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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. DO NOT STOP! Trust me it’s working, of course it wont regrow all of your hair. But definitely it’s improved the overall density, very clearly.
  2. Man, I would recommend trying to shave your head first. Honestly, I see a lot of red flags with you as a patient. 1. Aggressive balding 2. Low budget (especially with needing a lot of grafts) 3. Low adherence to medication I don’t see you being satisfied for a long period of time. If you can’t adhere to meds, you have to be willing to get multiple procedures as your hair starts to thin. But with your budget, seems highly unlikely. My suggestion, try to shave your head and see how it looks. That might be your best option.
  3. Harry, long time no talk, how’s your hair looking? I would definitely opt for xyons topical formula
  4. The majority of results from hair mills aren’t good, but there’s no doubt some technicians are good, as evidenced here. The problem is there’s no way you know when you’re in the chair. Big gamble.
  5. You’re a fast grower congratulations 👏🏼
  6. That’s a very good price. In my opinion, it’s a steal.
  7. Thanks for updating us, do you known what caused the folliculitis.
  8. I think your hair looks pretty good, can you share a before picture for comparison?
  9. Dr. Hasson is not a big fan of minoxidil, but it really works. Here is a perfect example of how minoxidil works synergistically with finasteride. I spoke to Dr. Simon Pimstone, the co-creator and co-founder of Xyon, he isn't as opposed to minoxidil as Dr. Hasson. I believe they will eventually have a formulation that contains minoxidil.
  10. Looks good, crown takes longer to grow, I know i'm in the same position. But for 6 months it looks good.
  11. I don't have much to add besides give it at least a full year before considering another surgery.
  12. Looks good thus far, but the second surgery is planned for the crown right?
  13. Why are you posting that here, this isn’t his thread. You can look up his thread on his profile.
  14. Five years later, I think we’re the most popular we’ve ever been!
  15. I thought I made it clear. Stop discussing his case on this thread. He has his own thread.
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