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Everything posted by abcd0000

  1. I'm on week 10 and the growth seems similar (some grafts have remained, others are gradually sprouting, some seem to be still dormant and invisible). Wait and see what happens.
  2. Thanks for the response and good wishes, Dwight! Just measured, the distance is exactly 3 cm The doctor wanted to place my hairline somewhat lower but I asked him to lift it as much as possible. I figured out that the low hairline would be too drastic a change after having high forehead since forever, and second, with the size of my head and the donor supply, I figured out it won't be realistic to expect any good coverage with a lower hairline. Besides I won't be in my 30s forever, and my main goal was anyway to turn on the yes hair/no hair switch, so to speak.
  3. I am a very high NW (6+ to 7) and I had a HT two months ago with 4800 (FUE). You can see my progress on my profile and the thread I opened. I'll tell you my exact opinion in a year, but for now: 1) If you have realistic expectations, good donor area, and a solid surgeon, you can make a significant change. It is one thing to have a high hairline, especially if you're over 30, and completely another to have a "horseshoe look" as I did. It is going from "no hair" to "hair" in your eyes and in the eyes of the people around you, and that matters a lot. 2) Shop around and get as much information as you can. Some doctors refused doing surgery on me, others offered me 2000-2500 grafts in the hairline, each had their own opinion. I found a doctor who understood what I wanted and whose team did that for me. I will probably go for another surgery, as long as I have donor supply. 3) As for BH, I think it depends on the person and must not necessarily look unnatural, if you have an adequate supply and a skilled surgeon. You need to make an educated decision on that one. 4) Even if the HT works out too thin, there are also cosmetic and pharmaceutical aids, and I see nothing wrong in using them if they do the work. If they find a way to clone hair in the future, great, we will have that option, and be able to restore a full head of hair. 5) Until that day, however, I think we should work with what we have at our disposal. I have no objections to my FUE, it was virtually risk-free and I have nothing to lose (bitter laugh). Good luck man, I hope this was useful....
  4. That looks great. Did they add anything on the temples? You cannot tell from the pic.
  5. Yes but this will not work, it takes me to the homepage. Admins? Anybody?
  6. This looks great - I especially like the hairline but also the honest way in which you also showed the crown area, to see the realistic results. I think for that number of grafts, the results are stunning.
  7. Cash withdrawals abroad are usually the most expensive option, especially for larger amounts (depending on the bank) it can be more expensive than wiring the money.
  8. britboy, what is JR? I agree 100%. If women are allowed to use 1000 products to enhance their looks, why should it be a taboo for men to mask their MPB? I think though that it is very important to have it applied in a proper way, i.e., it should look as natural as possible. Just recently I saw a guy on the street who had his head covered with too much nanogen (including a thick hairline) and it looked completely unnatural and a little creepy to be honest. But I also had a friend a couple of years ago who was wearing toppik (or something similar) and I had no idea, I only realized it later when I discovered all the hair restoration universe. So I think that when properly applied concealers are completely normal and acceptable hair styling products, just as you say Cant decide, similar to hair sprays, dyes, gels etc.
  9. As I am approaching my time for concealers, I am deliberating between Dermmatch and Couvre. I see that people tend to be leaning towards Dermmatch, but I'd like to hear pros and cons and your recommendations. Thanks guys!
  10. Yes, a few hairs would come out each time during washing, together with scabs (not grafts, they were safely under the skin ) Dr. Maral told me it would happen. As for white residue, I don't know what do you mean exactly--I had some moisturizer left that wouldn't wash out easily, but I used to leave it as it was and it would disappear in an hour or two. I also had a few bits of dry dead skin after washing, I thought it was normal when you leave the scalp to dry by itself, but double check with the Dr. if it looks excessive. As for Minox effects, maybe it's just me. The big shedding came about day 18 and after, when I could count tens of hairs each time I'd go over my scalp. The day after I started applying Rogaine, it stopped literally completely (I counted 2-3 hairs falling per day). Maybe it is a coincidence, I really don't know. Either way, I thought it was important that the recipient area fully heals first, because it contains tons of chemicals I didn't want it to compromise the recovery. Unfortunately, despite my repeated requests, my PMs are not working
  11. I'll post some photos soon. It is pale pink, sometimes more, sometimes less. I take off my hat when indoors and no one seems to be staring. It also depends on the lighting. I kind of expected that, since I am Caucasian with very pale skin (the images are after a whole summer of tanning, so you can get the idea). A part of my top is also numb, but UK43 says it takes a few months to recover. The numbness is receding anyway, it is much better now than it was after the surgery.
  12. Most importantly--follow the doctor's advice! I had trouble washing the moisturizer out, until I figured out that it needs just a tiny bit of water to spread it evenly (otherwise it sticks and it is impossible to wash it out without touching the scalp, and you don't want to do it until it heals). Do apply it on the donor area also when it starts itching. In my case, it was about the day 10-20 and it was pretty uncomfortable, but the moisturizer helped a lot. I started Rogaine on 1 month mark, and now I think that I should have started a little earlier, to prevent the shock loss. My new hair started rapidly falling around the 18th day and as soon as I applied Rogaine it stopped. It does cause a very mild redness and itchiness, but nothing noticeable. It also works best when I apply it right after washing.
  13. All is as expected so far, and I am happy with the procedure, and the whole experience. I opened a topic on my progress a few days ago--click on my username--and I'll post some fresh images soon. (As it happens, my camera died the other day and I'm waiting the new one to arrive). It is better than I expected, to be true.
  14. The peak is a little asymmetrical, but it doesn't look bad at all! Nor the scars are visible. I'd try a little longer hair though, I think it could change everything significantly.
  15. Bill, can you please activate my private messages??
  16. Good luck man! I did my HT with Dr. Maral too. Just follow their instructions and your best judgment and you'll be fine. Although Dr. Maral said nothing about Minox, I resumed it approx 1 month after the procedure, after losing about 50% of the hair to shedding. It stopped the shedding almost completely. I now regret for not resuming it at 2 weeks mark, like everybody advises.
  17. Can you guys recommend a good place to do SMP, preferably in USA or Europe, and also give me an idea about pricing? I am finding only general information online. I am considering doing SMP on my crown for density, likely in combination with a second HT. Thanks!
  18. Hi, Can you please activate my private messaging? Thanks!
  19. That looks fantastic UK43! I wish my results look like yours! Happy birthday man!!!
  20. Thanks for the tips guys. It looks like I started using the moisturizer a little too early.
  21. Thanks Kimi! I remember the Dr. saying to avoid physical activity by day 7, that's why I was so freaked out. I am now taking it easy, just relaxing yesterday, and today I am working again but without heavy lifting and leaning, just light manual work not much harder than walking. I am having house renovation and of course it had to happen right at this time. Hopefully it will end today. Fortunately I don't see any difference on my scalp, the incisions seem to be closing nicely and and I sense that the scabs will start to fall off very soon from the scalp (it feels just a tad bit itchy), so I might even get away with this one. Wish me luck -- and happy healing to you!
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