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Everything posted by SpaceBetween

  1. i have a question regarding cutting/buzzing hair post op with Rahal. A Rahal patient on another site stated that Rahal's instructions were to not cut the hair for one month after HT. Is this true? I would be screwed trying to go back to work 2 weeks post op (probably going to be anyway, haha) Now, it doesn't seem many rahal patients ive seen on this site have waited that long. and how long until concealer can be used post op? thanks guys
  2. AWesome, thana! Can you point me in the direction of these "concealer pics" for your post op?! That is a huge concern for me and would love to see what you did. Thanks!
  3. Does anyone have pics or info of using concealers post op to conceal for going back to work or just in general? I know I will need to be using concealers post op and want to hear others' experiences of doing so.
  4. Does anyone have pics or info of using concealers post op to conceal for going back to work or just in general? I know I will need to be using concealers post op and want to hear others' experiences of doing so.
  5. Who can realistically take 1-2 months off, though? I find it hard to believe that all the guys who get a HT can take that long off of work. I would be fired for sure.
  6. Scorpian, are you using any concealers? Looks like you could benefit from the use of nanogen/toppik or maybe even some dermmatch. I know when I get mine I'll have to go that route
  7. LMS - I have to agree with the other posters. I mean you pop up on almost every post and have something negative to say, and I've seen you on other forums too. It's great that you are trying to warn people of the risks and all, but if you are this against HT, why do you waste your time being on the forums so much?
  8. Hey everyone. So my HT is schedule for about 6 weeks away. I am dying to cut my hair. I know instructions were to not cut hair for about 6 weeks before HT. So I would be cutting it close. I am dying to buzz down the back and sides and cut a little on top. Do you guys think I should just let it keep growing or cut it?
  9. Am I the only one who thinks the slicked back look is the worst? Especially when you don't have full density on top/crown. It brings more attention to your loss back there. It looks best with either the messy look or slightly combed forward, then have the front more up. That's just my opinion. (I like to use eman and Thana as good examples of what I am talking about.)
  10. It may be smart for him to stay away, but may not. The fact is that he already went the HT route. It could be possible he may need further work. It may not be an option for him to just let it go.
  11. What is this cicionly guy going on about ?
  12. Lookin' great as always, Thana! Are you wearing any concealer in any of the latest photos?
  13. I know you say that it looks worse when you look in the mirror, but based on that pic you look great. Hopefully more thickening will come. Plus, think about it, your temples were bald before. Looking good, wantego!
  14. eman - I am seriously sitting here in pure jealousy right now. You are shaved down to a #2 and you can't even attempt to make out a hint of a scar! This helps me feel even more confident with my decision to go to Dr. Rahal. I can only hope mine turns out half that good. The growth looks amazing! I bet youre happy to know that you can rock a buzz cut or grow it out. The options are open!!
  15. "It's good to have you back 16inchscar!" haha that didn't sound too good, Bill
  16. Hey Wantego, did you delete your blog? I did catch the picture after your haircut, but don't you have some more thickening to come?
  17. Thanks, everyone for all the words. Seriously. My mind has been racing so much lately on whether I'm making the right choice. I seem to read all of these negative posts about HTs on forums and it seems many people are convinced that one cannot be happy with an HT. I plan on telling Dr. Rahal to play this as if I will be completely bald. I simply cannot go on with the way my hair is right now. I've tried forever. I can't function normally. It's as if I'm waiting for someone to tell me that this is 100% the right choice, but I know I will never get that as it is up to me. I know I will require future procedures... but I want to not have to obsess over my hair anymore. I want to get this HT and be happy for awhile. Just get hair off my mind. It doesn't have to be perfect. I just want to be able to look in the mirror and not want to die. I am doing this to improve the quality of my life. I feel trapped and this is the only way out.
  18. Thanks LMS, I appreciate that. I still have plenty of doubts, but I'm hoping for the best as I have felt at a stand still in my mental happiness for the past couple years. I deifnitely didn't rush into this HT Yeah guys have thought the cure was "5 years away" since the 80's. No dice. I see a lot of guys on here say they count on that for future treatment. Please do not take that in to your plan. Guys in 2030's will probably still be saying the same thing.
  19. Lost- I completely understand what you are saying and I don't want you to think that I disagree with anything you say. I don't. I have a thread about my situation further down on this forum. I don't want to recite everything I have said in my post, but in short: I will never be a shaver. I've done it and it was terrible. I cannot get over this. I want my hairline restored conservatively to frame my face and save as much donor as possible for further loss. I will never have a full head of hair again. I know I will still have thin/bald spots after further loss. I don't think 20s are most important. I think my life as a whole is. My crown/top loss hasn't changed since I was 18 or 19. I'm confident in restoring hairline and down the road opting for further surgeries. It is worth it to me because this is my life. If it has completely devastated me, i refuse to just live with it. We all have different views on the situationm but we all only get one go around.
  20. Lost My Swagger- What is your background of HT's? Did you go to a less than optimal doctor? You seem very against HT's altogether and I know you say you've had a bad experience yourself.
  21. Now that I think about it, I really don't know the answer to this question at all haha. How does the transplanted hair stay there and avoid the dooms of male pattern baldness?
  22. Yeah, shaving does not thicken hair at all. That's a huge myth about hair. Shorter hair makes hair look thicker because the hairs are closer together and bunch up. Grafts are grafts... doesn't matter your length
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