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Everything posted by densedream

  1. I am now considering Dr. Civas after reviewing his website, bio, and results. I am only worried about traveling to Turkey in light of all the terrorist attacks. Did you feel save in Ankara? Is the hotel and clinic in a good area? Any advice I should follow? thanks!
  2. Very good results. Confirms that my crown transplant was a failure. Now way I had over 5000 grafts put in my crown and its still not as dense as this result. Plus I was nowhere near this bald to begin with. Still pisses me off. Choose your surgeon wisely people.
  3. Take a look at my posting history. The crown is the black hole of the head. I have had over 5000 grafts and it is still see through in some areas. 1500-2000 would not make it dense but could be a small cosmetic improvement. Might take 4000 to match the front If that is only 1400 in the front, they did an amazing job. Go ahead it tell us who it is because the results are in.
  4. That's a good point, I was thinking the same thing. I have had 2 FUE but my donor is still thick and noticeably thicker than the top. I'm going to end up getting another FUE so maybe by then it will be a closer match to the top. Curious to what other experience after say 6000-8000 FUE taken.
  5. Great story! Amazing how confidence can change the path of ones life. Congrats!
  6. Not sure to be honest. Since after my first FUT my scar was almost impossible to find. It wasn't until my second FUT that my scar became wide without hair's growing through it. I think if I went to Dr. Hasson/Dr. Konior I would have faired better. I think if you have heavy hair loss you must consider a FUT and follow it with a FUE. Just make sure you choose a great doctor.
  7. Nothing against Dr. Bhatti. I just like what I see coming out of Dr. Yaman's work and I can visit a new country as well. Great price, includes PRP, and I think he is just as good or better. So I'm gonna follow my gut.
  8. Thanks Mountinvan I never did the DUT, still on 1.25 of proscar every other day. Here are some pics of my current situation. This is 2 years after Dr. Bhatti. My scar is better and hard to find at all. But with that said, I can't go below a #4 blade bc you can still see the indention of the scar. You can see the smiley face shape. Still better than before. I think my hairline looks a little harsh and I have some nearly bald areas still in crown even though I've had a crazy amount of grafts there. But I'm done putting anything back there. I'm going to consult with Dr. Yaman and see if I can soften up the hairline and add density where he thinks it's possible. Not sure if my donor is even good enough but I've had in person consultation and some doctors said I have 3-4000 grafts.
  9. Look at his website. He has more before and afters than any doctor I've seen.
  10. Did he offer another surgery for free? Have you tried to grow your hair longer? Either way the results aren't that great but you had a lot of area to cover.. I'm sure that the Dr. will do his best to make it right considering he is recommended here. Good luck
  11. I think that is fine reply from Dr Yaman. It would be safer to give him breaks and let an experience tech remove the grafts. I don't think removing them is rocket science and it can be learned by someone who didn't attend medical school. It's not a heart transplant. Plus they use a motorized punch which does the work. Creating the incisions for implantation is the most important part. How can a doctor do all of these procedures everyday. his hand would be fatigued and that could result in worse results.
  12. That kids, is an example of the best possible scar outcome after a FUT. Show that a FUT doesn't haven't to be "barbaric" or leave a scar with the right doctor. Impressive
  13. Dr. Resul Yaman Hair Transplant Surgeon in 0stanbul, Turkey Dr. Yaman in Turkey is who I'd choose. 1 euro a graft and includes PRP. You'll have plenty of money to spare even after flights.
  14. Just remember that almost every time a doctor gets recommended here, their prices usually always go up. Probably bc their demand rises and they can charge more. It's nice have some under the radar docs that provide a great service at an amazing value.
  15. I've never heard of him but if Dr. Rahal employees him, I'm sure he's good. I doubt Dr. Rahal with risk tarnishing his reputation by working with a hack.
  16. Those results look great so far! How much does he charge if you don't mind.
  17. This comes to show that when people say I will get a FUE and just shave my head if need later on... With dark hair it looks really obvious with all those little scars with a shaved head. Anyways you should be able to keep it long and flowy for years to come. good luck
  18. 1000 grafts : 3500 euros 1500 grafts : 4500 euros 2000 grafts : 5500 euros 2500 grafts : 6500 euros 3000 grafts : 7500 euros These are the prices I see on his website. Where can I see this updated prices? 1500 grafts for 3600 EURO is damn good for a manual extraction in Belgium. Plus room is included in the price. edit: Already heard back from his rep and these are the current prices so the first post in this thread is misleading.
  19. My crown was about the size of yours but I still had 30% density left... 5000 grafts later...... You can look at my post history and pictures to get an idea. Anyways 1500 grafts isn't as much as you think, especially for a crown.
  20. Doesn't look terrible or great. Just an average FUT scar. I had one like that too, maybe even wider. I got FUE into and it looks better. I plan on doing a little more to it and adding SMP so hopefully I can wear a 2/3 blade. Good luck
  21. My question is why isn't the middle part have more transplanted hair like the sides? The hair in the middle is thin and on it's way out soon anyways, I don't see why to skip that area.
  22. Funny you should say that. My last surgery was with Dr. Bhatti. At the time he thought I was committed to finasteride. Might have to go see him and re-assesss if I keep balding after quiting, which is almost guaranteed.
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