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Everything posted by s2thoudriver

  1. Hi Hairsuit, Best thing to so is get the before and after pictures up here. Few other factors to consider... How old are you? What is your general health/diet? Is this the first HT you've had or 2nd...3rd...? What medication are you taking to combat hair loss? What other products are you using to help? Was your hair shaved for the surgery or left long? How strong would you say your native hairs are/were around the recipient site? How rapid was your hair loss prior to your HT? Some people have early growth and some later, it depends on many things. 5 months is still quite early so don't panic yet. Rob
  2. Well i must be a lucky one then as my FUE 'scars' are practically undetectable. I'd have to razor mine down to the skin to be able to see anything and even then then you'd have to be close up to see any tiny marks. For me, it certainly beats an definitive line round the back of the head, which is one of the reasons why i waited years for techniques other than FUT. I can't imagine the heartache people suffer when they had FUT done to correct their hair and ended up with a bad scar, really feel for them. That said, good surgeons can do the work with less scarring these days and if the hair is being kept long, it's not such an issue. Rob
  3. Hi, Couple of things here... 1. Any (decent) surgeon would most likely not agreed to d a procedure at your age, as you are susceptible to further loss through your 20's. Who has agreed to do it in October? 2. If a surgeon has agreed to do work for you, i wouldn't recommend FUT (strip) for just 800 grafts. It's a big scar for such a small number. A good FUE session would be more than sufficient (age permitting). From the pics, you seem to have a good head of hair anyway, so i would just maintain what you have for the present and then look to have work in the future. However, if you must have work done and have had someone agree to do it, i would recommend doing a larger session (FUE) of around 2,000 and having approx 1,000 in the hairline and another 1,000 dense packing in between your native hairs in the frontal 3rd to slow/soften any pending further loss. Rob
  4. Ha ha, no bonkerstonker, I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that it's such a great transformation and taken years off him, he could go further. It's next on my list, which must mean I need my face sorting out Rob
  5. I very much doubt it was $8 per graft. With that many, on a sliding scale it would be less than half of that, but the States and Europe are considerably more expensive than other places like India or Turkey. Interested in reading about "9,000 in one session". I posted the other day that the HT surgeon i used stated that 5,000 is the upper limit for FUE in 1 session and she rarely goes over 4,000 and got comments back sating 2,000 should be the limit for good yield. However, this figure of 9,000 in one session blows that out of the water! All the guy needs now is aye bag removal and an eye lid lift and he'll be a different man all together Rob
  6. Here's what i did and it has worked out fine.... Week 1 - nothing, eat, sleep, walk around the block for fresh air. week 2- 3 - no exercise that can be considered harder than walking, but do more walking. Week 3-4 - light cardio only Week 4-6 - medium cardio and light weights, lots of reps. Week 6 onwards...back to normal At all times up to 6 weeks, making sure your head stays above the body (so no decline bench presses). Dating.. i dated, women have been fascinated by it, even asking me about 'how the little fellas are growing' over phone or text. Don't be ashamed of it, they'll want you more for being confident enough to talk about it Worth noting i had FUE, not FUT, so i had no scar/staples etc to deal with. Hope this helps Rob
  7. Hi Zenmunk 2000 FUE is not a mega session. I would go for a single session at 2,000 grafts and save the additional second trauma to the scalp 8-12 months later. I had well over 2,000 FUE 10 weeks ago with no issues at all. The other patient had over 4,200, but they said they wouldn't go any higher in 1 session. Both of us are seeing great early growth, no shock loss and no complications. Rob
  8. Don't let this get you down. Simple fact of life is that people who openly try and make you look bad in public are jealous about something you have, whether it be wealth, looks, personality, friends, job etc etc. These people pick on the slightest thing to dry and get you to sink into the background, thus putting them into the limelight. The most powerful put down is one that can't be controlled, so the top one directed towards me is height (i'm only 5ft 7"), though hair loss is up there on the list of top put-downs for most guys. Most of the time, other people will already be thinking that loud mouth is insensitive, attention seeking and malicious, so the best thing you can do is just smile and not show it hasn't bothered you. If you shy into a corner, loud mouth has succeeded in breaking you down. Think of it like this 'it's good to get peoples feedback, now i know that i am using too much concealer, so i'll tone it down. Loud mouth has done me a favor by a) Kindly informing me, where others would have just let me carry on without saying anything (also, often an attempt to make them look better) and b) Done me a favor by showing everybody else that he's a complete muppet. People used to take the mick out of me for receding and trying to cover it up to try and put me down. I never showed them i was bothered about it as that would be them winning, i just shrugged it off and smiled, even though i was dying inside! What it did was do my a favor by highlight to me that something does need to change and make me think about my options. Thankfully one option for me was a HT. I am now 10 weeks into recovery and already i managed to get them to eat there words. Now they are the quiet ones as i stand and smile
  9. Hi Badbeat I was told whilst out in Turkey that human hair has already been cloned and implanted into patients. They are now monitoring and reviewing the results over a sustained period to ensure there is no rejection. This, i was informed by the owner of the company i used for my FUE work. He even advised me not to have too much done at this stage as it's worth waiting for cloning. He then went on to tell me about the stem cell research facility over the road from the hospital (impressive place) and the trials that are currently taking place. I have asked him for more information very recently, but he is out of the country on holiday at the moment. As soon as he is back, i shall quiz him some more to find out where they are up to. That's all i know so far, so you now know as much as me
  10. Hi Mickey85 I would gladly sacrifice 5-10 % yield loss for the sake of having a large scar across the back of my head. However, if the donor is limited, the surgeon has years of FUT experience and the patient don't mind living with the scar, then FUT is proven to get results. The clinic i had my FUE done at told me they stopped doing FUT years ago and quickly became as good as FUT with the evolution of FUE tools and techniques.
  11. 4000 FUE and SMP and you will have great results. You still have hair in the mid section on the top of your scalp, so it's just hairline definition, fill the crown and some dense packing to compensate for any future loss (which you should maintain if you are taking meds).
  12. I think the issue here is using the gauze as it will stick/pull at the hairs/grafts. I would clean your hands with antibacterial wipe then dab the liquid on using your fingers. That's what i was shown. Just lightly dab the recipient areas and don't be shy about getting it all over your native hair as it won't do any harm Don't comb your hair yet, just let the scabs form and fall, then your native hairs will come free as you wash your hair in a week or so.
  13. Just have FUE for now until cloning is readily available (should be within the next 12 months). No need to have FUT any more really, so avoid the ear to ear scar. All the debate about FUT vs FUE is down to surgeons preferred method or experience in certain techniques. People say that yield is better with FUT due to less follicles being damaged as with the FUE process, but the grafts still have to be extracted from the strip, so the yield is only ever as good as the skills of the person doing the dissection.
  14. Depends on your skin type as well. I have fair skin and have had 1 pimple in 10 weeks, whereas the other patient who had the procedure at the same time, has had about 15-20 pimples so far, has olive/oily skin.
  15. Hi Snowman, Where did you find out Rooney has had a second operation on Harley street? I'd be interested to know a bit more about that... Rob
  16. That sounds like a good deal. I look forward to hearing about your experience with Medhair and seeing the results Rob
  17. Hi Libero1978, To answer your questions..... I know a lot about Estethica well as that's the facilities where i had my HT!! but the company i use also have access to additional facilities at the Florence NIghtingale hospital too (for other, very complex procedures). I know about DR. Eser as that's the surgeon who performed the surgery, as she is employed by the company who arranged the full procedure. I work in the banking industry and am nothing to do with the cosmetic surgery industry at all, apart from having an avid interest in HT procedures and other treatments available. I know about how the private hospitals operate out there because i am a businessman and am interested to know how things run out there and runs/owns what... i'm nosy. I have researched HTs and treatments in Turkey a lot as the more i learnt, the more i was convinced that Turkey was the best place for me to have it done. I have heard about Medhair, but don't know much about them other than what they advertise on the internet. Please remember, i live in the UK, not Turkey, so i wanted to deal with a company who i could speak to in the UK first and commit to, before flying out. Unlike you, i do not have the luxury of being able to have multiple consultations out there. Who are you choosing for your work? Thanks Rob
  18. Hi LIbero1978 Estethica is a private hospital where surgeons rent or own parts of the building and facilities. This is very common practice in Turkey. As a result, it is full of surgeons who specialize in certain aspects of plastic surgery (and some with years of experience in several different surgeries). It has many floors (7 i think) and half of the 4th floor is dedicated to HT's. Who did you meet there? There are a few HT surgeons who either work for themselves, or are employed by HT clinics who use the facilities there. All are good though that i saw when out there. Regards Rob
  19. No problem future_HT_doc No, i'm not a representative for any surgeon, i work in the chip and pin industry for banks and governments, not the hair industry. I just know great work when i see it, so if i can help others overcome their fears, have the same quality of work and save them money, then i have no qualms in recommending the place i went. Regards Rob
  20. The majority of Spex/Feller recommendations/work are FUT, but it's good to know that FUE is an option. I certainly hope for 1,800 grafts, Iamx121 is going for FUE, that's not a massive number of grafts so would be a shame to have a big scar for, especially if very sensitive about how the hair/head looks. As with all Fellers work, i'm sure it will be good.
  21. Please tell me you are not having FUT? Do you really want a scar across the back of your head? Take time to consider all the options. ... Yes, Spex is a great guy and a fountain of knowledge, but he also works for Dr. Feller, so is bound to recommend him. Feller does FUT. Again, nothing wrong with Dr. Feller, he has had some fantastic results, but please please consider what's best for you. If you are depressed about how you feel now, imagine if you have visible scarring after FUT, you could feel worse. If however, you are completely comfortable with having FUT, then you are in safe hands with Spex and Dr.Feller, the results will be good. Rob
  22. The only thing that i can notice here is the design. It may be an illusion with the pictures, but from what i can see, the temple points seem too far forward and too pointy in design, making the hairline look more receding and bringing the temple points more into view from the front shot. If you look at the distance between the edge of the eye to the temple point and the brow to the temple point, it looks a little too short, which subsequently elongates the face. Maybe it's the camera angle but maybe it would be better to keep the temple points the same as before the FUE and lower the hairline by e.g 10mm. You could laser some of the temple point off to take it back and round it off, then have another 1,000 FUE to lower the hairline at the receding points.
  23. I'm not a surgeon but i would say it all depends on a few things: - Skin laxity and the effects of gravity over the years - How much you frown naturally - How your hairline will be in a few years time (higher hairline will give the effect of brow lowering) - The climate you live in (hot climate ages the skin I'm sure you could maintain it though through the use of botox etc as that will help work against the list above (apart from the hairline) Rob
  24. I agree that most hand held lasers like Hairmax are not powerful enough to have any major benefits as they only have 7,9 or max 12 lasers. However, i bought a more powerful Raymax handheld (21 cold lasers) and can actually feel it in my scalp when using it, so it must be doing something. I cannot say whether my HT recovery has been aided by it or not, but the redness in my scalp has nearly gone after 9 weeks, i've only had 1 pimple to date, no shock loss and some fantastic early growth. My native hair (crown, sides and back 3rd) also appear thicker, healthier too. Could be a massive coincidence, but i'm inclined to think it has helped recovery. I don't think it's helped re-grow any native hairs though. I must note that using the laser was my choice and not a recommendation from my surgeon. Her opinion was 'it might help the skin heal, but don't use it until after 10 days post surgery, as there is enough blood flow there already in the initial stage'. Basically, there's no need, but no harm. Rob
  25. Hi Iamx21 How are things? You feeling any better after speaking to people on here? Do you have a plan of action? Don't go quiet on us buddy. Hope you are feeling better, chin up Rob
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