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Everything posted by Britanium

  1. @IMM1979 Thanks for the tag, looking particularly awesome 😎
  2. @hairlossburner1234 Thanks for the tag, I know I came across pretty harsh when you posted you’re first HT, seems like you have now managed to address all the issues with the second. This is going to be a marked improvement, the design and implementation looks good. Great to see a follow up on this 👍🏽
  3. Dr Pittella, Dr Leal, Dr Zarev, Dr Bruno Pinto and yeh Fuegenix too 😉Just look for as many results as you can find, I’m just giving some more suggestions, only you can choose who’s right for you.
  4. It’s normal for our heart rate to fluctuate regardless of what activity’s/exercising we are doing, obviously worrying/stress can cause it to spike. Nothing to worry about, it’s not going to compromise you’re grafts. Definitely follow you’re clinics advice when it comes to increasing you’re activity level.
  5. Yeh can last longer like I said, it will fade though 👍🏽
  6. It will resolve itself, just takes time, differs for everyone. Can be approx 2 weeks for most people. Don’t worry if it’s a little longer.
  7. What sort of comment is this? That’s just straight up rude, who are you to be judging him like that? He’s had very good results in his hair journey, and is working hard at the gym, what are you doing?
  8. @Rolandas It’s been a while since I have seen any new videos, hope you’re ok man 🙏
  9. Drop out Cosmedica, you don’t want to risk a tech only procedure. The other choices are fine, but if you look/consider further afield you would have access to better Drs. So many elite choices in Europe. Research, research and then research some more. Consider saving up to get the right Dr/Clinic for you’re particular needs.
  10. Echoing what’s been mentioned already, consider meds to try and prevent more loss. Save up more to get a better choice of clinic/Dr. Always choose a reputable clinic over a hair mill, even when they mention a Dr being involved, who is this Dr? Dr Turan/Dr Gur do good work and both have results that can be viewed, both here and elsewhere. In the hands of “Smile” I never see decent results, a lot of poor results are pulled from view.
  11. Definitely scratch off “no hair time” from you’re list. The others are ok, just spend time looking for patient posted results In as many places as possible. See who’s work you prefer, definitely not a one and done (seldom is) and you’re going to have to watch that crown dipping which is usually indicative of the highest Norwood levels developing. Consider meds if you want to try and retain/strengthen what you have. As mentioned above try the shaving option and see if it’s something you could get used too, doesn’t suit everyone. If you start the journey down the Ht parth there’s no turning back. This will at least be a 2 step/stage process. It’s absolutely worth saving up to get the best Dr/clinic for you’re particular needs. Do as much homework/research as you can. Don’t listen to any one individual, suggestions can be given but you’re already on track, well apart from the mention of now hair time which nobody would be risking (tech driven)
  12. 2 weeks after FUE is quite usual. Follow the H&W advice and you will be fine! 💪
  13. The clues were there early on… hidden in plain sight..
  14. Yes exactly that I typed i am but my pc changed it to I’m lol 😂
  15. Lol actually it’s closer to “I’m Alan Feller” which reminded me of this reveal:
  16. I see good work here, but looking at other forums/outlets not so much, some “meh” work too.
  17. Oh I remember that thread well! And yes while the US soldiered on with FUT the rest of the world moved to FUE. I know that Blake (Bloxham) trained In FUT and is still performing it.
  18. I never used to be able to write the whole name, lol must no longer trigger the censor 😆 I think the last time i mentioned him in full was 2014… 😬
  19. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but yes, I would not have chosen Dr Z and i would have done much better research and not be led by marketing. However this was 2010 and FUE wasn’t being done like it is today. Like a lot of guys with a higher Norwood level I have a excellent beard source, so would have been able to achieve decent coverage with using FUE/BHT and not gained a unsightly scar In the process. Still see not so great FUT scars from some of the “elite”.
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