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Everything posted by harin

  1. Here is my 2 months update - in fact 2 months and 4 days to be exact. Between weeks 4 and 7 had severe shock loss in donor areas and the recipient follicle shedding. Now few pimples and fine hairs all over. Please feel free to comment and suggest anything unusual. The crown and back about 1.5 months since the back of head and crown was transplanted 15 days after frontal and mid scalp. Not on any meds, donor area also had some shock loss, but recovering slowly. Donor area density actually pretty good still given I already had limited donor availability. Waiting game is now on!!!, any prayers appreciated with kindness.
  2. Nice result, in fact no difference can be detected between original beard and transplanted ones. Makes me wonder if the theory that transplanted hairs assume the characteristics of the hairs native to recipient region?. Nice work doctor.
  3. Is this a BHT procedure or the scalp hair?, asking because the frontal hair looks a little coarse, guess once more hairs grown in it will look more natural?. Also hairline has some gaps in it, I guess since this is only 6 months post op more growth to come?.
  4. Excellent crown coverage given the crown area and number of grafts, congratulations to both patient and the doctor.
  5. @sethticles - your grafts have survived an ''EARTHQUAKE'', they will for sure survive this shock loss too. Hang in there buddy, good luck with the growth.
  6. If you live in India or abroad,there are plenty of choices including few recommended physicians here on the forum. Do research out as many physicians as you want to,you don't have to pick the very first one you run into!. Yes for anyone - open channels of communications are very important as well as naturalness of hairline. You can probably find some best HT surgeons for much cheaper price than elsewhere in INDIA. no doubt.
  7. Would you normally ask the person posting from the same ip address to explain the finding?. could there be 2 people using same ip address?, would it be more practical (if feasible) to track mac address as well so that posts coming from same computer can be tracked and if malicious or duplicate could be disabled?.
  8. JOHNBOY71 - yes have plenty left still. At this time I still have mild redness from the last harvest site below the right chin. My 4 th session was on Nov-02 so its been only 1 month and 3 days since my last HT day. The beard area is fast assuming original skin tone of my face. Thanks and as mentoned before I will keep this forum updated.
  9. You are correct, Dr. Arika and Dr. Pradeep are currently not recommended on this forum. Another case of Dr. Arika was posted sometime ago. Here is the Link: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/179071-hair-transplant-doctor-delhi-ncr-reviews.html If you need further information you can always PM me. You can also check out their website eugenix. I do not want to post any links here for the website since I do not know if forum rules allow links. But you can search ''EUGENIX INDIA'' on google and once on website checkout literally 100's of successful HT cases on their ''PHOTO GALLERY'' tab. I will update pictures by the end of January, I have shed almost 80% now and can see some very fine growth at this time. Good luck.
  10. Have you ever seen a bald person drink coffee?
  11. Sorry, for the amount of grafts used,the result appears poor. The comb over on side looks odd.
  12. Very natural looking hairline, i am very impressed with some results posted by you. Congratulation to both patient and doctor.
  13. The pics are a little blurry, however the work obviously looks top class!. Praying for your great results. WOW, 3 strips!!!, how far apart were these HT's done?. Good luck again bro.
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