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Everything posted by bismarck

  1. Treat your hair transplant like a previous bout with the clap. It doesn't affect anything, and bringing it up would just make the other person uncomfortable. You can still give advice to others in need, but in the form of "a friend of mine got his hair done from so and so and nobody can tell..." I bet that girl was smoking hot though..lesson learned.
  2. I have heard that if you have any type of hair transplant, either FUE or FUT, that you will never be able to shave your head to the skin again because of the scarring -- essentially that its an irreversible decision. Have any of you that have gone under the knife tried to go back to the shaved head look? Are the scars apparent when you cut down to skin?
  3. Why, other than Rootz's mention, does Bisanga's name does not really come up in this thread? Is he better at crown work?
  4. It is really disheartening to hear so many reports about Feriduni's poor response time, especially considering how highly people praise his skills here as a surgeon. I was originally considering him as my top pick, but so many similar stories suggest a pattern. Perhaps he is so flush with business that he doesn't need to worry, but it certainly impacts his image. Could you post pictures of how you look now?
  5. Wow -- excellent revision and high density restoration. Particularly of the poorly done patch work at the temples.
  6. Some here have suggested that Lorenzo is a bit more conservative with his hairline work. Does anyone have decent links to some of Feriduni's representative hairlines (either good or bad)? Is he the best amongst FUE for hairline work?
  7. It makes sense that this would be a component of assessment with all hair transplants, although obviously it would be more meaningful in those with smaller donor regions. I would certainly bring this up if you are going in for a consultation, as it relies on the artistic eye and open-mindedness of the surgeon doing the HT.
  8. It seems from looking through the thread that a roughly ordered list is as follows -- Feriduni - Belgium Lorenzo - Spain Bisanga - Belgium Feller - USA Shapiro - USA Epstein Rahal - USA Keser - Turkey Erdogan - Turkey Umar - USA Harros - USA Lindsey - USA Is there a reason the European doctors receive more accolades than the USA based docs? Bald truth seems to favor the Americans, but HRN seems to like the Europeans -- is this based on published cases in the forums, users on the different boards, business PR, or something I'm not seeing? Really appreciate this thread, it is quite helpful.
  9. I am curious what data there is out there regarding increasing the success rate of successful hair follicle transplantation (ie. the likelihood that the transplanted follicles will "take"). Beyond surgical technique, I would suspect that anti-inflammatory medications/therapies would allow healing to occur more quickly. Avodart to decrease DHT induced inflammation? Nizoral? Minoxidil to increase regional blood flow? Perhaps even the more vaguely characterized holistic therapies like saw palmetto or pumpkin seed? I recall a post from years ago where a user reported spraying his head with ice water seemed effective. I doubted it at the time, but reflecting on it later, I wondered if there was some solvency to his claim. In any case, was wondering if any users here were aware of peer reviewed literature, or even anecdotal experience for strategies to help their FUEs "take" more effectively. If this is a repeat post, my apologies, I searched the forum and was unable to find a similar thread.
  10. A large part of the reason I have been resistant to strip techniques is the characteristic scarring that can occur after surgery. In particular, I feared a scenario in which several years down the line the hair loss continued and I was unable to shave my head. Is there a resource that shows long term pictures of FUE in patients who have shaved their heads? I have looked, but seem only to find pictures that are closer to post-operative in timing. Particularly, I have heard of a "pock marked" appearance that can manifest years later. Appreciate your thoughts.
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