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Everything posted by elduterino

  1. Firstly, these are readily available cheap supplements, not patented, so of course no firm is going to invest time and money into a serious human study. However, besides user feedback we have some research hints. These results provide further evidence that hair growth is associated with the presence of chondroitin proteoglycans in the follicle environment and that the cessation of growth is associated with their removal. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1704038/ Also we have more data on Versican, These are Anagen inducing supplements. The other anagen inducing and hair cycle slowing drug is Stemoxydine, aka Neogenic, very effective and side effects free . Works well in combination with Minox
  2. yes I was able to maintain with C (Clascoterone is a long name lets just call it C). 20 mg a day is a bit low but that depends on how long your hair is, very short hair will require a lot less. When I had a 1 guard cut all over I also used 20mg a day and it worked fine. I also use Minox and Stemoxydine and both help lower the C amount as the 3 work in synergy. In the Breezula studies they used a lot more C but that's also because people did not use anything else for the HT I switched back to FIN for 1-2 months before I was able to apply topicals again, and used oral minox as well. I was a Nw2.5 before the two HT
  3. @hybonix why .25mg ? start with 1mg right away, time is the essence you want to protect as much as possible what you have now, not what you will have left in one year. When I started the pill in 1998, there was't all this talk about side effects, just the famous "only 2% get it" and the assumption was that it will halt MPB for as long as you use it..which both turned out wrong..but..nevertheless I am now so thankful for the drug back then, and the fact that I did not wait. And make sure to add Minox and a few proven supplements such as MSM Biotin Chondroitin Sulfate
  4. @Cristero so you are taking testosterone and using Clascoterone , how does it work for your hair ? Are your issues due to using FIN ? I was on FIN for 6 years, never heard of such side effect
  5. ok fair enough, they tested the drug in individuals with acne so its either kids, or young adults. You can see that young adults had about half the incidence of this effect compared to children so its clearly age related And, its not "guys" because the study was done on both sexes..and we know from other studies that HPA axis suppression is more frequent in females. The Hair loss age men group did not experience similar issues ..us older baldies, battle-hardened guys are going to be just fine For acne, the other effective drug option is Accutane and the side effects includes babies born with deformities from women users, permanent skin drying and kids killing themselves.. I was given Accutane when I had issues with acne as a teenager, and when I saw the list especially the irreversible skin drying, I decided to throw the package to the bin. Even though there isn't any drug in the world with zero side effects, this level of side effect is not going to scare most men into not using it. its going to be like a minoxidil where 99% have no issues and no one refuses to use it due the fear of side effects, even though it does have a list of side effects as well.
  6. its not "guy" - they tested it in children aged 12 and over. 5% of those kids got this but this is not a sexual side effect unlike FIN, and the adults tested with the much more concentrated 7% twice a day version did not experience adverse effects. The Propecia "2% sides" is a lie, a systemic drug which significantly reduces DHT in the whole body is bound to have side effects. The Indian study done later found that about 25% experienced sexual side effects on fin
  7. a) no but compounding pharmacies will be able to order the raw powder and prepare higher concentrations in liquid forms depending on the country, and pharmacy If you use Minox, and Stemoxydine, you actually don't need that much Clascoterone for maintenance , as the 3 drugs have a synergy effect. I use 50mg a day with medium length hair. Assuming a small 20g acne cream tube at 1% you have about 200mg of the active ingredient in it. You would go through a tube every 4 days, and dilute about half in ethanol to get it liquid enough to apply over hair, so that probably means two applications of 25mg a day due the large amount of vehicle. IF the tube costs 10 usd thats's 2.5USD a day, not bad for an incredibly better alternative to fin, the topical which also blocks testosterone and is thus more effective than fin at the hairline over time....until breezula is approved in 2-3 years b) I have been using Chinese providers for 12 years for RU and CB and never had any issues, I still have hair and my dick is working great much better than when I was on fin or DUT. I had two FUE HT but that's because of the loss I had prior proscar release into the market, and I also wanted a better hairline that I had originally from birth
  8. Guys, the first ever side effect free topical anti androgen - Clascoterone - has been FDA approved for human use as of today, 8/27/2020 This is huge news The initial product is an acne cream vehicle but the same molecule can be used at higher percentages in a liquid - ethanol etc.. for scalp delivery FIN ins't the only option anymore
  9. Super happy yes. I shave it to a no guard at back and sides once a week and my GF has not said a thing, and I had 4100 FUE grafts removed over two FUE there so I am convinced it is scar less at least to the eyes of the others. As for the front/hairline, growing fine no issues at all. I shave the rest of my head to a 9 mm guard as it looks better while still limiting the amount of topical hair meds required to maintain. The difference in density with native hair is barely noticeable at that length, but not so if I cut shorter
  10. I started oral minox 5mg - cheap pills from Thailand - a week after the HT. it works as well or even better than topical, and is far cheaper and more convenient. I do have a rather low blood pressure but I did not experience any particular side effects, beside the "face skin" effect.
  11. minox alone does notwork well for long thats true, the best is to use it with stemoxydine as it reduce shedding - acts on the hair cycles , and use it with an anti androgen as well
  12. take fin all the time, and start oral minox a week after the HT, then switch to topical minox a month or so later once its ok to apply it on scalp I took 5mg a day and had no major side effects
  13. not really, if you are a good responder to minox you will see the same hair getting thicker at the base of the shaft as they grow, and less hair shedding, faster growth so perhaps a month or so to see results
  14. maybe try a hard work hat, but one size larger so that the touching edges come lower than the recipient zones
  15. I wore a baseball cap in a way that the cap edges did not touch the recipient zone. I did spray the cap interior with ethanol on a regular basis to avoid infections
  16. You need to add minox, this thicken hair shafts nicely. Also add Stemoxydine (neogenic), helps reduce future hair loss by lenthening the growth phase, this works well with minox. The issue with the HT in your case, is that its going to be hard to make it look dense enough with your thin hair caliber..its going to look like a very thin sparse, unnatural zone in front of a thicker one, and you may need more than one procedure to make it even decent looking. Why not try a very short 1 guard cut and see the feedback you get
  17. Guys, here is a pic of the donor after 14 months, but It also includes the FUE I had done in 2014 , total 3700 grafts for both surgeries. I shaved with no guard on my shaver, this is as short a the shaver can do and I usually don't go that short but wanted to see how it looks. The pics were taken by my GF, who does not know I ever had HT, and the most important part is that she did not notice anything particular at the donor, while taking these shots and in normal life. This is the proof that FUE can be scar less, at least in the eye of others.
  18. @yesplease Not quite. Although blood supply is not the cause of genetic androgenic alopecia, once the follicle starts to shrink due to androgens, the blood supply is also reduced and its getting hard to reverse the process as it accelerates, and once the hair follicles dies its hard to bring it back to life with meds. Bad scalp vascularization are known factors where HT results can lead to poor growth, such as in men smoking, or packing too much grafts in one area transplanted. If your goal is to maintain hair with an anti androgenic regimen, having a good blow flow will help, to a certain extent at least. See this study on MPB and PRP https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4134641/ It is hypothesised that growth factors released from platelets may act on stem cells in the bulge area of the follicles, stimulating the development of new follicles and promoting neovascularisation.
  19. I think that the odds that the native hair would thin behind a transplanted area a smaller than if you don't have any HT. The new blood supply coming to the tranplanted hair is strong as these are large follicles producing strong hair, so the thinning native hair behind and around are getting a better blood supply overall go for the HT, but make sure that you go for FUE which gives you more options
  20. Hi guys - take a look at this FUE result and try to find all those 5000 FUE scars
  21. minox will really help thicken each hair shaft, and improve overall perceived density at the hairline I use it and without it it will look thinner as HT cannot implant hair to native density, maybe half that at best Also to help hair growth/thickness besides biotin : MSM is a good addition, I take 4 gram a day split in two doses
  22. are you not taking any meds ? I would start FIN and MINOX asap then whatever the doc suggest for PRP if its not too expensive, then re-consider in one year. IF the meds can stop further loss you will be able to decide how many grafts and where..without the ability to stop further hairloss you take a big risk with any HT with this kind of aggressive loss. a HT takes 12 month to fully mature and by then you may lose the same amount of native follicles behind the hairline if you are unlucky, plus have permanent shock loss due to the surgery as well
  23. Very good point.Now that I had 2 FUE and more experience, I would strongly suggest a place were they are experienced in using the LION implanter pen even if the techs are doing some of it, provided it is under the direct doc supervision all the time. This implanter is the best method to limit grafts damage and provide a good angle control, good density., as per independent study which I posted here before.
  24. what meds did you take and how much/for how long. Why do you think those did not work ?
  25. I would not worry about the shape of the hairline, everyone seems to have a different one and in the real world, 99% of people will not even notice you had a HT or even think that a hairline looks feminine, too low or whatever..that's because everyone is so obsessed with their own life and issues and do not care about others, apart from your family members and maybe partner/gf/wife. Life is short and you should get the hairline you like Only people in these forums are going scrutinize and judge hairlines, so you are asking the wrong group to start with. But a HT without meds is really risky, and there will be better options soon besides FIN. If I were you I would start FIN and MINOX ASAP, protect what you have now and see in one year if you were able to maintain, before even thinking about any HT. The shape of the hairline will be linked to how well you can maintain hair on meds You will not need to take FIN all your life as we have much better options coming in 2-3 years, in terms of side effects and effectiveness, but you will need to use meds all your life. Every hair follicle counts so start saving them now
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