yeah maybe 600-800…?
  14. Not a fan of row implementation at all, yeah some “Elite” Drs may sometimes do it, but I just can’t ever see it as a good idea for anyone.. Being brutally honest i can see this needing another ht to soften the hairline and hopefully break up/disguise the rows. 1400 isn’t a lot of grafts in the great scheme of things, so at least you haven’t wasted a bucket load here. Best case scenario? You get good yield and you can then re evaluate in approx a years time. Would I go back to the same Dr? No, shame as the other Dr connected with this clinic seems to do better work imo. When it starts to grow in you will get a much better idea of what needs to be done. Of course all you can do now is wait, what’s done is done, post some updates so we can all see it progress 🙏
  15. Looking good there, healing up nicely. Shedding starts around day 7 so you’re fine!
  16. Yes you will be fine, no need to worry. You are not going to cause any damage like this.
  17. Why not consider Dr Nader or HMR/Capilar (Cortez bros) Those guys actually have results that can be found here and elsewhere, not just cherry picked clinic results. If you can’t find patient posted results from “Vatanmed” then it’s a red flag.
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