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Everything posted by chris39

  1. Who mentioned ignorance of surgical experience ? . I'm not ignorant of surgical experience . Granted , I have never performed a surgical procedure , but why would that make me ignorant of the procedure ? Also , it doesn't affect my feelings on the matter at all - I'll choose whatever procedure (in any medical sphere )that I feel will produce the optimal result for me . Let me ask you a question . Outside of your own profession , do you unquestionably bow to any advice you are given ?
  2. Thank you Dr Keller . I was going to quote your previous quote as an example of your own vitriol , but you saved me the job . I'm well aware of both FUSS and FUE procedures and because I have performed neither does not diminish my opinion on either. I could quote countless analogies to counter your own , but I'm not really that bothered to do so. Indeed , people can accept or ignore the information available. and I'll make my own decisions based on my own research thank you very much .
  3. I'll answer this one quickly with a short answer . The majority of the surgeons on this forum are USA or North European based . The fees charged by surgeons based in these geographical areas suits the demographics / users of the website . It simply does not make economic sense for the majority of surgeons outside of these to pay the associated fees and consequently recover such fees in in increased turnover as a result of website traffic / direction. This will also skew the results of FUSS / FUE results as posted. I'm sure you're well aware of this anyway !
  4. Name calling and vitriol ? Really ? Please point this out and I will rescind the comment if such is reciprocated . I've merely commented on the fact that you assume anyone who does not possess a medical degree does not hold a valid ( or any ) opinion in the HT procedure . I've no axe to grind with anyone , but will certainly defend my position to comment as I see fit , as you yourself do . I have had a FUSS procedure , and constantly read all the tiresome posts from the entrenched on either side . The goal from the patients perspective is usually the same irrespective of the procedure undertaken , so why the enmity on the part of some surgeons ? Like I say , I'm not against one or other of the procedures , but will check out your videos and will certainly get back to you with any questions I may have .
  5. Hi Mick - yep , that's what I meant really . Result looks great . Are you going FUE or FUSS next surgery ( Haha ! )?You went FUE and I went FUSS - we should be boxing each other ! I'm good with my result - was intending a 2nd HT last December , but lets just say the initial surgery has had a huge beneficial impact and taken away the urgency for a 2nd HT at the moment . Also gives me a period to reflect if any additional hair loss may occur.
  6. So you'll blindly walk into any procedure if a Dr tells you too ? If that was the case , go with the first surgeon you consult with - as we all know , all results are equal and all possess equal competence ! Why even ask questions if this is your mind set ? Always amazes me when Drs display unquestionable arrogance , and even more so the blind unquestioning of patients.
  7. I am absolutely staggered by this comment ! This is loudest case of God Syndrome I've come across in a good while , which is saying something . Read back on your post and reflect on it . Immutable fact indeed ? ( Posted in large font red for added significance ?)
  8. No offence intended , but the quote above is an incredible statement. Get this nonsense out of your head and your research will prove far more beneficial. It's good you're going to do your research to make the most informed decision you can .Forums such as this are all about debate and discussion , but beware of the misinformation that exists .
  9. Dr Feller , Without getting in to the debate about FUSS and FUE , just interested why you chose to bang the FUSS drum against FUE mega sessions when that was not the question posed by the OP ?
  10. Looks a nice improvement from months 4 to 5.5 months . Be interesting to see how it matures over the next year or so.
  11. Good question and debatable if it can be answered .I think sometimes it is pot luck , but also sure there are experienced and knowledgeable tech's out there who can spin out results at least equal to the surgeons. As far as the old FUSS / FUE debate , I still find it strange that surgeons who only undertake one technique or the other are son defensive of their own technique without appreciation of the other . Just seen your latest pics above - still looking excellent. I know you had your reservations similar to me about possible delayed shock loss . Don't think you need to have those concerns anymore .
  12. Steve , Your points raised illustrate the absolute necessity of research when considering a HT .The topics mentioned are all areas of concern , but would add further comment : I had a FUSS procedure and don't regret the decision , but there's been endless debate on this subject. A major consideration is the actual and projected level of hair loss that may occur , but I think that FUE yield in the right hands is approaching parity with FUSS ( if not there already ). This is a recurring topic and I've yet to come across a conclusive opinion as to why it occurs . Certainly , grafts in too close a proximity would seem a major risk factor , but the permanent shock loss can , it seems , occur even when that's not the case . It's also an area in which the surgeons appear to be reticent on commenting on. 4 to 5 surgeries may be the case in higher NW's depending on their goals , but I'd guess the lower NW's could get good coverage from 2 to 3 HT's. I'm aware of the numbness , which I experienced myself , but not came across the migraine complaint before . My numbness has completely disappeared now , but have heard that it can be permanent. Another key word in your comment above is expectation. It seems that may people who undergo surgery have unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved .Put it this way , when I started out on my HT research , my expectations were massively different by the time I decided to pull the trigger on surgery. Anyway , good post and food for thought for anyone considering surgery . Glad you've made the decision based on thorough research and your own life considerations .
  13. Giga FUE ? Special deal if you sign by the end of the month ? Those 2 bits alone would make me run a mile . The only sites I would trust online would be the dedicated HT sites and forums . Trustpilot and the like are all well and good , but I'd take them wth a large grain of salt !
  14. I think HTsoon's point is that it's your crown that needs to be addressed primarily . Pictures can be deceiving , but your frontal scalp looks pretty solid at the moment . If I were you , I'd go with the 1500 odd to the crown for now and see how things go.
  15. I think even the worst scarring would be covered by that hair - pretty solid sides. I've always kept my hair pretty short , so was a concern of mine before my FUSS . This is a recent pic after a haircut - it's a no.2 cut blended into a no.3.I'm pretty sure I could get away with a no.2 if I went for it . The only snag wit the scar , is you can never predict how it will turn out . I'd like to go FUSS again for my 2nd HT , but would be a disaster if I suffered scar stretch , so keeping my options open for now .
  16. Agreed also ! You can't knock the results they produce , but the consistent high graft counts is disconcerting.
  17. He's in the top 2 or 3 most expensive surgeons in Turkey as far as I know , so he's not undercutting the local competition.
  18. I'm reading it that the 1st and 3rd pics are post op periods . 2nd pic is day of procedure . If that's correct ? . then there is a big shed between months 7 and 12 .
  19. Mikey - Thanks for creating this thread . It's obviously a painful experience you're going through , but the information in this thread is a reminder for everyone that things can go wrong . Really strange that the shock loss occurred so long after surgery , and away form the area that was transplanted . My only guess is that it was the hole punch size that may have created the trauma . Also , sympathise with your dilemma - Have a small touch up to the area with the possibility that further shock loss may occur ? It's a stick or twist situation . As far as your feelings after the party , that's likely the depression talking . It's a horrible spiral you're in - the shock loss has led to the depression and the depression feeds the negativity and loss of self esteem . Don't know if you're on meds to treat the depression , but if not then it's worth considering to get you through this low period . Good luck .
  20. Cheers HairsGone. I'll try and post a few more photos over the next few days including a top down photo.
  21. I'm hoping I may be able to get between 2 to 3k grafts in my next procedure . I'll never get a dense coverage to the crown considering the area to be covered , so may concentrate on the lateral humps , possibly adding density to the lateral humps and see what's left to address the crown . I'll post some photo's at some point to show the areas to be addressed .
  22. It's still fairly early days after your procedure , so hopefully your shock loss will recover over the coming months . I notice you mention a 5% shock loss rate . To be honest , I think that's a very low estimate of actual shock loss following surgery , especially strip .I had a patch of shock loss following my HT , and I've read numerous reviews where it occurs . For this reason , I'm really thinking about FUE if I have another surgery , even though FUSS would possibly produce the better yield .
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