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Everything posted by s2thoudriver

  1. Alpecin caffeine shampoo to help prevent further loss, Matrix boost conditioner to add volume. Hope this helps Rob
  2. Hi all, Well, my calendar reminded me that it's my month 2 anniversary today! I'm well and truly in the 'ugly duckling' phase now, with transplanted hairs at different lengths and my native hair no longer really short, or long enough for any real style. Oh well, short term pain, long term gain! I'm really pleased with progress so far, the donor area is un-noticeable (even under a bright flash) and i am seeing some good early growth ahead of schedule Still slightly pink but it's almost died down in the recipient area. So, without further delay, here are a few pics. Apologies, it's hard to capture them well on an iphone! Any questions just ask and i appreciate any comments/feedback Rob
  3. Hi there, Personally, i don't take any medication as my hair loss seems to have almost stopped now, i simply don't want the side effects. With regard to your treatment, if you are definitely wanting to have some form of HT, i would suggest some at the hairline and maybe some dense packing to fill in the native hairs if you think you are likely to loose some more. Rob
  4. I think your mind is playing tricks on you. At 41, you have a really good amount of hair, you should be proud! If you want your hairline lowering and your crown filling it would be no problem and can be done with a simple FUE procedure. Look at my pics from the consultation just before my FUE transplant and you'll see i had a lot less than you have and i'm 35! You've done one step of the hard part... accepting you want to do something about it. Let me know if you need any help throughout and i/others on here will help you through it. Regards Rob
  5. ...or simply do a search on here or in Google...
  6. Anywhere but the UK really, Belgium, USA, Turkey, Poland. All seem to be ahead of the UK in terms of techniques used, experience levels and results.
  7. You are welcome Moza, glad i can help. I shall be putting my 2 month results up on there tomorrow. Already seeing great early growth, very pleased! The next few months is going to be a long long wait for me, ggrr!! Kind regards Rob
  8. Welcome to the forum. First things first, please do not let your hair loss ruin your confidence and subsequently your life. You hair will do whatever is is going to do anyway, so spending your time worrying about it is just going to mean you waste time that you could be enjoying yourself. That said, i feel your pain, so with that in mind, let us (the forum) help and guide you to try and assist where we can. After all, the majority of people on here have suffered some form of hair loss at some point in their life and a percentage of us have undergone transplant treatment to help. So, whilst we get started on advising you, keep you chin up and lets get some of the basic facts about your hair loss to begin with.... What Norwood scale are you? How rapid has your hair loss progressed? Has your hair loss slowed recently? Are you on any medication now? Pictures speak a thousand words, so please post some up so we can have a look and help. A good HT doesn't have to be expensive or traumatic, it just has to be right. The hardest part is making the decision to have it done or not. We are here to help. Feel free to ask any questions you wish. I am 2 months post HT and feel much better already. It's the best thing i ever did and there are still 6-8 months of more hair to come through! Chin up chap Rob
  9. details sent to your mailbox Moza. Hope this helps you and let me know if you need anything else. Kind regards Rob
  10. No problem, I'll send you the details tomorrow, Thanks Rob
  11. It certainly wont do any harm to have the laser treatment. There are mixed reviews on whether it is effective or not at stimulating the follicles. I am currently running a bit of an experiment between myself and another patient who had FUE on the same day. I am using a 21 laser Raymax, he isn't. My hair seems to be growing more quickly and thicker than his and i have had no pimples, whereas he has. A lot of this is down to genetics, but i can say that my results are ahead of his, so the laser has certainly done no harm. Rob
  12. You could have FUE and then some SMP too if the rest of your hair is extremely dense
  13. I am also using Alpecin and have to say it seems to work wonderfully. It hasn't helped grow any new hairs but has slowed shedding down and made my hair feel stronger. Vitamins... i just take Hair, skin and Nails ones, available from places like Wilkinsons (cheaper). Tried Rogain for a few months, made zero difference on me.
  14. I am also using Alpecin and have to say it seems to work wonderfully. It hasn't helped grow any new hairs but has slowed shedding down and made my hair feel stronger. Vitamins... i just take Hair, skin and Nails ones, available from places like Wilkinsons (cheaper).
  15. I recently had a HT in Istanbul and the private hospital i used did all kinds of surgery, including many rhinoplasty operations. Pricing is approximately half the cost of the UK and the work they do is outstanding (from what i've seen of them). Plus, you get a trip to Istanbul, which is far nicer than i ever imagined! If you would like their details, just let me know and i'll get them across to you. Hope it helps Rob
  16. I wouldn't wear a hat at all after a HT, period. If it's sunny, use an umbrella. You need to get oxygen to your scalp, let it breathe and with a hat, it can cause your scalp to sweat. Wearing a hat also rubs against the head, which may cause grafts to dislodge (depending on how soon you travel after, really you shouldn't travel back less than 4 days after the HT to ensure the grafts are set and any facial swelling has subsided). At the end of the day, who cares if it's embarrassing. Remember, you don't know these people and will most likely never see any of them again in your life... and if you do they wouldn't recognize you as you will have hair! The people who stare, talk or snigger are either a) intrigued and dying to ask you questions (as i found out), or b) jealous that you have been brave enough to go through with it and have the confidence to walk through an airport. When i travelled back from Turkey, i had long-ish hair on top, red scabs forming at the front, grade 2 shave at the sides, grade 0-1 in the donor area and even had a bit of pen on the donor area that was refusing to budge! I just though 'who cares'. Embrace the transplant and be happy about it
  17. ... i would count on it, In Turkey they have been refining hair cloning for the last 4 years. They have successfully cloned and grown hairs and have transplanted them into trail patients. Once they are happy with the results after a certain period, it will become readily available. I am going to be contacting the surgeon who did my HT over the weekend to try and get more detail on the process, the results etc etc but i have been told that 2013 is looking very promising :-)
  18. Too close to cloning now to consider anything other than FUE. I can't wait for hair cloning to become available, I'll be buying it to add density to the whole of my head :-) Rob
  19. If you are likely to thin further in your native hair areas, it is advisable to have some dense packing done, i.e transplant grafts into the existing thick areas that are not yet effected by DHT. Also, don't forget, that the recipient density will unlikely be as dense as your existing hair, so gradual loss of the native hair should be un noticeable through a gradual thinning/loss. My strategy was to fill my balding receding areas and have dense packing in the centre and frontal region of the remaining native hair, to help eliminate the prospect of a patch look 5 years down the line. By that time, hair cloning will be in full swing and i can fill any subsequent areas with new hair grown in the lab :-)
  20. Just to let you know, i've sent you an email with the details Baldyman. If you have any questions or need any support, just let me know as i am more than happy to help. It's a big step for anyone to take (i should know, i spent years building myself up to it!), but i have been through it with them in Istanbul so can vouch for their expertise and commitment to patient care. Regards Rob
  21. Hi, I recently had FUE in Istanbul and am thrilled with the results so far. I am only just coming into week 6 and am already seeing some early growth, with no side effects along the way. I didn't use beauty travel 24, but did use a private hospital in Istanbul. All i can say is the whole experience was top class, the hospital facilities were outstanding, as was the surgical team. If you do a search on here for my threads, you can have a look at the results (so far). I also have a detailed blog site you are more than welcome to look at if you need advice on travelling to Turkey for your treatment. Failing that, just drop me an email with any questions and i'll gladly help where i can. Regards Rob
  22. I'm not concerned, more intrigued really as i didn't expect any growth yet at all. and thanks for the note on the after pictures, i was impressed with the work, it all seemed very clean. There are some transplanted hairs in the recipient areas that never shed and are a good 2cm long now, maybe 100-200 of these, but i seem to have another few hundred of these stubbly ones too. Very happy if it is early growth, seems my post HT procedure is working like a treat. It'll be interesting to see if/how quickly these little fellas grow over the next few weeks. As always, i'll keep a careful eye on progress and keep you updated. Many thanks Rob
  23. Hi All, Ok, week 5 and the shock loss seems to have completely stopped now and has got no worse since week 3. I have however, noticed an increase in very short/stubbly hairs in the recipient area where there were no hairs prior to my transplant (so can't be native hairs re-growing). Obviously, there are still hundreds under the skin hiding away in dormant stage for a month or 2, but i didn't expect growth this quickly??? Am i one of the lucky few to have some early growth? or is there another explanation for this? The other guy who was there at the same time as me has already got pimples on his head at the 5 week mark :eek: Tried to take a pic for you to see but it's on my iphone at work today. It's a pic of my left side frontal region. Any advice more than welcome. Thanks Rob
  24. Hi all, I presume no feedback or comments means that everyone thinks things look normal and on track? I've since had my hair trimmed to even it all out and it looks even better, the donor area is now undetectable, so i am very happy. Suppose it's just a long waiting game now until the transplanted follicles wake up and start producing new hair! Rob
  25. If FUT, then it should be enough to cover the scar, if FUE it's irrelevant as it'll be shaved down to a grade 0.5-1 at the time of the procedure anyway. Rob
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