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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. The main one is the DHT. I don’t know if it will interfere with any other hormones, but I would say estradiol and DHT are the biggest ones. Testosterone I’ve heard actually goes up, but probably not enough to make a difference. But a baseline is always good.
  2. That’s a good question. I believe he mostly does FUE now, but a good question is when is someone a better candidate for FUT.
  3. I believe Dr. Mwamba has a pharmacy that compounds it, but they have terrible customer service and tracking, so buy at your own risk.
  4. Alright guys, I know I took a sabbatical from doing the podcast. I was building the studio, but now the studio is finished. I promise this year I will be getting you guys the best guests possible. It's going to be live and interactive. You guys will be able to send me your pictures and get live consultations, get your questions answered, and much more. I will have a firm date by the end of the week. But for now, get your questions in!
  5. You healed incredibly well. Your donor looks in good shape. Can't wait to follow your progress.
  6. It depends on the compounding pharmacy. Some pharmacies use vehicles that have short shelf lives. But others don’t, there are some topicals that last 6 months.
  7. I’m scheduled to talk with Dr. Hasson, but from what I understand they got the best results using topical dut daily. Also, they tested the sustainability of their topicals and found they last for up to 6 months. I still have a quarter bottle of the fin that I’m gonna keep, it says its good until May of this year.
  8. If this is how how it looked at 8 months, can’t believe what it would look like now.
  9. Everything looks great, how many grafts did you get in the crown?
  10. @Milkman555 I’m sorry to hear about your results. Please pm me your full name and date of surgery and I’ll reach out to the surgeon for their response. Also, please include which surgeon performed the surgery. It seems like you’re 6 months out from a second procedure? Is that second procedure with the same clinic? Was it free?
  11. Well, he probably doesn’t want to be too negative. He’s a surgeon himself, so he doesn’t want others being negative against him and his results. I think it’s tricky, I don’t really want to make a video putting his results on blast because I know that could be damaging to Brett himself. He seems like an overall good guy. If he were my friend I’d bring it up to him gently. I’ve never been a fan of the Greg Doucette style “expose” videos. Funny enough, many have done that about him now. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  12. No, I tried oral fin and got bad sides, so oral dut was a no go.
  13. No, that’s a good question. As far as I’m aware, they’re 1 of 3 offering topical dutasteride.
  14. I don’t think it’s water soluble. It’s got to work even if it rains right? That would be pretty flawed if it doesn’t hold up. I’m thinking we should have a Q&A thread where these questions can be answered by Xyon.
  15. That's a good question. My thoughts were that it is okay to shower once it's dried, as long as you're not washing your hair with shampoo. I have been showering a few hours after applying, but only wetting my hair with water not with shampoo. I still haven't gotten any side effects. But I have a podcast scheduled to discuss the topical dutasteride. I will have all of these good questions answered.
  16. My suspicion is that it will cause less systemic absorption, given the molecular size and weight of dutasteride. It's much larger than finasteride, so it will be harder for it to absorb systemically, administered topically.
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