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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Nice subtle improvements, can’t wait for your 12 month update.
  2. He’s definitely producing excellent work, there’s no doubt about that.
  3. Never compare yourself to others, results vary for a multitude of reasons. Also, you have no idea if those pictures are being presented in the most optimal conditions. Happy people present pictures in the best way. Unhappy people present it in the worst way. I don’t see anything concerning in these photos.
  4. @Marko7t4 Hair Transplants will never be perfect, there will always be weaknesses. I think your hair looks DAMN good. You should be very happy.
  5. Locking this thread, anotherbaldguy is a past member with an axe to grind. To be clear, speaking about surgeons, philosophies, techniques, results is fine. Comparing results from different individuals makes no sense since results vary from person to person for various reasons. Referencing threads is fine. Again, taking pictures from threads and comparing them to others isn’t the appropriate thing to do, for one, results vary even with the same surgeon. I’m not saying we can’t discuss surgeons, I’m saying we can’t take other peoples pictures and start comparing them. This sets a bad precedent. I always say never compare yourself to others, that’s for a reason.
  6. Maybe because you are @qui bono checked the IP’s same time zone 🤔 I removed the IP, but confirmed this is definitely the same person and banned him for duplicate accounts.
  7. Actually, I had a big issue with what @George Clooney did, in fact, his posts were reported. I told him not to do that, he got mad and stopped posting. I still don’t see why you won’t post your own pictures. If you’re a patient of the two, it would make the most sense to post your own results. That’s apples to apples. When you compare different individuals, with different hair to color contrast, donor density, hair thickness, head size, etc. That’s apples to oranges. It makes absolutely ZERO sense to compare individuals. Results vary from person to person, even with the same surgeon. If you’re comparing yourself having had two surgeries with two different surgeons, that’s ultimately apples to apples. I’ll once again invite you to post your own thread, by all means, I’m sure it will be very educational. I’m getting the sense you’re @qui bono you guys can go back and look at the previous posts.
  8. Asking permission is definitely the right thing to do. I still don’t understand why you need to compare them publicly to other people? Every patient is different so comparing results makes no sense. If you post threads that’s fine. Because you’re letting the readers draw their own conclusions. Again, journeys should not be compared to one another, as results vary for a myriad of reasons. What would make the most sense, is compare yourself to each surgeon. Now that’s a fair comparison. If you say here are 10 recent threads from each surgeon that’s fine.
  9. If you want to compare people, why do you have to do it publicly? I don’t believe that’s fair, nor does it make it inviting for people to share. This is a sensitive subject and people don’t want to be picked apart in a disparaging manner, even if it’s for the sake of “research.” I wouldn’t appreciate that as a patient, and many feel the same way. Now, if someone is a patient and wants to share their point of view and pictures by all means, do so that is your right and very helpful. What bothers me is people want to do this with other peoples pictures and keep their own anonymity. I don’t think that’s fair at all. I’m the bad guy for saying this, okay, but how can you expect others to be cool with being picked apart, when you won’t do it yourself.
  10. You can start the thread if you wanna compare your results and then break down the differences and techniques. Yes that’s absolutely fine. As mentioned, other people who share may not consent, so use your own pictures. That’s the best thing to do anyway.
  11. I agree with you. If you’re a patient, BY ALL MEANS post your pictures and any critiques you have, that is absolutely 100% fair and vital. All I’m saying is don’t use other peoples pictures, when they may not consent. That’s all, if I gotta be the bad guy for that, so be it. If someone’s comparing HLC and Bisanga, the most common sense thing to do is compare your own experience. To your point about comparisons, it’s difficult to compare because there are several factors that will affect the overall appearance. Like hair thickness, head size, donor density, etc. I do not believe it’s ever a good idea to compare, as we know no two cases are the same, even with the same surgeons.
  12. If you want to create thread and compare your own results by all means go ahead. No one is stopping you. This will be my last reply on the subject.
  13. I feel like I’m going in circles. What makes no sense, is you pulling other peoples pictures, instead of your own. Then turning around and getting mad that people don’t want you to use their images. It’s your right, just as it is anybody to dictate where, how, and when your images are used. Period.
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