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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Looks incredible man, how is the donor? Do you get a bald fade?
  2. We don’t have any recommendations in Australia unfortunately. We have some excellent choices in Thailand. Not too far away.
  3. That’s an interesting theory, but testosterone by itself doesn’t have any effect on hair loss. So I don’t see how receptors being more sensitive to testosterone would make any difference. But I could see your scalp becoming more sensitive to DHT if you stop using the medication. Of course, this is speculation.
  4. Best is subjective, the forum has compiled a list of some of the best all over the US. Use this list as a starting point, you will quickly come up with your very own top 10 based on their reviews and results. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  5. I'm doing 5mg 3x per week and 2.5mg 4x per week. I was also on 15% minoxidil prior to switching to oral and I found that the oral was still more effective.
  6. Yea, I don’t see that 30% being much more effective than 5mg of oral that costs $20 for 90 day supply. Unless you have severe sides on oral, it wouldn’t make sense to pay that much.
  7. That’s another good question. I think most have transitioned to FUE with the exception of Dr. Bloxham. Everyone who was pro FUT has basically transitioned to FUE. But there are some realities. FUE is a blind procedure because they’re not able to see under the skin. While FUT, the grafts are dissected under high magnification. It would be interesting to hear his take on it.
  8. Like any other medication, catch up hair loss. Whatever you would’ve lost without meds catches up to you.
  9. That’s a ripoff. I get a 90 day supply for $20. OP just get a prescription, if you have insurance see a dermatologist.
  10. In general, most who take fin report their testosterone goes up, this because it’s not being converted into DHT. But the reason why estradiol is important is to check if the testosterone is then converting into estrogen. So to me, these two are important. Total test is a marginal difference, free test is what matters since that’s what your body utilizes.
  11. Their concentration is always higher, hence why their cost is higher. The reason why they can have a higher concentration is because of the siloxysystem gel vehicle. It keeps the drug on your scalp through a slow release, which delivers most of the drug to your scalp and limits systemic absorption. Plus, the molecular weight of dutasteride is higher, so I would imagine that it is more difficult to absorb through the blood. Of course, this is speculation. But a lot of doctors agree, which is why topical dutasteride is so highly sought for, and regarded as the new gold standard. But not all topicals are created equal, that’s why I’ve been excited for XYON to release it because the siloxysytem technology +dut seems like a killer combo.
  12. If you have to buy it online get it from a legitimate pharmacy. Getroman actually sells it now for $10 a month, which is actually $10 higher than if you got a prescription and got it from a regular pharmacy.
  13. The main one is the DHT. I don’t know if it will interfere with any other hormones, but I would say estradiol and DHT are the biggest ones. Testosterone I’ve heard actually goes up, but probably not enough to make a difference. But a baseline is always good.
  14. That’s a good question. I believe he mostly does FUE now, but a good question is when is someone a better candidate for FUT.
  15. I believe Dr. Mwamba has a pharmacy that compounds it, but they have terrible customer service and tracking, so buy at your own risk.
  16. Alright guys, I know I took a sabbatical from doing the podcast. I was building the studio, but now the studio is finished. I promise this year I will be getting you guys the best guests possible. It's going to be live and interactive. You guys will be able to send me your pictures and get live consultations, get your questions answered, and much more. I will have a firm date by the end of the week. But for now, get your questions in!
  17. You healed incredibly well. Your donor looks in good shape. Can't wait to follow your progress.
  18. It depends on the compounding pharmacy. Some pharmacies use vehicles that have short shelf lives. But others don’t, there are some topicals that last 6 months.
  19. I’m scheduled to talk with Dr. Hasson, but from what I understand they got the best results using topical dut daily. Also, they tested the sustainability of their topicals and found they last for up to 6 months. I still have a quarter bottle of the fin that I’m gonna keep, it says its good until May of this year.
  20. If this is how how it looked at 8 months, can’t believe what it would look like now.
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