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Everything posted by Rawkerboi

  1. Hope everything gets back to normal Please keep us updated!
  2. @sfp The result of the scar is totally dependent on the surgeon's skill. If the donor hair site is closed properly with minimal tension, usually the scar is minimal. Unfortunately, the rare unsatisfactory result gets all the press and the patients with excellent scars tend not to discuss it.
  3. @sfp Please do share your experiences Good luck for your procedure!
  4. Then who is the most expensive FUE doctor in India? According to you? And why no American doctor work in India coz Only Indian citizens are currently allowed to practice in the country while NRI doctors are permitted to work here only for teaching, research and charitable purposes, that too in select institutions and with prior approval of the Medical Council of India (MCI). Get your facts right
  5. 10 to 15mins is not enough, when I met Dr.Rahal he answered my tons of queries which took more than an hour, even he is busy person and ya one of the top surgeon.
  6. Hmm, really honest review, sad you not pleased. Will be good if you post some pictures, if you don't mind Anyways wishing you luck, hope you have nice result! :rolleyes:
  7. Please post some pre operation photos
  8. I absolutely agree with KO. Fin is the main weapon to fight against Hairloss.
  9. I am sorry, arent we allowed to soeak about dr?
  10. I personally feel Dr.Rahal is the best at FUT
  11. Sorry about your experience I personally feel you should start Big 3! Minoxidil 5 and Fin 1mg followed By Nizoral! Monitor your results and may be after a year you may consider HT to repair your hairline!
  12. Even I will agree with 2500 or 2800grafts, depending upon your donor density! Because of 2500+ grafts it will add more thickness to your hairline! 1700Grafts wont look too fuller!
  13. FUE vs. FUT Hair Transplants | Pros and Cons of FUE vs Strip Harvesting | Bernstein Medical Refer this. I personally believe FUT is better as it is much reasonable and results are very natural
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